ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 106 – 110 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 106

Ngozi kept quiet as Sylvester drove towards Dolphin estate where Mr Ayo Okorie’s residence was located. This was the first time she’ll be working with Sylvester directly, even though they were both visiting officers, Ngozi works at the Area F-command while Sylvester work for an intelligence agency, the FBI and he was contacted to help the police with his team.
Ngozi wanted to ask him questions but the look on his face showed he was in no mood for such.
She cleared her throat to gain his attention. He only glanced at her and turned to face the main road within a second.
“Sylvester.” Ngozi called.
He turned to face her with an askance look.
“When are you leaving?” She asked.
“Do you have a problem with me leaving or staying?”
Ngozi smiled.
“You see, I have no problem with either of the two, its just that am suprised everyone is begging you to stay.” she replied.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked smirking his lips.
“What do you expect, like if you leave now, I’ll be happy.” She replied.
He frowned a bit but quickly concealed the frown with a dirty smile.
“Everyone wants me to stay. Even your bosses who are too old to handle a revolver. I single-handedly led the team that successful sent the notorious Ayo out of the town. I am an asset.”
“You are yet to achieve what some policemen have achieved, the likes of Clement, Late Okoro, Mike and even the late Charles. All you have is the ability to read the situation and you have the tactical knowledge, the execution is what you don’t have. Its not like you led the team into the residence, you gave them how to invade without anyone noticing.” Ngozi said angrily.
“You were not there and please I am driving, I need to concentrate.” He replied shutting her up.
Fifteen minutes later, he pulled up in front of Mr Ayo’s gate where five soldiers stood guarding the gate.
“Don’t just sit down there lady. Come with me.” He said.
Ngozi opened the door and came out, she rounded the car and walked towards the gate with Sylvester.
“I am agent Sylvester, FBI fourth clearance level assisting the police and with me here is Ngozi.” He said flashing his FBI badge.
Ngozi produced her ID car and showed it to the millitary men.
“This way.” one of the millitary men led the way towards the main gate.
The gate was opened from within after the soldier leading the way tapped the gate lightly.
“Who is in charge here?” Sylvester asked.
“Leiutenant James.” The soldier replied.
They walked into Mr Ayo’s living room which was in a total mess, books flung everywhere, broken glasses, half burnt chairs to mention a few.
“How long do you stay here?” Sylvester asked.
“Twenty four hours. We work in shifts.”
A young man dressed in uniform stood beside another uniformed man and were conversing in low tones.
“You can go, I’ll take it up from here.” Sylvester discharged the soldier who nodded and walked away.
The two millitary men stopped talking immediately they saw Sylvester.
“You must be James.” Sylvester said to none of them in particular, but he had his eyes set on the younger uniformed man.
“And you must be Sylvester.” The younger man replied.
Sylvester dropped his hand on Ngozi’s shoulder. “This is Ngozi, a policewoman.”
“Here with me is Hassan.” James replied.
The four officers set to work with Sylvester assuming the lead role, he dished out intstructions while James explained the layout of the house to them.
Sylvester siezed the opportunity to push Ngozi around as he made her work hard, opening locked door without keys, he was happy she came along. He was punishing her in the best of his abilities.
“Come and see this.” Ngozi said to Hassan whom he had developed likeness for because of his calmness.
Hassan walked towards her holding a laptop which was almost broken into two with him. They were both in a room they assumed belonged to Mr Ayo himself.
“A diary.” Ngozi said to him as they both glanced through the pages of the book. Ngozi’s attention soon drifted off to a shelf that stood beside a doorway. She walked towards it and picked up the first thing her eyes caught.
It was a map in which every part of the house was drawn.
“A map?” Hassan asked as he peeped from behind her.
Ngozi nodded as she used her hand to trace the main gate to where they were and truely, the room belonged to Mr Ayo.
Then her eyes caught something that heightened their curiousity.
“An underground?” They both exclaimed.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 107

