Please Break My Heart E17 – 18 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina

Please Break My Heart E17 by Tomi Adesina

“Did Prince Charming forget to pick up Cinderella?” Dad asked as he turned on the lights.

                I cursed softly. I had tried to tip-toe into the house so he won’t see me when I walked in. “Morning Dad.”

                                “Dare didn’t drop you off, why?” he asked.

                I sighed. “I told him not to.” Dad stared at me with a knowing look. “I insisted.” I said, firmly.

                                “And he just left you to yourself in the dark? He is less than a man; I think he’s erm…a veggie.” He replied, dropping his wine glass.

                I stared at him with disgust.

                                “You look sad, D?” he chuckled. “There is something you must know dear, Dare is just as weak as his Dad.”

                I groaned. “Dad!” he stared at me and laughed. “This is the result of taking excess Vodka.”

                                “This is Irish Cream.” He corrected, caressing the bottle.

                I was put off. I headed for the stairs. “Stop coming to my house late.” I hissed dryly and ascended the stairs. “Darlene, I am flying Daniel out of the country, I am taking the money from you.”

                                “This is serious Dad. I think you should resume your counseling classes in London. You have relapsed greatly.”

                He hurled the bottle at me. “Get back here.” I stuck my tongue out and raced upstairs.

                                “How did it go?” Dora asked, as she turned on the light.

                I was startled. “What are you doing here?”

                                “Waiting for you,” She replied. “So gist me, how did it go?”

                I sunk into the bed. “There was a shocker. If not for that, I’ll say, it went fine.” I replied, taking off my wrist watch.

                                “Jake showed up?”

                I grimaced. “It would have been a disaster. Reina Martins made her grand return to Lagos today.”

                                “Who’s Reina Martins?” she asked.

                I picked my bath robe and left for the shower. “Reina used to be Dare’s ex, and the mother of his child.” I said, as I turned on the shower.

                                “Are you kidding me?” Dora shouted.

                I laughed. “Come on Dora, nothing should surprise you in Lagos. You are the wonderful sorceress who understands Lagos’s men, why then are you stunned?”

                                “So a father took you out today?” she asked.

                My face fell. I came out of the bathroom and wrapped a towel around my head. “His son is late.”

                                “I am sorry about that.” She replied as she took her seat. “Was he ill?”

                I shook my head. “Moment of irresponsibility from Dare and Reina cost the kid.” I sighed. “Got time?” I asked.

                                “Always.” She replied, and took her seat.

                She clapped her hand into her laps like my grandmother used to when I was living with her. She had to said to me when I was 5 and asked for my mother:

                                “Yo Momma is me.” She said in her broken African American accent.

                                “You are too old to be my mama.” I replied.

                She frowned, clapping her hands into her laps. “You are one real smarty, so I might as well tell you the truth, yo momma is never gonna be with you. She died!”

                                “Granma, but she isn’t old.”

                Grandma had told me all about death that day. I cried and sought solace in my grandma’s arm. She was always a listener and at this moment, Dora seemed just like her.

                                “Dare and Reina got into an argument, so he refused to pick their son up from school.” I started, as I sat besides Dora. “She had to pick him up and she was just learning to drive. You know the rest.”

                Dora’s eyes shot angrily. “What’s a kid got to do with their problems?”

 “It’s all history anyways,” I replied.

                Dora smiled. “So, Reina showed up at the meeting. Was she invited?”

                                “I don’t think so. Dare was surprised to see her. She’s been out of town for over a year.”

                Dora grinned. “Ghost returns to town and chooses the perfect way to announce her arrival.”

                                “I guess.”

                Dora hugged me tightly.

                                “What was that for?” I asked, releasing myself.

                She smiled. “Evil step sister stole Prince Charming.”

                I grimaced and threw a pillow at her. She threw it back, and I engaged in my first pillow fight in almost 15 years. I had my last pillow fight with Grandma.

