MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 19 – 20 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 19 Amah’s Heart

It was a long difficult labor that lasted for hours and Betty thought she will pass out but her sister and her friends were all there cheering her up and believing she can do it.
Eunice was praying for her back in Brook. She was mostly on the phone with Alice who gave her details of what was going on but in order not to make her grandma so worried she left out on the serious pain that Betty was passing through.

Eunice kept praying for her Granddaughter and refused to stop.
It took hours before the news finally came, Betty had a son.
Eunice was happy and couldn’t hold back her tears as Alice finally told her that Betty gave birth to a baby boy. She knelt down in her room, thanking God for not failing her. She was not only a grandmother but also a great grandmother to Betty’s child.
Betty was exhausted and almost passed out but doctors were at her side to revive her.
They allowed her to get back herself before placing the baby in her arm.

When she look down on the child, emotions choke her throat. She couldn’t utter a word at how precious and innocent her baby was to her.
She wondered why she had even thought of abortion when she discovered that she was pregnant. She could have succeeded in taking her precious son out because of anger and bitterness that Rick caused her. She was overwhelmed with joy that she did not succeed with that.
Even though she was a product of a single mother with no father, that won’t be in her son’s case because he will grow among lovely people, she will never leave him as her mother left her and Alice. She will play the role of both mother and father to him and cherish everyday they spend together.
She wondered why a mother will even abandoned her own child, forgetting the child she carried in her womb. How can that be and yet her own mother had done that. Florence Fisher disappeared and never asked or check if they were alive or dead.

How can a mother do such to her own children?
A lot of things went through Betty’s mind as she held her son. She allowed the tears of joy to roll down her face. She was grateful to God mostly for seeing her through. She was grateful to her sister, her fiends, Camdy and Ben and also her grandma who made her pregnancy journey less difficult. They supported her and Eunice was always praying for her and her baby.

Eunice attended Mrs Craig funeral. After Mrs Craig was lowered down into the grave, Eunice looked over at Tom who stood few feet away from Mrs Craig burial ground.
Battling with her own emotion she went to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. As the pastor preached
“Mrs Craig is in a better place now, away from pain and sickness. She fought hard to stay alive. She live a rewarding life while on earth. Many thing wasn’t in her favour yet she was determined. Losing her husband, Philip Craig who died so early when Violet Craig was in high school. And many years after, Violet her only daughter joined her father, leaving her only son behind. Mrs Craig was devastated.

And that was when the dementia which she suffered till death occurred. The thought of losing both her husband and daughter made her go into trauma. She was a strong woman and despite all her lost she wore her smile always. Mrs Craig attends church and mingles with everyone as if she got no worry. She is with the Lord now and in a better place far more than we could imagine. No more pain or sadness. I know we all are going to join her someday. Death is certainty for everyone, is either it happens earlier or later because none of us will live forever and that is more reason to live a good life because tomorrow is never certain…

The preacher preached on. Eunice looked round the whole burial ground. There were thousands of different shape of burial tomb. And another funeral was going on in a far end from them. Indeed everyone will passed on someday.
Mrs Craig was buried beside her husband and her daughter.

Eunice knew that the preacher was right, Death was certain and no one can predict tomorrow, which is more reason to live as if today will be the last. Been good to people cost nothing. Why will anyone chose to be bad.
She looked up at Tom and new the young man was battling with the fact that he was all alone. He had cared and loved his grandma and the pain of losing her was too strong.

Al the people that came were in black and after the whole funeral was over everyone left to their houses.
Mrs Smith was also there and she look sober. Almost everyone in Brook had come to know that her son was a drug addict and was cooling off in prison for several crime levelled against him. He was sentenced for four years. And will also attend rehab while in prison, where he will get an adequate help for his drug condition so that whenever he comes out of prison he will start his life in with a clean mind-set.

On their way out, Eunice waited at the park for Tom who was greeting
people and when he later joined her they walked together to his car.
She invited him over for tea but he gave excuse of why he can’t come.
Eunice insisted and he later promised to honour her invite the next Sunday after service.

