Who Love Me Most – Season 1 Episode 6

who love me most

Maxwell and Amara were always on each other, maxwell was always on his phone either chatting or talking to Amara, there was not a passing day that he won’t go to visit her,maxwell rested a place in port-harcourt close to the university so that it won’t be difficult to reach or see her.it was a Sunday evening Amara did go to church that day because she wasn’t feeling to we’ll, maxwell later came to see her that day,maxwell was in the sitting while Amara was in the kitchen preparing dinner, princess, Sandra and annabella walk into the sitting.
Maxwell smiling )hi ladies
They were all surprised to see a guy sited comfortable in Thierry sitting room.
Princess :who are you
Maxwell :am a friend to Amara
Annabella : oh I see (seductively )
Just then Amara entered the sitting room
Amara :you are back
Sandra :yes we are (they all sat down)God is am so tired.
Amara :tired was the service bored today
Princess :no it was okey ,we all left this morning without breakfast,is there anything in the kitchen (taking off her shoes)
Amara :well thank God for you guys because have just finished preparing something
Annabella excited )you are a life saver.
Amara :you guys came back late today .
Sandra :yeah after service we went to see a friend of ours ,so won’t you be so kind to introduce us to your friend.
Amara laughed )oh sorry, this is maxwell, he’s my childhood friend,maxwell these are my good and lovely friend,.

Annabella :nice meeting
Maxwell :me too
Sandra :you are welcome to our home
Maxwell :thanks
Princess :Amara you have never mention him to us how come
Amara :well he left for UK when we where little,it be for a long time,he just came back some weeks ago that’s why you are seeing him now.
Princess :that’s great,so hope you won’t be leaving soon
Maxwell :not really
Sandra :Amara where is the food ne
Amara :I was about dishing it out
Sandra :ne you till dey ne abi make it go eat (she got up )
Princess :i join oooo(she followed Sandra to the kitchen )


The next day was Monday Amara left very early in the morning to school because she wanted to read a little because the day lectures will start, she was heading to her class when she heard her name been called at first she couldn’t recognized the person until she gave a closer look and found out it was emma friend.

Chidi smiling as he approached her)hi beauty
Amara smiled back)hi
Chidi:how are you doing
Amara :asmara fine thanks for asking
Chidi:that’s nothing, exactly is was in the cafeteria when I saw you pass(pointing at a small bar where food and drinks are been sold)
Amara :you must be enjoying yourself this early hours of the day.
Chidi:not really just doing so paper work,where are you off to.
Amara :class
Chidi:this early
Amara :yeah need to do somethings
Chidi :if am not disturbing you,if could love to have some few words with you.
Amara :isn’t that what we have been doing
Chidi laughed )of course (waited for a while )ifsnf you don’t mind me asking, do you have a boyfriend
Amara was shocked with the question.
Amara :no, I don’t
Chidi :would you love to have one
Amara smiling )that’s if I see someone in like and will be faithful and honest to me, now why are you asking.
chidi take a cool breath )Amara, I know this will sound so crazy to you but the truth is that from the first day in set me eyes on you i liked you and everyone since then I didn’t know how to express it to you,I really want you,I can’t promise you gold or silver but the only thing I can promise is that I can try my best to make you happy,I will never try to do any to hurt you (Amara signed )I see you as a gentle girl and I will keep it that way,your emotions will not be played with that in can swear with my life.just give me the chance to be in your life.
Amara :it is easily said then done,you know that.
Chidi :that’s why I said I will try my best to keep my promise.
Amara :but promises now a days are meant to be broken.
Chidi :not for me
Amara answer chidi starred at each other, chidi heart was beating so fast cause he wouldn’t want a wrong answer.
Amara :I will be sincere with you, am not really into this thing called relationship, it’s not about the heart breaking thing,it’s just that too much problems comes with it.
Chidi :it’s will give you time to think about it,it’s don’t want to rush you,maybe when next week see you will give me an answer, how about that.
Amara :alright
Chidi :let me walk you to you class
Amara :no thanks just continue with what you were doing
Chidi:are you sure
Amara :yeah I am
Chidi key if you say so
Amara :I will be on my way now.
Chidi :you take care or yourself till we meet again
Amara gave a quick smile and went her way,and fierce the day lectures amara went room,she took her bath ate the food and went to bed,she was waken up by the vibration coming from her phone she looked at her well clock it was few minutes pass eight,she didn’t know she has slept for five hours, the phone rang again she took her phone to see who the caller was,it was maxwell,she sat upright on her bed and picked the call.

Amara :hello maxwell
Maxwell :hi, how are you
Amara;:am cool and you.
Maxwell :am okey, hope am not disturbing you
Amara :no, not really.
Maxwell :I thought you were busy cause I have been calling for a long time.
Amara :I was sleeping, but I am awake now,cause I have to read my books later when am done talking to you.
Maxwell smiled )always with her book,hope you do rest
Amara :I do rest,but I have to be very serious with my studies so that I can be successful in life,I want to be able to give my parents comfort when they grow old,I want to have enough money to take good care of them.
Maxwell :that’s good but what if you get married to a wealthy man,you know like it am,you don’t need to work hard for money then.
Amara (laughed )oh maxwell don’t be silly but in any case that happens that won’t stop me from working,now let stop imagining things that won’t happen.
Maxwell :what can never happen
Amara :you and me getting married
Maxwell :but you know sometimes good things do happen
Amara :talking about marriage, when are you getting married because you haven’t told me about any one that is in your life or don’t you want to get marry
Maxwell :I love to but she is not ready yet
Amara happy )that means you have some one already.
Maxwell :not really, we are just close friends and I believe one day she will understand my feelings and she will see how much I love her and she will know that I can go to any length to get what she desire.
Amara :you talk about this girl with so much love,if you love her the way you say you do why don’t you let her know.
Maxwell sad)am shy
Amara :you have to try
Maxwell :i know, I see her almost every day but don’t have but I just can’t tell her
Amara :you have to,she will understand you.
Maxwell :Amara, will you understand, if you will understand then I will take a step.
Amara shocked and confused )me
Maxwell :yes you and no one else
Amara:maxwell, you know if love you but only like the brother that I never heard.
Maxwell :and I love you more then my sister
Amara was now speechless
Maxwell :i just thought I can make you understand, you have never left my mind,you said she will understand but you are wrong, you can never know how it feels,I shouldn’t have said this out yet because I know you wasn’t ready but an glad I did,goodnight amaretto answer sweet dreams(he huge up)

Amara was so confused, she wouldn’t imagine what she just heard ,she was doing lost in thought,how can her best friend be in love with her,what is she going to do,she already thinking of what chidi told he and now this,she la!d there on her bed wandering in thoughts.

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