                Today is Saturday, not my favourite day of the week anyways. I slipped into my slippers. Dora was still sleeping. I left for the kitchen; I saw it as my perfect opportunity to make breakfast and show my skills in the kitchen. I can cook!

                                “What’s for breakfast Dora?” Dad asked as he stepped into the kitchen

                                “Poison for you.” I replied.

                Dad laughed. “You are such a pain D. sorry about yesterday.” He said, opening the fridge. He poured some milk. “You care?” he asked.


                He sipped. “Still watching your weight? You are a size 8.”

                I smiled. “I am fine Dad; you know I don’t want to blow up.” I turned on the gas cooker.

                                “What’s for breakfast? BLT?”

                I laughed. “Potatoes and scrambled eggs. I could add some broccoli for you; Dora bought them from the grocery yesterday.”

                                “Broccoli will do. Are you going for your driving lessons today?” he asked.

                I nodded. “Yes, Dad. I’ll call to schedule for noon.” I replied, not taking my eyes off the Frying Pan.

                                “Do you want Daniel to take you?” he asked.

                I smiled. “He’s restrained from me, Dad.” I replied. “I don’t want us to argue this morning because of Daniel, so let’s just forget it.”

                                “If you say so.” He replied and returned the Milk Jar to the fridge. “I’ll be in the garden. Have to talk to Mavis about the Tulips; they are growing faster these days.” He added and left through the back door.

                I stared at him as he walked out. I am so sure that Sir Williams would soon return with a plea for Daniel.

                                “Morning Sis,” Dora said as she opened the fridge and fetched the milk jar.

                I smiled. “I like the love between you and Dad. He also likes Milk”

                                “Hmm…and you?”

                I shook my head. “Not a fan.”

                                “You are not missing anything. So, did you tell Jake why you turned him down?”

                I widened my eyes. “Oh no! I ought to have called him. Please watch over the Potatoes, I’ll just get my phone.”

 “My pleasure.”

                I left for my room to get my phone. I had to come up with something as to why I didn’t reply Jake. It was still early in the morning, Jake isn’t the early riser, but it’s not so bad to call at 6:45AM, Is it? I rung Jake’s phone to avail and I finally sent a text. “Sorry Jake, I was booked.”

                I returned to the kitchen, but Dora wasn’t there. I heard her voice down the hall way and I was sure that Dad must be saying something to her, maybe about Daniel. I left for the hallway.

                                “Hi Darlene,” Dare said.

                I was surprised. Dare was in my house so early. He wore a grey V-necked sweater, Denim and a Supra Hi-top. For a moment, I thought I was seeing Jake.

                                “I’ll leave you two. The Potatoes are calling.” Dora said and disappeared into the hallway.

                I sighed. “So, what do you want?”

                                “Aren’t you gonna let me in? I am still standing in the doorway.” He replied, with a smile dancing around the corner of his lips.

                I shrugged and shut the half opened door. “This way please,” I said, leading him into the guest living room. Dad would have a fit if he saw Dare in his luxury living room. Dad would rant about the 1908 Chandelier ball and all the antiques that his house posed.

                                “Make yourself comfortable.” I said and left for the bar.

                Dare stared round the living room. “Nice Guest waiting room.” I ignored his comments. Dad had me put the wallpapers for the guest living room and I chose the other designs. I returned with a glass of water.

                                “Here you go.” I said, handing him the glass.

                Dare stared at me and sipped the water cautiously.

                                “It’s alright, drink up. You must be tired.” I said carelessly and sank a chair. “What do you want here, Dare?”

                He dropped the glass and smiled. “I want to apologize for last night.”

                                “What happened last night?” I asked, pretending not to care. “Please Dare, forget whatever you came here to apologize for, because to me, there was no sin.” I said.

                Dare sighed. “That aside, I came to take you to the movies.”

                                “You are kidding me, right?” I asked, as I folded my arms. “What responsible lady goes to the movie early in the morning?” I asked, glancing at the clock.