Camdy and Ben lodged in a hotel close to Betty’s house even though Betty had insisted that they stay together in the house but there was not enough room to accommodate the husband and wife to be. They decided to stay in the hotel pending when they are ready to leave.
The city was a big one indeed and the weather was not so harsh.
They all where around when Betty’s son was christened in a nearby church. His name was Daniel Fisher. He also adopted his mother’s last name “Fisher”.

There was enough gifts for the baby, Camdy and Ben comes in everyday with different things for baby Dan.
Ben droves Betty and Camdy out one evening to have fun. Every one of them love the city and they were enjoying their stay.
After their outing he drove them back to the hotel where he was staying with Camdy. They stayed at the hotel lounge to gist, laugh, eat and drink.
Baby Dan was tugged on Betty’s arm where he feed quietly.
While they were there Camdy saw a lady that looks familiar. The lady was laughing as she walks down with a young man. The young man was holding her waist and kissing cheek as they walk.
Camdy recognized the girl and tapped Betty, she pointed the lady to Betty.

Betty looked at the person with a straight face. Ben followed their gaze and saw the lady walking down a hotel room with a guy and a designer bag in her hands.
“Magi, Rick’s girlfriend…what is she doing here? She was supposed to be studying and not coming to sleep with a guy in a hotel…wait a minute…. Magi is cheating on Rick…whaaat a kamar…
Ben said and started laughing sarcastically. Camdy joined him and they both laugh but Betty did not react she just went back to her son who was feeding in her arm.
Camdy wanted to go and capture Magi and her new guy so that she can post it on the internet but Ben stopped her from doing that
Ben looked at Betty’s sad face and said.

“Rick deserve whatever he got. I know Magi will disappoint him some day. Back then before I met you and Camdy, there was one party night that Rick hosted in his place and Magi try flirting with me. At first I thought she was drunk but when she tried same thing the second time I knew what she was up to. I told her off and kept my distance. After then I knew the kind of girl she was, she can even be cheating on Rick with some of his friends and Rick will not know about it because he is too stupid to know anything. I never likes her, she was too jealous, too violence and very proud. Hey Betty, you shouldn’t be sad anytime Rick’s name is been mentioned, is your gain is his lost. Now look at Dan, Rick wanted you to get rid of him and did not care if you die in the process.

You tried doing that and your life was almost at risk but you survived it all and here comes the gain. He doesn’t deserve a good lady like you. Our friendship ended long time ago and I’m glad it did. His father is going to lose the next election coming this year. No matter how they campaign or paparazzi flocks around them likes flies, Mr Williams can’t be the next Mayor of Eastern Brook. He is not competent for such a sensitive position, even my Dad also confirmed it. Williams doesn’t care about the poor or the homeless. He doesn’t care about the welfare of the people in any way. All he is after is power and how to acquire more wealth and get more fat with his protruded belly…
Camdy laugh out, Betty joined in the laughter this time. She later said.

“…My Grandma never likes him…anytime she watches him on the TV, especially during politics debate, she will be so agitated. She usually say politicians are not to be trusted, even their children too, they are always filled with lies. My Grandma was right and I know is not all politicians but the Williams are a perfect example of corrupt politicians. Dribbling with citizen’s trust and draining off their emotions. Well, I have moved pass whatever happened in the past. I’m with the greatest gift of all in my care.

All thanks to you and Camdy for saving my life from that fake doctor. I’m forever indebted to you both and congratulation once again on the engagement. You both took me by surprise….hahahaha! The news came just in time with Josh. Two good news coming at same time. I look forward to Camdy’s graduation so that the wedding preparation can begin immediately. You look good together and will make a perfect couple. Did you know back then I use to imagine walking down the aisle with Rick. And my best friend Camdy will be my chief brides’ maid. I imagined living a fairy tale life with Rick…hmmm. So funny… What a world! Life is so unpredictable… but I refuse to live in great anymore. Our little man here, Dani will be your ring bearer…

Camdy and Ben laughed and talked about many other things with Betty.
Ben and Camdy later went to drop Betty. They planned to travel back to Brook in three days’ time.
Two days later while Betty was in the house alone that evening with her baby, waiting for Alice to return she heard a knock on the door.
She thought it was either Alice or Camdy and Ben who planned to come over that evening to say goodbye to her so that they can leave early the next morning back to Brook.
Betty, after laying her baby in his bed she rushed to open the door expecting to see Camdy or Alice.
Immediately she opened the door her hand held onto the door knob, shocked at the face that was staring right back at her.
She was speechless and her hand began to sweat unexpectedly while still holding onto the door.
The person standing right in front of her was the last person Betty had expected to see in Denmark.
The person was looking straight into her eyes with puzzled face.

