ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 112 – 113 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 111 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 112

Don drove his black Nissan Amanda into the university of Lagos where he claimed to have graduated, but in the real sense, he was rusticated in his second year as a Biochemistry student and he couldn’t go home, he joined an armed robbery gang and started making money, while his parents thought he was still in school. Three years later when he must have graduated, he told his parents he has gotten a job with a six digit pay per month for a start.
“Where is their hostel?” Don asked as he manouvered his way.
“That’s it over there.” Deoye replied from the backseat just when a torchlight was flashed on them. It was one of the security guards.
“Duck!” Don barked silently.
Deoye quickly hid between two guys who were seated with him at the back.
“What do you have here?” The guard asked moving closer to Don who kept a straight face tapping his fingers lightly on the steering wheel. The guy seated on the passenger seat was whistling as he hid his face.
“I came to check my sister.” Don said pointing to the hostel a few metres away.
The guard pointed the torchlight towards the building painted in white.
“That hostel over there?” The guard asked.
Don nodded affirmatively getting irritated.
“It is out of bound to visitors. You can’t go in here once it is dark.”
“Mr man, you are wasting my time.”
The guard thought for a while before he allowed them to pass. Deoye sat up once again as he heaved a sigh of relief.
“You will go in now, we’ll be waiting out here for you.” Don said patting Deoye on the back.
Deoye landed silently into the compound and crawled towards the front door. And with a gentle push the door opened. He ascended the stairs and headed for the girl’s room.
With a light tap, he knocked on the door and waited a few seconds with no one answering. He removed a hand-driven drilling machine, placed it on the the door lock, it clicked open and he walked in carefully holding his gun high in his hand.
Alas, no one was in the room, he searched every nook and cranny of the room without making a single sound.
“Where could this girls be?” He asked himself.
“Maybe you should just leave, there is always another day.” A voice told him frankly.
He pocketed his gun and scattered the room to leave trace of his visit when he started hearing footsteps. He quickly hid inside the small room which served as their kitchen.
Tokunbo walked into the room suprised to see the state of the room.
“So this girls did not lock their door. Ah ah, who could have scattered this place?” She asked himself as she walked out.
Deoye concluded she went out to call her friends, an to avoid stories that touch, he felt it is high time he left.
He considered leaving a note behind for them but he’ll be wasting his precious time and chances of escape.
“Time to go.” He walked briskly out of the room. And when he was traces of flashlight heading towards his direction, he jumped from the verandah upstairs to the ground with little or no noise. He rolled to the side of the hostel when he realised he had woken up the hausa man keeping watch over the hostel.
The northern man grabbed his gun and headed for Deoye’s direction.
Deoye grabbed his head and covered his mouth before hitting him on the neck, he passed out, just when he started hearing screams from the girls alerting every other students in the hostel of a burgler in the compound.
Deoye jumped the fence like he had done when he came five minutes ago.
“How did it go?” Don asked as he sped past the hostel.
“I didn’t see them in their room. One useless girl like that gave me out.” Deoye explained.
“Boss, take the second gate on the west.” The guy seated beside Don in the front said.
It seemed these guys know a lot about the school, maybe they were all once students.
“Don’t brood over something that is not worth it. There is always a second time.” One of the two guys seated beside him at the back said.

Clement walked out of his office fastening the lock, he proceeded towards the counter to sign out.
“Oga, you are leaving?” A short bald man that stood behind the counter asked.
“I didn’t sign for the night job.” Clement replied.
The bald man handed a file to him and Clement fillied the neccessities, his name, rank, time of signing out and his signature.
“Goodnight.” Clement said and made to walk out of the police station when he bumped into Habeeb who was taking the night.
“You are leaving?” He asked.
“What do you think? I have a wife.”
Habeeb smiled as he remebered something.
“What do you suggest we do to thos cultists?” Habeeb asked.
“How do you mean? They’ll be questioned tomorrow, then we’ll be able to differentiate who is who and the fraternity they belonged to.”
“My mind tells me they belonged to Deoye’s frat.” Habeeb said.
“That makes our job easier.” Clement replied.
Earlier in the day, the school security were contacted, as well as the police to come and stop a fight that was ongoing between two cult groups in the school. The first group killed a member of the riva group and this escalated, there was a gun battle in which no one was hit, none of the cult members were hit but with use of other dangerous weapons, an additional cultist was killed while the last casualty sustained a head injury because he was hit with a redbrick(made from mud) on the head.
“We’ll be able to question them tomorro. But you can make Scorpion give you the names of his members, then you can call them into a different cell because am sure they’ll fight overnight.” Clement instructed.
“Okay sir.”
“Have you see Ngozi lately?” Clement asked.
“She left with her boyfriend.”
“Goodnight then.” Clement said and walked out of the bulding which was by now deserted, with only few officers on the night shift.
He entered his car and drove off.
Rachel has been anticiptating his return immediately the clock reached the hour of eight, she knew he’d be home any moment and she made up her mind to spill out her darkest secret to him, she dreaded what his reaction would be like. But he remembered who Clement was, that gave her a glint of hope, he doesn’t raise his voice on a woman, he doesn’t hit a woman.
Then came the most dreaded moment, his car honked outside the gate and he drove in seconds later.
She sat on the bed and thought of how she’ll explain to him.
“Sweety, I have something I want to tell you.” She said.
“Yes? What is it?” He asked removing his shirt.
“There was this guy when I was much younger. I loved him and he does too but somethings prevented us from taking things further. But recently I met him, one thing led to another and we kissed. That was because the feeling of the past was still there, but believe me, I now hate him. Baby please, it is you I love. And I know I am at fault because I allowed my emotion to get the better of me. Please for give me.” She explained with tears in her eyes when two hot slaps landed on her cheek in quick succession.
“How dare you? Feeling of old time? Emotion? Are you mad.” He asked moving closer to her.
She went pale. “Onome has put me in trouble.” she thougth.
“So you could cheat on me?” He asked.
“Baby, am sorry.”
He shook her vigorously.
“Sweetheart, am home.” He said.
She heaved a sigh of relief, afterall, it was just her mind playing tricks on her.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked joining her on bed. “I have been calling you for almost five minutes.”
“Tell him.” A voice said.
“You better don’t. His reaction has been shown to you. He’ll hit you and send you out of his house.”
She was torn between two ultimate decision. Its either she told him and he divorced he like he threatened in her imagination or she kept it in herself until he found out much later, and still divorce her. Same result for the two options. But the former seems okay, her predictions may be wrong afterall. He might not hit her.
“Am perfectly okay. I am only imagining how its gonna look like on that day that I go into the labour room.” She lied.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 113 by dy9ty7