Rachel walked out of the hospital building into the parking lot with Doctor Rapheal holding her hand.
“When next am I seeing you?” Rapheal asked.
“Next month.” she replied.
“You must have been due for delivery then?” he asked.
“Yes, so you’ll see me everyday then.” She replied.
He frowned his face and stopped her just beside her car.
“I’ll be on leave by then. Doctor Andrew would have returned by then. He’ll handle your delivery.” He explained.
“Then you won’t see then.” She said conclusively.
He thought for a few seconds before he spoke.
“I have a plan.” He announced.
“Tell me about it.”
“You said you are currently staying with your father-in-law right?”
Rachel nodded affirmatively.
“Persuade your husband, so you both can return to your house. While he is at work, I’ll visit you at home during my two hours break.” He said.
Rachel wanted to say no, but the smile on his face reminded her of how she craved for those smiles.
“Thats a very good idea. I’ll talk to him and give you his reply in the evening.”
He opened his arms for a hug but Rachel turned to unlock her car doors.
“Won’t you give me a hug?” He asked.
“I am married.” She replied.
“You were single when we were kissing in there right?” He asked mischievously.
Rachel’s face turned red with embarrassment. She hissed angrily and hopped behing the wheel.
“Give me a call once your husband consents to your return back home.” He said smiling as she angrily backed out the car and in one swift turn of the steering wheel, the car was facing the main gate. Not even in her wildest dream, she never thought she could drive like this. As a matter of fact, she believed the type of stunt she pulled was only possible in movies.
“Mad driver.” He thought as he walked back into the hospital.
By the time Victoria drove out of Dolphin estate, she realised the day has been far spent and she still need to see Don before heading home. She removed her phone and dialled his number.
“Are you home?” She asked.
“Ok, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” She replied and hung up.
He eyes roamed about the street and something caught her attention. A group of soldiers guarding the front of a house. Only God knows who owns the house, he must be a household name. She thought as she waited at the estate axis for the traffic light to turn green, so she could move.
Ten minutes later, she pulled up in front of Don’s residence. She alighted from the car and walked to the gate. She knocked three times and the gate was opened.
“Avicky vicky baby.” A mean looking guy, Deoye’s friend said.
Victoria maintained a straight face as she ignored him and walked towards the main house.
“No begin think sey you better pass me o. All I know is that you can’t pull out of the group now.” The guy said to her retreating figure.
“Your headache.” She said without looking back.
“Wide p.u.s.s.y.” He smirked.
She ignored him and walked in, a light complexioned dude opened the door for her.
“Where is Don?” She asked rudely, thinking he was one of the newest members. The son of a richman who needed protection.
“Take a sit.” Deoye said politely.
She scritinized him for a second before she settled down on a couch.
“Don ask me to keep your company. He is busy in there.” Deoye replied.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“I am Deoye.” He replied.
“I didn’t ask for your name.”
“I am Don’s cousin.” He replied darting into the kitchen to get her a drink.
He returned a few seconds later with a bottle of soda and a cup of ice.
“How do you know my favourite? Or is that all you’ve got in your fridge?” She asked.
“It was written all over you. I love soda. Pretty ladies are predictable.” Deoye replied.
She didn’t smile neither did she frown. She maintained that same old look.
Five minutes later, Don walked into the silent living room looking refreshed after a very hardwork in his room. Even though Deoye tried to engage Vicky in a conversation, she just showed him how uninterested she was by replying in monosyllables like ‘no’ ‘yes,’ he gave up when he realised that he was getting nothing out of her. Maybe he was boring. He concluded.
“Lets go.” Don said to Vicky who stood up at once and walked out of the living room.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 108