                Dare raised his eyebrows in a teenager’s way. “It’s Saturday.”

                                “I am occupied for the day. I have to take my driving lessons, and I have to be home in time because I must go to church tomorrow.”

                                “I thought I already apologized.” He said, pulling a sad face.

                I smiled. Dare had turned ‘babyish’. “I have to take my lessons, its important.” I replied.

                                “Make an exception please, I’ll teach you.” He begged, holding on to my cloth.

                He was acting like a baby who waned something from his mom.

                                “Not sure.” I replied.

                                “Morning D…” Jake said, clearing his throat.


Jake stared at us for a while. There was this awkward silence among us, and for a while, it seemed as though no one was interested in saying a word. Jake then broke the silence.

                                “I could just go.” He said, pointing at the door.

                I rolled my eyes. This is a situation where I would not want to be, but at this moment, I could not help it. “I am sorry I didn’t reply your message last night, Jake.” I said dumbly.

                He smiled. “You mind introducing us.” He said staring at Dare.

                I immediately rose to my feet. “Jake, meet my boss, Dare Ade-Cole, and Dare, meet Jake, my friend.”

                Jake nodded with a smile. “Boss?” he extended his hand to Dare and they shook firmly. “Why are you here so early Sir, did you forget some documents with Darlene?” he asked.

                                “I don’t think I have to answer that question.” Dare replied, withdrawing from the handshake.

                                “Break it off guys, will you?” I immediately cut in.

                Jake clutched his I-Pod to his sweatpants. “I can’t recall us starting a fight. You just lack a complete sense of humour D.,” he said, grinning.

                                “Jacob, why are you here?” I asked.

                He smiled. “You never used to ask me that.”

                                “Well, she is now.” Dare interrupted.

                Jake’s eyes shot blood red in anger. “Hey Tough guy, I wasn’t talking to you.”

                                “Someone’s getting touchy, Darlene, you seem to have a lot of Pauls in your life.” Dare replied, casting a quick glance at me. I froze as all I could think of was Jake’s fist landing in Dare’s face, but to my surprise, Jake smiled and walked out.

                                “Jake, Jacob…Jake” I yelled, as I headed after him. “Security, Please stop him.” I alerted. He was in no mood to listen as he shoved the security man out of his way. He got into his car and immediately drove off.

                I stared at the dusts that Jake’s car pushed at me as he left. “Jake…Jake…Jake…” I murmured softly, as I held on to my Pyjamas.

                                “Don’t make yourself a dummy for dusts.” Dare said as he touched my shoulder.

                I turned to him angrily. “It seems as though you have a talent for disgusting people, you successfully pissed Paul off, and you have just done that with Jake.”

                                “It turned out well with Paul; at least he is out of your life.”

                I rolled my eyes. “Really? At what expense? He is married to a woman he hooked up with at the Bahamas.” I replied.

                                “That makes it safe,” he said, smiling.

                I hissed. “You think this is funny. It isn’t!”

                                “He started it, turns out he wasn’t man enough to take the heat.”

                I laughed so hard that Dare had to stand back.

                                “What’s funny?” he asked.

                I stopped laughing and smiled. “Jake would have smashed you to bits if he had waited one extra second.”

                He bit his lips. “So, are we still going out?”

                                “I never agreed to go out with you. Moreover, even if I did, you have done an awful lot this morning. So, please leave.”

                Dad rubbed his chin. “That’s a bit too hard to swallow. Are you kicking me out?” he asked.

                                “You are already outside my house; I’ll just shut the gate after you.” I replied.

                Dare adjusted his shirt. “You are on weird girl. Ok…Bye.” he said and left.

                                “You have a lot of mess to clean up.” Dora said, as soon as I returned into the house.

                I rubbed my forehead. “You bet.” I leaned on the sink for support. I have always said that I am not a huge fan of Saturdays and today just show why. Jake and Dare showing up at my house unannounced, I would have made an exception for Jake on a normal situation.