Sandra saw Kelvin off to his car outside. Sandra who was dressed in her nightie hoping Kelvin will pass the night was suprised when Kelvin announced that he was leaving.
“Seriously, I don’t want you to leave.” Sandra said leaning on the car.
“Its not like I wanted to leave too, but you know I didn’t plan this beforehand. I came here yesternight because someone annoyed me and I know you’ll put smiles on my face. I’ll be back on sunday.”
“Promise?” She said smiling.
“I cross my heart.”
She jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips.
Kelvin unlocked the door and hopped behind the wheel. He switched on the ignition.
“Baby, please call me as soon as you got home.” she said pouting her lips.
“Yes your highness.” He said.
She blew him a kiss and this seemed to pummel him, he sped out of the compound.
Ngozi had just finished preparing dinner and was setting the table. Her fiancee, Tobiloba was seated in the living room watching a soap opera.
“Sweetheart, the table is set.” She annouced.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He replied without looking back.
Ngozi frowned as she walked into the living room and stood in front of the television.
“Whats the matter?” He asked camly.
“Your food is ready.” She repeated.
“I said I’ll be with you in ten minutes, I can’t afford to miss this episode.” He replied.
“But you can watch from the dining now.” She pushed further.
“You won’t understand.”
“What is it that I won’t understand? Twenty minutes ago, you almost died because you are hungry, now that the food is ready, you are talking about not wanting to miss one stupid episode of a soap opera that is not made in your country.” Ngozi said angrily.
“It is set in Mexico. You see that girl, she is the lead actress.” He said trying to get on her nerves.
“Lets go and have our dinner now. I’ll help you download this episode, then you can see it on your laptop.” She said and switched off the television.
Over the years, Tobi had learnt not to go into arguement with his fiancee, because she is a police and could vent her anger by one day pulling out her gun. So he had always threaded carefully, playing the dumb, something he will later on still regret.
Five minutes into their meal Ngozi brought up the issue of Mr Ayo Okorie’s residence and her decision to handle it.
“Are you out of your mind?” Tobiloba asked.
“How do you mean?”
“You want to explore an underground which you couldn’t even locate. An underground that you had no idea of what could be underneathe. Are you tired of leaving? Don’t you love yourself? Even if you don’t, remember some people do, of which I am.” He poured out.
“But you knew what this job entails before you supported me to enter for it.” She said trying to be cool.
“I only supported you because I don’t want you to feel bad. I want you to be happy, do what you wanna do for us to live happily.” Tobiloba replied.
“Seriously baby let me do this. This is my only chance, I promise you that I’ll resign once this is over and we’ll live happpily.”
“If you like, you may resign now, I am the least concerned but there is no way you are going into the underground.” Tobi stood his ground.
Ngozi tried persuading him to at least let her do it but he didn’t look like giving in soon.
“I think I am done here.” She said washing her hand and angrily walked out of the dining room.
Clement unlocked the door into Kelvin’s room and headed for his tv stand. He searched the shelf on the which the 21 inches television stood with a dvd player and two speakers on both side of the shelf.
Then his eyes got what he wanted. He saw five film jackets lying on the floor, he examined them carefully.
“These films are new, so where did he keep the once he had watched?” He asked himself.
He walked towards his brother’s wardrobe which was locked, but he knew he could unlock the wardrobe with little or no resistence from the lock.
His police mind told him to go for it and check whatever was inside, but his second mind advised him against it. “Its his privacy, you shouldn’t check it while he is not there. You being here is wrong.”
He has learnt over the years not to act on his police instinct when it comes to his family or someone close to him. He opted to heed to his other mind, he carefully walked out of the room and locked the door like he had met it.
But his police mind kept telling him, Kelvin has a skeleton in his cupboard. But how sure is he?

–to be continued–

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 113

What do you think of Clement’s resolve not to check his brother’s wardrobe. Don’t you think he has lost the only chance to nab his brother without much problems?
But Kelvin on the other hand could be innocent. Its wrong to work on guesses. He need facts.

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2 years ago

I was scared at first that Clement slapped Rachel ooh…let her confess to her husband. Clement shd dig more into kelvin since his instincts tells him his brother is hiding something