Clement was deep in thought in his office, he meeting with the state commissioner of police didn’t go well. He never envisaged something like this in his career. This was exactly what he would describe as a displacement. A knock sounded on his door.
“Come on in.” He said.
The door was pushed open and Sergeant Mike walked in.
“Mike, how do you do?” He asked smiling.
Mike stood still and saluted his boss. With a wave of hand, Clement eased him. “Take a sit.” He said.
Mike drew a chair from under the desk and sat down facing his boss.
“How are you feeling now?” He asked.
“Am much better, at least, I can use my hand and I reported to work this morning.” Clement replied.
“I should have come to see you in the hospital but the assignment on my table is too enormous that I spend most of my nights here and on campus.”
“That’s nothing to worry about. I was with Dolapo and her friends today, they claimed a group of policemen were assigned to them.”
“Yes sir, since the job has been divided. Its impossible for me to keep tabs on Deoye and his gang and at the same time, provide security for the girls. So I had to call on Robert.” Mike explained.
“That’s brilliant. Who is this Robert?” Clement asked.
“He was at the Area F-command before he was transferred to the Apapa police station. He is friend, so he volunteered to help. And with the right paper work, he was released.”
Clement smiled at his brilliance and the way he does his thing. Mike is fast becoming a better policeman.
“What have you found concerning Deoye and his gang?” Clement asked.
“We narrowly missed him yesterday. He was lodged into a hotel…..” Mike explained how they striked a deal with the receptionist and how they lost him, including the ordeal the poor receptionist went through.
“You were wrong from the start, you shoud have taken all protocols into observation. You spoke with the receptionist which was the first thing to do, did you see the manager? What about the security men who could get him for you?”
“Am sorry sir, since everyone wanted it that way I had no choice.” Mike replied.
“Who are the everyone?”
“Sergeant Habeeb.”
“Who is in charge of the case?” Clement asked angrily.
“He is.”
“Who is the superior?”
Mike couldn’t answer the last question.
“If you tell him to do something, he will comply because you are the superior officer.”
Mike nodded his head.
“I know how to get Deoye, am ready to step into the case.” Clement announced.
Activities inside the Khal corp has been brought to a halt in the last five minutes, no one was moving. All security men guarding the entrances and the exits have all gone into a closed door meeting with the CEO of the corporation, Abdul Maleek.
One hour later, the meeting ended and everyone, numbering up to a hundred and fifty trooped out of the great hall.
“Kelv, we need to talk.” Maleek who was busy introducing a new man to the top officials.
Meleek took Kelvin out of the hall into his chamber in the underground.
“You didn’t show up after your attack on the vice president. Why? Don’t tell me you are planning to chicken out at this stage.” The Sudanese terrorist asked.
“I recieved a letter from the corp.” Kelvin replied.
Maleek frowned from under his mask.
“A letter? We don’t send letter to top members, why would you recieve a letter?”
“I was asked to find my replacement.” Kelvin replied.
Maleek dropped his right hand on his shoulder.
“You know what? I’ll get whoever is behind this. Let your mind be at rest, you are an important asset to the corporation. Even if you die, we’ll prefer to have your dead body with us. It inspire us and keeps us going.” Maleek expplained and walked out of the chamber.
Kelvin followed him after a few seconds with the question “who would want me out of the corporation? Something is wrong somewhere.”
He knew he had to go home, but he wanted to know who the new man was, he seemed to be very rich or used to be rich, he had muscles at the right places. He was flanked at the back, right and left by mean looking bodyguards.
Maybe he owns the corporation afterall and invited Maleek to run it facelessly.
As he walked towards the exit door he heard something that throbed his mind.
“They are two policemen, Sylvester who invaded my residence and Clement his boss. We need to shut them up, but not by killing them” The new man said.
Every top officials(members who don’t execute attacks) on seat all gave the new man a explain yourself look.
“We’ll attack someone whose death will demoralize them” The new man said.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 109