                                “I’ll say your boss is rude and offensive.” Dora said, dishing breakfast into the Chinas. I smiled. I knew better. “How do you cope with him? Well, it’s obvious he likes you, so he may be a bit nicer with you.”

                I had a hurried breakfast and left for Jakes. ‘Ding-Dong’ the doorbell to Jake’s apartment chimed softly. He co-shared a flat in his father’s estate with his sister, but now, she is out of town, so Jake practically owns the flat. A real Porsche flat, if you ask me.

                                “Hey D.” Jake said, opening the door.

                I frowned at his niceness. ‘Jake could be up to no good.’ I thought. Jake shut the door quietly after me. “Do I get you some Ice Cream? I am treating myself to some.”


                He winked. “Never mind, you will like it.” He said and dashed into the kitchen.

                ‘This is the Jake that I hate to see.’  He could just act as though everything was normal, or maybe, everything is normal. He returned with two cups of Ice Cream and handed me one with a spoon. I sniffed the edges of the cup. Jake chuckled.

                                “You are safe with me, you have always been.” He said.

                I dropped the cup on the side table. “Jake…” I stressed. “I am sorry, love.”

                                “Why are you sorry?” he asked, scooping his Ice cream coolly.

                I frowned. “Come on Jacob, I am sorry about what Dare did?”

                                “Dare? I was not offended by his actions. He did the same to Paul; he should bag a degree in dehumanizing people.”


                He raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to deny it?”

                                “He didn’t dehumanize Paul. Paul was trying to kill us.” I protested.

                Jake scoffed. “Who are you trying to convince? We both know that Paul couldn’t hurt you.”

                                “Can you hear yourself Jake? Paul was with a rifle, a loaded one. I was lucky to have Dare around me.” I replied.

                Jake hissed dryly. “I hate that guy.”

                                “So why did you act all nice like nothing had happened when I walked in here?” I asked, grabbing my bag.

                Jake rubbed his forehead. “D, you fired up this discussion. It ended the minute I left your house.”

                                “I apologize for that Jacob.” I replied.

                Jake finished his Ice cream and rose to his feet. “Darlene, I am sorry. I should have told you that I would be visiting, but I went for an early morning spin and decided to check on you.”

                                “Jacob, you can always check on me.”

                He smiled. “No D, we are adults, not 6 anymore. I have to respect that.” He replied and left for the kitchen. Jake’s words sent cold chills down my spine. I left his house before he returned from the kitchen. I headed for my driving lessons.

                I spent two extra hours at the driving school; I wanted to be on the wheels by the end of the month. I stopped at the grocery to get some apples; I intend to make some apple juice.

                                “How did your day go?” Dora asked as soon I walked into the kitchen.

                I sighed and dropped the apples. “Not too well. Jake has so much on his mind, and I guess I will not be able to take them when he starts pouring them. I don’t want to lose Jacob.” I said, and hugged Dora.

                                “I’ll call this the Plight of women. Do you know what you want, honey? You want Jake to stick around forever; I’ll say you should marry him.”

                I released myself from the hug and stared at her. “Could we have a serious conversation for five minutes without your insensitive jokes interfering?”

 “The point with keeping best friends especially of the opposite sex is that you don’t realise that you live a life together. You should just make out and get married.”

                I stared at her. “Is that your idea of having a best friend?”

                                “Naturally, opposite sex don’t do fantastically well as best friends, the attraction still come. Maybe you are blind, but it’s obvious that Jake can see what is coming ahead.”

                Dora held my hand like a mother. “Stop living a lie. Define your friendship with Jacob.”

                                “That’s it Dora. I need to rest.” I replied and left for my room.

                I inhaled deeply as I closed my door. I clasped my hand on my head and sat by the door. I could not stop the tears that flowed down my cheeks afterwards. ‘Welcome to my moment of strength.’

                                “We can always talk about this Darlene.” Dora said from the other side.

                                “Just go away.” I replied, amidst my tears.

                She tapped on the door lightly. “You don’t have to face this alone.”