Episode 20

She was not going to let her play the victim in her presence. She walked round the room boiling up.
“All you just said made absolutely no sense to me…what do you want me to do? to jump up and hug you for all this bulshit stories….
The woman breathed down and looked up at Betty who surprising had grown into a full woman. She sighed sadly before saying.
“I am sorry…yes I am. I did not know what to do. Everything was complicated…! had no choice, don’t blame me for…
Betty interrupted angrily…

“Listen Florence, we all have a choice in life, do you understand? You said that I shouldn’t blame you… Well, I don’t blame you or anyone, rather I blame myself for everything that ever happened to me. What do you want and why are you here? How did you even know that we are in Denmark and lives here? You paid someone to spy on me and Alex? I know what you are capable of…
“Betty, I paid no one. I did the spying myself after getting to know that you

are also here. I know one way or the other I just have to come in term with the truth. I know I can’t hide forever. When I learnt that you and Alice are both living here I just knew that my sins had searched me out. All I asked is for your understanding and to hear me out…
A baby started crying and Betty went in and carried her baby before coming to face the woman again. The woman was curious and asked.

“Is that your baby?
Betty laughed sarcastically before saying.
“Does he look like yours? You saw a baby in my arm and you are asking if he is mine…does the baby look like the one you abandoned with Eunice many years ago?
“I’m your mother Betty, don’t treat me like an alien. We all make mistakes in life and I did not come here to fight…’ only came to make amend…
Betty laughed again and placed her baby properly in her arm.
“To make amend for what….what exactly do you want to amend? Florence you are not my mother. My parents died many years ago when I was a kid and I was raised by my grandma, Eunice. I don’t have a mother nor a father. You are dead and forgotten to me. You are not worthy to be called a mother. Florence, how can you carry a baby full term, give birth to her and have the mind to abandon her with your mother. Not just once, you did it twice to me and Alice. Alice came all the way down here in search of you but she never get to find you. She desperately wanted to know who her mother was. She was tired of been called an orphan and bullied in school. Alice wanted to meet you, even if is just a glance of you. All she wanted was to know that she had a mother somewhere. We heard you were living in Demark and Alice took up address and searched for you until she had no choice than to give up. Now she had resulted with the fact that she had no mother.

Same thing I did many years ago. Is been over ten years Florence I saw you last. I’m twenty two now. Alice who was about three years when you left her is seventeen. You left when I was around five years and returned one night, I remember I was eleven then. Alice was asleep….i came out and watch you argue nonstop with Eunice. You told her you have a family of your own and will never return to Brook because all you have always wanted was to be loved and to have a complete family. Eunice was very angry and asked you never to come back since me and Alice were not family enough to you. You went into a heated argument with Eunice and she slapped you for your arrogance and the next morning before I will even wake up, you have disappeared again and never came back ever since then. And after several years you appeared like a witch in my house telling me to hear you out. Listen Florence, this is my baby Dan…l knew all I went through to bore him. Why will I ever leave my child and pretend as if he doesn’t exist just because of my selfishness or because of his father denied me. Is not possible for me to forget and leave my child and it baffles me that you did it twice without remorse. Sorry if you are hurt with my words but I did not grow up respecting a mother who had the gut to leave her own children.