Ngozi was still discussing with Hassan on
how best to handle the situation. Then
Sylvester came strolling into the room.
“Don’t just stand there. Keep searching, we
may find something helpful.” He said to both
of them, his eyes darting towards the map in
Ngozi’s hands.
He strained his eyes trying to see the map
from where he stood.
“What’s that?” Sylvester asked.
Ngozi quickly folded the paper and hid it in
her pocket.
“Its nothing.” She replied.
Sylvester moved closer with clenched fist.
Ngozi moved backwards defiantly still holding
the pocket where the map was hidden to
prevent it from flying out.
“Give me that thing in your hand.” Sylvester
“Its something personal. Was showing it to
Hassan.” She replied, this time, she had
reached the wall and there was little she could
do anymore.
Sylvester held her shoulders roughly and
pinned her to the wall. He freed one of his
hands to her back pocket, which she still held
onto. Hassan quickly seperated them even
though, Ngozi offered no resistance except
that she still held onto her pocket firmly.
“Hey man, be a gentleman for one.” Hassan
Sylvester gave Hassan a ‘does it concern you’
look, but seeing he was no match for the well
built millitary man before him, he walked out
of the room.
Ngozi leaned on the wall suprised at her
defiancy and stubborness. Hassan walked up
to her.
“What do you intend doing with the map?” He
“Don’t say a word to anybody. We’ll both work
on it on our own. Am suspecting Sylvester, his
hands are not totally clean. Write down your
number, I’ll keep in touch with you from time
to time.” Ngozi explained.
Hassan wanted to say something, but he kept
it within him and nodded in the affirmative.
“Good, so now lets continue with our search.”
She said as she lifted a couch very close to
her to see if there is anything hidden
“I need to power this laptop.” Hassan said.
Ngozi left what she was doing and walked
over to where Hassan was seated.
“Is it working?” She asked.
Hassan nodded. “The battery is down. It could
reveal some facts.”
“Let me see if we could power the generator.”
With this, she walked out of the room leaving
Hassan to the task of searching for the laptop
She walked the whole length and breadth of
the house with no sign of a power generator.
“Is it possible for a house as big as this not
to have a power generator?” She thought as
she walked towards the front gate where an
electric pole stood. To her suprise, the electric
pole didn’t connect to the building she was in.
Meaning, Mr Ayo doesn’t use electricity
provided by the government. But he has
electric appliances in his house, how does he
power them? A mystery.
She returned to Mr Ayo’s room to brief Hassan
about the latest revelation.
“Its not possible. And did you check if he uses
solar?” Hassan asked.
“There is nothing of such.” She replied.
“Lets check the map, you know, you could
have missed something while you were
searching around.” He said.
Ngozi immediately produced the paper map
and unfolded it, they both scanned the map
but couldn’t see anything. Just then, Hassan’s
eyes darted towards the part where the
underground, and saw something that
heightened his curiousity.
He showed it to Ngozi.
“Power?” she asked.
“I guess, that where the house is being
They both colcluded that the underground
must be a very important part of the house.
Will the two of them be able to pull it

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 110

Don walked into the living room finally. Since he left with Victoria over an hour ago, he was just coming back.
Deoye has been anticipating his return because he has some questions for his cousin.
“Welcome bro.” Deoye said.
“Thank you guy.” Don replied as he slumped unto a couch nearest to him.
“How my babe na?” Don asked glancing towards his room.
“She neva commot o. As you left, I didn’t see her at all.” Deoye replied.
“Maybe she is sleeping, you know. I did her so well that she couldn’t move.” He said with a wink. Deoye smiled.
Don picked the tv remote and searched for a suitable channel and luckily for him, he found a music channel.
“This is good isn’t it?” Don asked.
Deoye heard his question quite well but he couldn’t reply probably because he was deep in thought and conversing. So he couldn’t use his mouth.
“Guy!” Don shooked him.
Deoye snapped out of his thought and faced his elder cousin.
“Wetin?” Don asked.
Deoye hissed silently and adjusted himself on his seat.
“That girl who just left. How she be?” Deoye asked.
Don gave a wicked smile.
“That girl is way above your level. You are a small boy compared to her. Okay?”
Deoye wanted to ask more questions but Don was already on his way out of the living room, so he let them pass.
“Get ready. You are rounding up your attacks tonight. We are driving into your school today. Those girls have to die today.”
Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, even though he had already written himself off as a student, he knew he has been rusticated.
Clement was seated in a round table alongside Habeeb and Mike. Two other uniformed policemen completed the fold.
“So how do we intend to get this guy?” Habeeb asked.
“Good question, we have his car in custody right?”
“Yes sir.” One of the uniformed policemen replied.
“I believe he can run no more without his car. All we need to do now is invade his room and get some necessary facts.” Clement continued.
“Darasimi said something like his gang members all lived in the same lodge with him something Scorpion attested to.” Habeeb said.
“Good. We’ll release Darasimi, she has been of help to the last she could do. Now all attention must be shifted to Scorpion. I believe he can lead us to Deoye.” Clement continued.
“From the questioning sessions that I had with Scorpion, he said Deoye’s parents lived in Niger state. But he said he has a cousin here in Lagos, he also had another cousin in Yabatech.”
“If we get the facts, its possible he is hiding with either of them.”
“So what do you suggest?” Clement asked.
“A team should be sent after those cousin of his, then the second team can act within the school campus.” Habeeb replied.
“Lets get it done with then.”


–to be continued–

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Adeyemi mutiyat
Adeyemi mutiyat
2 years ago

Please next episode

2 years ago

Getting tougher, this is a big war btw them..hmm Rachel I pity yu ooh be careful