                                “Let me be Dora. I’ll be fine. I always have.”

Please Break My Heart E18 by Tomi Adesina

“You don’t have to face your problems alone. It is like paying a debt you do not owe. Let God worry!” Pastor Ben shouted into the Microphone. “Let go…Let God! Choir Please…” he concluded as he left the Pulpit.

                The Choir led us into a praise session and for that moment; I was lost in God’s presence. It has been ages since I felt like that.

                                “You age slowly Pastor Ben.” I said, catching up with Pastor Ben at the close of the service.

                He laughed. “It’s all about God’s grace on my life.”

                                “Correct sir.”

                Pastor Ben started out as my Sunday school teacher when I was still a toddler. When I moved on to Junior Class, he was made my Sunday school teacher. Therefore, I had been very familiar with him.

                                “You should come to church more often child. There’s a lot going on around here.” He said.

                I sighed. “I’ll try harder.” I replied.

                                “God grant you the grace, Amen.” He said.

                I joined Dad for a ride home.

                                “When is your sister’s coming-out party?” he asked, that was immediately the driver started the car.

                ‘Dad couldn’t even wait for us to get home. Did he think that I was not interested in Dora’s party?’ I thought. “I haven’t figured it out yet, Office work has me occupied.”

                                “You have to find a way to arrange that event or get someone to do it, but by weekend, there must be a coming-out event for Dora. I have to acknowledge her.” He instructed.

                I nodded my head in agreement.

                                “I will give you a credit card to cover all the expenses.”

                I smiled. “I’ll like to cover 50% of the expenses, Dad.” I said.

 “Really? Well, that’s good. That means you will be using your savings, and maybe your…”

                I immediately cut in. “Let me worry about my funds.” I replied.

                                “Okay. Will do.”

                Dad dropped me at the gate and he left with the driver for the Country Club. Dora had gone to church with KP and they weren’t home yet, so I was the first to return home. The Maids had fixed lunch, so all I had to do was eat and leave for my room.

                I logged on to the internet to check my mailbox and to my greatest surprise, Paul had sent me his wedding pictures and he typed boldly;


            I buried my head in my hand and replied his mails. “Congrats! ATB!”

                                “Ms Darlene, Mr Jake is here to see you.” The Maid said as she tapped the door lightly.

                I closed my laptop. “I’ll be there soon.” I hurried downstairs to meet Jake.

                                “Happy Sunday.” He said, handing me a tulip flower.

                I smiled and collected the tulip. “You too.”

                                “Why did you leave yesterday? You didn’t even notify me.”

                I gestured to a Chair. “I had to leave.”

“How is your driving lessoning going?” he asked, taking his seat.

                I took a deep breath. “Slow and steady. I should be driving by month end.”

                                “Is that what your teacher told you?”

                I shook my head in disagreement. “I am optimistic about it. The hassles of Lagos City traffic is enough to deal with coupled with the long queues for mass transit vehicles. Its better I start riding myself.”

                                “You’ll be fine. You are a very strong woman, once you start driving full time, you’ll do well.”

                I smiled. “Pending that time, I need your help with Dora’s coming-out event, Jake.”

                                “That word is so 1900.” He replied, with a grin. ‘That’s my Jake!’ I thought. He was lively again.

                I grimaced. “What do you reckon I call it, Mr Classic?” I asked.

                                “Um…will come up with the name later, till then, how’s it gonna be?”

                I smiled. “We intend to use the garden. The party is this weekend.”

                                “Party to plan. Okay, I will get a couple to guys to handle the arrangements and decoration, and since I know Sir Williams has great taste for Wines, I will be ordering French. You can see to the food and just let me have a list of the invited socialites and press, and then you are all set.” He said briskly, as though he had the event all planned in his head.

                                “Thanks Jacob, I knew I could always count on you.” I replied.

 Dad nudged me in the waist. “You know I will always be there for you.”

