NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 34 – Opeyemi Akintunde

NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 1 - Opeyemi Akintunde

©️ Opeyemi Akintunde.
As Inspired by the LIVING WORD.

He noticed I wasn’t moving. He walked back to thedoor, pulled me in and closed the door behind him, I
heard the click sound.

“Why did you lock the door?”

“I didn’t, it’s automatic, when it’s time to go, I will tellit “Judith, open the door to the master’s bedroom” Hesaid and I heard the unlocking sound of the door.
That kind of gave me a short-lived relief.

“Speaking about locking doors, is there somethinggoing on in your mind?” he teased

“Nothing… Daniel can we do what I came here to do,please!” I asked feeling tensed

“Ok, only after you kiss me”


“Nwala, give me the fulfillment of your lips against mylips just for the last time, pay me back for dumping

“Daniel, I am married”

“I know and that’s why I am not asking for sex, just akiss”

“I would still be cheating on my husband”

“Your husband won’t know”

“God will know”

“Ok, then you can leave, let God give you the childwithout me reversing the curse”

I burst into tears….

“Daniel… Dee, why are you doing this to me? For thesake of the love we shared, please help me reverse the

Daniel went soft too

“Babe… help me, let me have the satisfaction of havingyou in my embrace just this last time and I promise tomove on… Nwala, I didn’t make love for 3 years ofactive dating. I had my fantasies about our first night
together… It was never fulfilled…” As he said thosewords softly, and caressed my face, my heart wasbeginning to melt… I felt his pain, I really did.

“Just one kiss” I said

“Yes a long satisfying one” he said “I promise”

I thought about it and I concluded one kiss wouldn’thurt. I was going to control myself not to get out of
hand…I nodded in the affirmative, and like a hungry starvedlion, he grabbed my face and kissed me hard, he
pushed me to his bed. I tried to push him off to tellhim hitting the bed was not part of the bed, but Daniel
was heavier than he used to be, thanks to a lot of timeat the gym obviously…
“Ple…” I tried to mumble into his mouth but Danielhad gone deaf. His left hand had gathered my twohands up arresting the hands.

“Oh my God!” I said

I fell… emotions got the best of me… I found myselfrelieving the fantasies we both have spoken about ofhow our first night would be. Daniel still had the
details in his head…

I forgot about God, Reuben and every other thing thatmattered at that point. I was enjoying myself deeply.
Daniel was being aggressive and at first, I wasenjoying it…

We went two rounds and I was exhausted already, buthe wasn’t…

“We have done two out of the styles, we have five left”

“No… I am tried…” I said

“You can’t be, every round is for each year, you haveonly made up for two years”

“No Daniel, I am tired…” I said forcefully pushing himoff…

“Where are you going?”


“Judith, shut all doors Daniel said…

“Daniel, what are you doing?”

“You are not leaving until I have my five rounds” Hesaid affirmatively.

“You want me to die”

“You can’t die… I have something you can drink thatwill boost you”

“Daniel please I beg you… let me go”



“Ok, let’s make it half”

“Half of what?” I asked

“Half of 7 years of your marriage”

“Let’s go one and half round more”

Looking at him, I could tell if he didn’t get his poundof flesh, he wouldn’t let go…

“Fine…” I said

I laid there like a log of wood, letting him fulfil hisfantasies. Initially I enjoyed whatever it was we did,now it was painful, as he kept turning me and twistingme in different directions like a sex worker. At thatpoint, I appreciated Reuben’s love making… Exactly
the right words… Love making, he was always gentle,constantly checking my face for my own emotions…
He knows women were slower in getting satisfied, sohe would ask…

“Are we on the same pace…, should I slow down?”Reuben would say

But here was Daniel acting like a wild animal subduing his prey…

Finally, it ended… the torture ended, the revengeended.

“Judith, open all doors” he said

“Can you reverse the curse now?” I asked weakly

“Please shut the door after you leave my house…” Hesaid

“Daniel… I need you to reverse the curse…

“Nwala, I need you to get out of my house, if you don’twant me releasing our sex tape to your husband and
his church”

I became speechless and I believe I stopped breathing.

How stupid of me, I had just been scammed. Also, Iforgot about all the CCTV’s in the house…

“Daniel please don’t do this to me” I cried…

“Nwala, you did this to me 8 to 9 years ago. Have afeel of it. You cut off my expectations, you promised to
marry me but you failed, same game I am playing. Ipromised to reverse the curse, but I am failing to do so”
Daniel said, standing up. He picked up his shirt andtrousers.

“I advise you to dress up, I am leaving the country intwo hours, you are the business I came to conclude inNigeria, and this house is a self-service apartment,once my time is up, the computer will erase thememory of my voice, that way I will be locked in… I
am leaving right away if you keep staying there, youwill be locked in, and guess how dirty it will look for
the cleaners to open and find Pastor Mrs Nwala here…”

I literally shutdown.

To be continued….

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