And you do not have an excuse. One thing I have always wanted to know was…who exactly is my father? Because from what I heard and come to know, me and Alice do not share same father. I know Alice father was a drug dealer who mingled with other women and not just you and got most of them pregnant, so he is not even worthy to be called a father. If you decided not to tell me is all good who my father was it won’t change anything….is not even important any more. I have live with the shame of having no father and I’m already use to it. I almost succeeded in aborting my baby because I did not want him to grow without a father, I know what it feels like not to have one. I wanted my child to have a father but when I was denied and kicked out I try taking the pregnancy off but it did not go well…and I almost died in the process. My baby was not affected and he survived it all. Now I’m a proud mother of a cute little baby with no father but my baby will definitely have his mother because I will never denial my child. You are shameless to come down here and tell me that you are my mother…you do not deserve such title Florence.
There was a tap on the door and Betty went to open up.
Both Camdy, Alice and Ben filled into the house with their chatter. They were all laughing and have different packs of food and many other items in their hands.

“We stopped at the restaurant to pick up Alice, from there we went shopping. And bought different things for you and for baby Dan. Alice almost trip at the staircase with all those bags in her hands but I caught her up like a giant, it was a funny moment when Alice tries to secure all the bags in her hands even as she was about rolling down the stairs…
Camdy said laughing while removing her jacket and hand gloves. It was early summer and the snow was out already. Camdy collected baby Dan from Betty’s arm. Ben came to give Betty a hug and peek. Alice was removing her boot and jacket by the door. None of them noticed Florence Fisher who is also known as Mrs Price Adam, Betty and Alice Mom.
Mrs Adam watch them quietly from where she sat and Camdy was the first to notice her as she carried the baby to go and sit on the cushion.
She said hello to the strange woman who responded quietly. Dan came to join Camdy and also greeted the stranger whose face was ashen, She looks sad.
After Alice hanged her jacket and removed her head warmer she looked at Betty who was standing with a straight face and did not move.
“Betty, are you alright? Did I do anything wrong…what is the problem? You seem sad…is Dan okay? What happened?
Betty breathed in before saying.
“Florence is here…
“Who? Florence Fisher…our mother? Where… how?
Alice walked pass Betty to the sitting area and was shock when she saw the woman, she screamed.
“Mrs Price Adam?? What are you doing here…?
Mrs Price stammered and kept quiet. Betty turned to Alice and said.
“Alice, did you know her?
“Yes, I know her very well. She comes to my restaurant with her family sometimes. Betty, she was the same woman I told you and Eunice that she offered me money to leave Demark because she wasn’t comfortable with my presence. I left and when I later came back here, she came again asking me why I returned…she said I was supposed to remain in Brook because Demark was too big for me to stay here. She was always acting weird.

What is she doing here?
Everywhere was quiet. Camdy looked from Ben to Betty and back to the woman. Betty shared some resemblance with the woman that was sitting like a troubled child. Betty was more like the woman’s younger version.
“Could she be Betty and Alice mother who abandoned them with their Grandmother for years…”?
Camdy whispered to Ben’s ear and he rolled his eyes at Camdy and she quickly kept quiet.
Betty shakes her head sadly after hearing Alice. The same Mrs Price that warned her not to come back to her house because of her husband does not like unwanted visitors and she also offered Alice money to leave Demark happens to be their mother But Alice never knew.
“Alice, Mrs Price Adam happens to be Florence Fisher our dear “mother”. Is quiet shocking but she is our so called mother that you came to Demark to search for.
Everywhere went quiet. Camdy rolled back her eyes at Ben whispering again to his ear “I was right”
Alice laughed out sarcastically, she walked round the sitting room as if she was trying to understand the whole thing Betty just said.

“Betty, this woman can’t be our mother…no…no..”s not possible. There is a mistake somewhere. She can’t be. I have already accepted to be an orphan because Mrs Adam can never be my mother. We are doing well without
mother or father. Grandma is all we got and she played the role of a good parent to us. This woman seated here can never be my mother. Is not even possible…never…let her leave. Please leave our house Mrs Price and don’t ever come back here again. Betty tell her to leave…she should leave right now..
Alice went to the woman angrily ordering her to leave. Betty did not bother stopping her. If Florence knew all this while that Alice was her daughter who she had not seen for years and she kept quiet and pretend all through, she even offered Alice money to go back to Brook. If Florence can do such then she is a terrible woman and shouldn’t even come down here acting like she cares after so many years.
Mrs Price Adam stood up at Alice command. Alice was almost going crazy and kept talking to her angrily.
The woman started walking quietly to the door without a word.