                                “There’s something I would like to show you. Let’s go to my room.” I said and led Jake upstairs.

                Jake bounced on my bed immediately we got in. “Easy on that Jacob.” I said, turning on my laptop. “Paul sent me his wedding pictures, with that Marie Branson.”

                                “Let’s see them.” He replied, smiling.

                In all honesty, Paul and Marie looked happy. The kisses and smiles were enough to convince anyone and at that moment, I could almost say that Paul had known Marie Branson forever.

                                “I think he’s happy.” Jake said.

                I then stared at Jake. “How did he meet this woman?” I asked.

                                “Are you interested in knowing the whole story? I must warn you, it’s not the perfect or epic love story, but I think it’s real between them.”

                I rolled my eyes. “Let me be the judge. I am all ears.”

                                “Marie was also on the Body and Soul personal retreat that we attended.” He started.

                I immediately cut in. “I knew it, this is a situation of two blind men. Now who’s gonna lead who?”

                Jake smiled. “You sound jealous.”

                                “Jealous? Oh, come on Jacob. I do not see how realistic this event between them is. I cannot call it marriage. I see it as a long term ensnaring bondage. On the other hand, short term, people get divorced in 2-3 weeks. Kim is a perfect example.”

                Jake laughed. “You can’t compare Kim Kardashians’s fancy wedding to Paul’s. Paul really wanted to move on with his life, and so did Marie. She is a divorcee, she was very interested in Paul, and they became close along the line.” He paused to catch his breath.

                                “Let me understand this joke, two people coming out of bad relationships decide to get married after knowing each other for only 2 weeks, is that normal?” I asked. “They don’t even know each other.”

                Jake shrugged. “They must have felt that they can’t be worse than the people they know.”

                I swallowed. That was deep. Jake had just branded me ‘Bad’ indirectly. I frowned slightly. “Anyways, I know they won’t be happy.”

                                “I think they will be. Marie is very understanding, and a kind lady.”

                I scoffed. “Oh really, yet she got divorced from her previous husband.”

                Jake smiled. “Who said a thing about her being married to a man?”

                                “YUCK!” I could almost puke at a second thought. “You have to be joking, right?”

                Jake grinned. “Of course I was kidding.” He replied, laughing.

                                “Don’t ever pull that one on me again, even as a joke.” I said and closed my laptop.

                Jake jumped down from the bed. “Don’t wanna be in your bed for too long.”

                                “Why is that?” I asked, checking my bed.

                He laughed. “You don’t ever grab a thing, do you?” He punched the bed hard. “This is so feminine and will make me sleep in 5 minutes.”

“You look like you can use some sleep.” I replied. “Did you go to church?”

                He covered his face. “You know how I feel about ‘God’s society’ I just don’t belong there.”

                                “Why do think so?”

                He yawned. “I Club, I drink…and all the vices, why is he gonna open his house to me. I can’t go there.”

                                “You need to see Pastor Ben. I think I’ll soon be a regular church-goer.”

                He laughed hard. “There you said it, Church goer. I do not want to be a churchgoer. I want to be a better person. Till then, let’s forget the topic.”

                                “Do you mind joining me for a walk?”

                Jake yawned hard again. “I am so tired. Why do you want to take a walk?” he asked, slipping into his Supra.

                                “It’s good for the body. The sun is a bit down now.” I replied, checking through my window. “It will be a perfect time to enjoy the breeze.”

                                “I am ready.” He replied, heading for the door.

                Jake and I walked down the estate to a lonely and quiet road.

                                “Darlene.” I heard my name so aggressively.

                I turned round to see Daniel. I clutched to Jake. Daniel stood before me with fiery eyes, and a dagger hung carelessly from his waist.  


  Jake’s eyes blinked. I held on to him firmly. “Stay close, D.” he whispered.

                                “I have no business with you dude. Let her come to me.”

