Tarasha 2 Chapter 2 Part 2 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha Season 2 : The Return For Revenge - PROLOGUE -

Tarasha 2 Chapter 2 Part 2 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Henry pulled her closer to himself and engaged her in a warm embrace. It lasted for more than two minutes. Omotara finally pulled away slowly, ‘Do you still love me?’ She asked, staring into his eyes.

Henry continued staring at her face silently, he pulled her by the waist close to himself again and used the other hand to softly caress her face by brushing her hair backwards.

‘Boss, we have a minor challenge here,’ Cole came saying as he stepped into the living room. Henry and Omotara detached unwillingly from themselves.

‘What minor issue, can’t it wait?’ She snapped at him in reply.


‘We’re not waiting for her anymore, we’ll go search for her.’ Rex said as he released a huge mold of smoke to the air. Don and stainless were standing in front of his seat with their hands placed at the back like obedient children waiting for instructions. ‘I told you guys that the guy we killed may not be related to her, even if he was related to her, she would have no feelings for him anymore’ Rex continued. ‘Nefary Clan Assasins are also well trained, they don’t let feelings get into their way. We didn’t make her furious by killing the assumed brother, we’ve only made her to be more cautious of us. If  she was pained by his death like the inspector general expected that she would be, she would have fallen into out first trap.’

Rex got up from the seat and took out a gun from his pocket, he closed one of his eyes and stared thinly into it.

‘I have an idea,’ Don broke the silence.

Rex took a quick glance at him and returned his focus to the gun, ‘What is your idea?’

‘The Vice President returns in five days time, I’m sure she would be coming back to make an attempt on his life, we could set up another trap for her.’ Don voiced out.

‘No man, she won’t fall into the trap. She’s aware that she has people after her now and she would apply more carefulness. I’m sure she won’t attack him immediately he returns, she knows the security would be tight. Except the need for his death is very urgent, it may take her several months for her to attack again.’

There was another brief silence between them, Rex began to pace around, making soft noises with the soles of his shoes.

He suddenly turned back to stainless and Don. ‘Hey, you have two of your ex-men working with her.’ He said in a questioning tone to Don.

‘Yes, I do.’ Don replied, squinting as he wondered why the question was being asked.

‘Did you train them yourself?’ Rex asked.

‘Yes, they learnt under my tutorship.’

‘Do you still have their contacts?’

‘Ermm… No,’ Don stated, blinking his eyes.

‘You don’t,’ Rex stared at him with an unbelieving look in his eyes, he stretched a palm out, bringing it to Don’s neck. ‘Are you that foolish?’

‘Er…’ Don began to stammer and shiver as Rex’s hand touched his neck.

‘Don’t you have their email addresses, Facebook IDs or any of their social networks usernames?’ Rex asked, touching the neck softly contrary to Don’s expectation of life being squeezed out of him.

‘Er… I do have some of them but I doubt if they still use any,’ Don replied shakily, his eyes staring at Rex’s hand on his neck.

‘Which ones do you have?’ Rex asked, finally taking his hand away from Don’s neck.

‘Their Facebook IDs, Twitter usernames and emails,’ Don replied, breathing heavily as a result of the panic from Rex’s strangling threat.

‘And they don’t use any of that again?’

‘Yes, I tried reaching them through all those platforms when the Vice President asked me to trail their boss but all my attempts were futile.’

‘They should have other websites they visit,’ Rex said thoughtfully, looking away from Don.

Don closed his eyes for some seconds to search his mind, he tried to recall if he had ever seen Aisha frequenting other websites.  ‘I think there’s another website the girl visits well, ‘ Don said ecstatically as he finally recalled.

‘What website is that?’ Rex turned back to him and asked.

‘Two websites actually; Nairacountry.com and Lilianikeja.com.’ Don answered.

‘Are they social networks?’

‘Humn… One is a forum while the other is an entertainment and news blog.’

Rex turned slowly and stared blankly at the wall for a couple of seconds. He cleared his throat before speaking again, ‘The girl was your girlfriend right? And the guy, was he also close to you?’

‘Yes, she was my girlfriend, the guy was a bit close to me. He was one of the two bests I had.’

‘Sounds nice,’ Rex said with an evil smirk.


‘James!’ Dakolo called on sighting his long time friend.

‘Shun sir!’ Inspector James saluted. ‘Good morning Agent sir.’

‘Good morning James,’ Dakolo replied with a smile, extending an handshake to him.

They were at the reception of the police headquarters, James had just been transferred again, from Ilorin to Abuja to work with Agent Tim who was now the one in charge of Samantha Osman’s case. The case had been taken away from Dakolo, after he couldn’t meet the deadline given to him by the Inspctor General. Dakolo had also been demoted secretly back to the level of an Inspector as a punishment for his carelessness and his part played in Henry’s escape. James who apart from Henry’s prison escape which was noised all over, wasn’t aware of Dakolo’s punishment and the other details, had arrived to resume his duty, thinking he would be working with Dakolo.

‘Sir, I’ve been longing to see you since I arrived this morning but Senior Agent Tim said it was unnecessary for me to see you.’ James said.

‘Yes, of course, it is unnecessary, haven’t you been briefed already?’

‘I don’t understand you sir,’ a frown appeared on James’ face.

‘I’m not in charge of the case anymore.’

‘Agent sir, why were…’

‘Shh…’ Dakolo interrupted him, placing a finger on his lips. ‘Call me what I am, I’m a Inspector once again, I’m no longer an Agent.’

‘What do you mean sir?’ The muscles on James’ face were squeezed in confusion.

‘I meant what you just heard, I’ve been stripped off my position as an Agent since Henry E.G’s escape from prison.’

‘No sir, I refuse to agree with that.’ James argued. ‘They can’t strip you off your agency just like that, you’ve done so much for the force.’

‘It doesn’t matter how much you’ve done for the force, it only takes a single mistake for you to be stripped. ‘

‘But something has to be done about this issue.’

‘You can’t do any thing James, I’ll sort it out myself. I’ll hand over Samantha Osman to the law even if it’s the last thing I do on earth.’

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