Tom sat around a table as Eunice poured some hot tea into a cup. It was cold summer and hot tea, coffee and hot chocolate was a widely taken in many homes.
“What do you plan to do with her stuffs now that she is gone…?
“I will take my time to arrange them up into cartons. But is too early to dispatch her things. When I’m ready I will give some of it out to the homeless and those that may be in need of it. I will burn the rest but those things she cherished most when she was alive I will keep it back.
“Tom, if you need any help…you know you can always count on me, alright?
“I know. Thanks Mrs Fisher.
They drank their tea quietly and Eunice talked about other things but never mentioned Betty.
Tom wanted to ask about Betty and Alice because it was obvious that they are no more in Brook and is been almost a year he saw Betty. He listened to Eunice absent minded.

He drank his tea and ate his homemade cookies that Eunice offered but his mind was troubled.
Eunice wanted him to ask. She knows that Betty hurt Tom deeply. Betty was already a mother and Tom who does not know that may not want to have anything to do with Betty ever again if he learns that Betty had a child for that politician’s son. Eunice kept quiet and refused to talk about it. She did not want to open an wound up.
After the tea Tom thanked Eunice, he told her when he will be packing up his grandmother’s stuff and will not mind needing extra hand.
Eunice promised to come over and help him.
And when she went over on that particular day, she and Tom went working. Arranging and folding up things. Tom held his Grandmother’s ring in his hand. There was a shiny diamond on it. His grandfather, Philip gave it to his wife whom he love so dearly but death did not allow him to live till old age. The ring was one of his grandmother’s cherished treasure and she kept it securely in her drawer.

Tom held it to his chest, Eunice squeezed his shoulder as she walked past with a cartoon in hand.
Tom continued with the arrangement with Eunice after sometime he asked
“Mrs Fisher, I noticed your granddaughters have not been around…is over a year I set my eyes on Alice. Did they relocate?
“Yea…yeah they did. Alice took up a job in Demark and Betty joined her there last year.
Tom nodded quietly and did not say anything again. Eunice wanted to tell Tom more but the young man has gone through a lot and do not need a reminder of what Betty did to him. She waited for him to ask more question and when he didn’t she decided that after the packing she was going to talk
to him about Betty because is quiet obvious he cares about Betty but did not to show it. And he may be more hurt if he knows that Betty got a child for Rick.
Eunice was going to try and make amend between Tom and her granddaughter. She will pick her word carefully and make things right between them.

Rick held the phone to her face. He was furious.
“…you said you got nothing to do with him yet you sent your nude pics to him. Why Magi…you’re cheating on me?
“Rick, you don’t have any right to go through my phone. I also sent my nude to you so how is that a big deal. I fly all the way down here yesterday, you said you wanted me back, that you missed me. I came in last night and this morning we are having this stupid conversation, what is the meaning of all this Rick?
“Magi, don’t play smart with me…all through the night all you did was to test and this morning you have been on phone for hours and I heard you say to the guy that you love him too. I picked up your phone while you are in the bathroom and went through it for the first time and I can’t believe that you
are in another serious relationship with a guy you met over there.

You were even in a hotel with him last week. And I saw the nude pic you sent to him too. So, all you do now is to play games? Magi I’m not dumb and you shouldn’t be playing smart with me. No, don’t try such shit with me…
Magi fled up angrily.

“Are you jealous? Why are you acting like a saint? You once cheated on me too with that wretched girl, while I was away you went on smashing her. So why are you making it seem like you have never done it. And you should never touch my phone because is my privacy. I don’t go through your things, don’t go through mine.
“Whatever happened between me and Betty was all in the past. This is not the first time you are doing this Magi. I’m sick and tired of your serial cheat. Sending your nude pics to some stupid guy makes you look like a whore…
Magi angrily slapped Rick for calling her names.
Rick tightened his fist angrily. His heart was pounding like drum to his ears.
Magi picked up her things and angrily walked out of the house.
Rick was boiling angrily. He kicked his leg on a table in frustration before sitting on the ground with his head in his hand.


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