                Jake laughed. “Where do you think you are? This is no Spartacus. This is real life! ”

                                “Seems like you wanna get arrogant with me,” He pulled the dagger from his belt. “I’d have wished to hurt Dare with this, not you, but since she has a lot of guys who don’t mind taking bullets for her, be my guest.” He replied, holding the dagger firmly.

                Jake watched his eyes and hand carefully. It was a lonely street, and if I attempted to run, there might be an ambush.

                                “You are going to jail, Daniel. This isn’t 100metre.” I shouted from behind Jake, I didn’t have the nerves to look at Daniel’s fierce eyes. It’s true when they say ‘talk is cheap.’

                Daniel laughed. “So you think I’ll spare your life to watch me go to jail? Even if I do, I won’t give you the pleasure of seeing that.”

                                “You are demented! What was my Dad thinking anyways?”

                Daniel stepped forward and Jake and I stepped backwards. “Why are you running? You have such a loud mouth; you should be able to take what’s coming to you.” He replied, admiring the dagger.

                                “Enough of this, twat! It is obvious you are a stalker, and I am not going to let you threaten Darlene’s life, so you have a choice. Drop that Dagger and run from me now.” Jake said.

                Daniel stared at him hard. “Never.”

                                “We will have it your way then.” Jake said stepping forward.

                I was scared. I knew my big bear could take on him; my fear was Jake killing him. Jake has actually killed for me before. Well, that’s a story for another day. At this moment, I had a threat. Jake approached Daniel fearlessly. Daniel stuck the dagger out.

                                “This is no toy, Mr.” Daniel stuttered, stepping back.

                Jake was in no mood to discuss. He ducked the dagger and sent Daniel crashing to the graveled floor. He hit Daniel with so much aggression that I feared he might kill him. I rushed to Jake.

                                “Pleas Jake, let him be.” I shouted, holding Jake’s shirt.

                Daniel was in a pool of blood. His face was all red and beaten. He sprawled out in pain, letting out a cry.

                                “He doesn’t look good.” I said, scared.

                Jake sighed. “He was warned.” Jake wiped some blood off his forehead. “Guys like this take away the tranquility of one’s mind.” Jake hissed. “Where do you think you are, Daniel? Miami Vice?”

                                “I can’t feel my waist.” Daniel cried.

                Jake laughed. “It’s right there man.”

                                “Should we get the medics?” I asked, clenching my fists in fear.

                Jake smiled and kicked Daniel in the belly hard. “That’s for scaring my friend.”

                                “He gets it.” I shouted, holding Jacob back. “He’s in a bad shape Jake, let’s get him to the medics.” I was wearing a worrying look.

                Jake laughed. “You worry too much munchkin. Anyways, we don’t have to. Security is approaching us.”

                                “What is this?” The Security officer asked touching Daniel’s neck.

                I sighed. “A case of a chronic stalker that broke the rules and got what he deserved.” I replied, sounding a little confident.

“Are you alright, Ms. Williams?” he asked.

                I nodded. “I am fine.”

                                “I’ll need you both to accompany me to the security post so as to officially document this.” He said.

                An ambulance arrived shortly and conveyed Daniel to the clinic, while Jake and I left for the security post.

                                “Did you have to beat him so bad, Jake?” The C.S.O asked.

                Jake smiled. “Considering the fact that he had a dagger and could have killed Darlene, I think I did justice to his pour soul.”

                The C.S.O read through a file. “I understand that the court placed a restriction on his movement around Ms. Williams,” he started.

                                “And he broke it Sir.” I immediately cut in.

                The C.S.O closed the file. “I will have a copy of your report filed to the court and maybe we can have Daniel checked into an institution, probably, a solitary prison.” He stood up and gestured at the door. “Sorry for the inconvenience, I’ll have one of my boys drop you off at home if you don’t mind.”

                                “That won’t be necessary. We’ll walk.” I replied.

                Dora was standing akimbo at the gate as we approached. “What war are you fighting?” I asked, with a cynical smile.

                                “Dad is going to have your head for lunch. He is at the clinic visiting Daniel.” She replied.

                I smiled. “Have I officially introduced you to Jake?”

                                “I don’t think so.” She replied, smiling.

                I nodded and turned to Jake. “Meet Dora, my sister.”

                                “Hi senorita.” He said, taking her hand coolly.

                They exchanged greetings with smiles. There was so much warmth around them. “Hearts meets hearts.” I said, breaking off the handshake. “You have been holding her hand for a while, Jake.”

                                “I didn’t notice. My hand is quite insensitive to touch from the other species.” She interrupted.

                I grimaced. “HeHe…that’s funny.” By the tone of my voice, Dora could bet that her joke fell flat, but being the Dora that I know, she would try another joke.

                                “I’d say you’re jealous. Jake is already warming up to me, I am fun and you are not.” She replied with her teeth all out.

                Jake smiled. “I can’t help feeling like Brad Pitt at the moment, two beautiful ladies falling over me. Can a man be more blessed?” he asked, looking at the sky.

                                “Wow Jake, that’s the biggest joke I have heard in years. Are you really feeling like Brad? I always thought you could do better.” I replied.

                Jake widened his eyes. “What are you saying, Williams? Brad Pitt is like the biggest household name. He is an enigma.”

                                “Yeah yeah…” I replied with a smile. If I didn’t put an end to Jake’s throttle, he could go on and on about all of Brad Pitt’s achievements. Jake, to me is Brad’s biggest fan. Jake knew almost everything about him, well, as much as news and the paparazzi could provide.

                Dad pulled up aggressively behind us. “Are you satisfied, Darlene?” he shouted. “Daniel is going to have a surgery.”

                                “And after that, he is going to Jail.” I added.

                Dad hissed. “Never! He said he only came to talk to you about relieving his restriction, and then John Cena here, pounced on him.” He said, eyeballing Jake coldly.

                                “It turns out Daniel is a liar. He has to be worst after Satan.” I replied, angrily. “I have already filed his report Dad, and there is an evidence of a dagger which he used in threatening me which has his finger prints on it.”

                                “What hold has this junkie on you, Sir Williams?” Jake asked, smiling.

                Dad leaned against his car and inhaled deeply. “I am responsible for Daniel. All I ever wanted was for Darlene and Dora to see him as their brother.”

                                “Dad, there was no proper introduction. Daniel showed up in my life as a threat.” I replied.

                He rubbed his forehead. “Daniel is in a bad shape.” He started. He stared at Jake hard. “You should never have returned to Nigeria, WWE awaits your kind.” He added and tapped him lightly on the back. “I’ll get Daniel out of our lives forever.”

                                “I know a great rehab facility in the Bahamas, it helps to get the body and soul together.” Jake suggested.

                I hissed. “Pay him no mind, Dad. Daniel might return gay.” I interrupted. “That ‘facility’ of Jake’s sent Paul to the altar on Saturday.” I said.

                                “Paul is married? I thought you were Paul’s girlfriend.” Dad said, surprised.

                I shrugged. “We broke up.”

                                “Darlene, I am sure that you smashed that man’s heart to bits. I have to speak with his father.”

                I groaned. “Come on, Dad! Paul is an adult, and so is Daniel. You have to stop worrying about what isn’t really your business.” I said, stressing the statement.

                Dad shook his head pitifully. “You know, in my generation we were in awe of our parents. It was like fear and admiration, but now, it’s just the admiration, you ain’t got any respect.”

                                “Woooaaahh!!! Daddy is speaking like a real nigga.” Jake teased

                We all laughed and returned into the house. I felt relaxed, because, Dad had cooled down on his ‘obsession’ for Daniel, well, it seems like it at the moment.

                                “I have news for you guys.” Dad said, as he opened a bottle of champagne.

                I stretched out my wine glass to him and he poured it gently.

                                “What’s it, Dad?” I asked, sipping my wine.

                He smiled. “I want to get married.”

                Ever had your wine taste like Vinegar? Mine just did!


…to be continued

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