“what? Moved on what are you talking about” Leo breathe out somehow he has manged to calm himself down and also prevented himself from freaking out and saying something stupid.

“don’t act dumb with me Leo, why don’t I have a word with her alone” harmony grimaced and we all stared at her confusingly.. Leo suddenly understood what she said by moving on quickly and he smiled.

“Pen and I are not dat–“

“oh come-on leo don’t lie to me..” she interrupted Leo and Leo rolled his eyes. “believe whatever you want” he said and gulped down his drink.

“so can I have a word with her?” harmony asked, referring to me

“a word with me?” I asked

“yeah is anything wrong with that” harmony replied and I shook my head negatively.

She suddenly looked back and forth between Kirana and Leo making them look at her bewilderingly.

“aren’t you two getting the message?” she said to them.

“what message” Kirana asked.

“I said I’d like to have a word with her alone and I mean without you two here” harmony stated and Kirana gave me a look and I nodded at her, making her walk away.. Harmony looked over her ex waiting for him to leave so she can ‘have a word with me’ I don’t know why she wants to talk to me.

Leo sighed angrily before standing up and walking away. Harmony quickly sat down on the stool Leo stood up from and smiled at me.

“so.. I’m harmony” she said, like I didn’t know that.

“I know” I breathed out, but doubted she heard me because of the blasting music the club was playing. “and you’re?” she asked,

“I’m Penelope” I said with a small smile.

“oh that’s why Leo called you pen, you both have a couple pet name already” she said and I didn’t know if I should laugh or not, she’s jealous.

I can feel it.

“you know Leo’s a really sweet guy, you’ll really like him, and don’t worry he’s rich and cause girls go after money a lot these days” she said and I sighed,

yep she’s the rude, disrespectful and annoying type .

“well I’m not like other girls, I don’t go after money” I defended myself, if she thinks I look like a gold digger then she should take a look at her self in the mirror. “oh well you totally should go after money cause it’ll change you a lot” she said with a smile and I almost lost it, she just insulted me!! She’s the type of person who likes to bring others down with a smile not actually letting them get the idea they’re been insulted but let them feel bad in some ways.

“did money change you too?, cause if it has then you still need a lot of money” I said and she suddenly laughed.

“wow Leo didn’t tell me he’s dating a comedian.. But don’t worry he’ll laugh at your jokes someday, he’s the type of person who hardly laugh at jokes, or make friends or even smile, but don’t worry he’ll actually do that someday” she beckoned

“you know for someone who broke up with him, you sure talk about him a lot” I said.

“really? I had no idea” she lied and I shrugged.

“well so I have to ask, why did you break up with him?” I asked and she suddenly paused but turned to the bartender and ordered a drink before turning to me.

“in life sometimes, you have to make choices” she replied and I wore a confused look.

“choices? What does that has to do with you breaking up with Leo” I said and she sighed and passed me the drink she ordered from the bartender. I didn’t want to drink anything so I didn’t take the drink from her.

“don’t worry I’m paying” she said with a twisted smile.

“I’m not declining because of the money, I just don’t feel like drinking anything.” I backfired but she didn’t let that slide until I took the drink from her hand making her order another one..

“dating Leo was one of the best things actually, but in every relationship there’s always a downfall” she said and chug down her glass of red wine.

Okay this girl is just saying gibberish, “no not every relationship has downfall unless you choose for it to have” I said boldly. “oh I stand corrected” she teased and laughed to herself.

“or maybe you were cheating on Leo and just for him not to find out, you broke up with him” I assumed and she suddenly paused and dropped down her glass.. Wait, did my assumptions actually got her, cause it’s true.

“for a girl who has such a quiet face, you actually kind of talk too much.” harmony said not looking at me.

“well that’s a compliment for me” I tell her and celebrated for talking by drinking the drink harmony got me.

And it tasted horrible, it was hot in my chest and sour in my tongue. “what’s this?” I asked harmony who was lost in thoughts but suddenly came back to reality when I asked her about the drink.

“it’s a non alcoholic drink” she said and I nod, wow this tastes horrible.. “i-i h-have to go” harmony said standing up..

“uh okay” I replied not understanding her sudden departure.

She was already walking away when I called her back making her turn swiftly making a perfect sexy hairflip.

“what?” she asked quickly

“if you’re not happy being away from Leo, then get back to him I have a feeling he’ll accept you back” I said but she threw another fake smile ..

“we’re both okay without each other, and just try to be a better girlfriend for him like me although no-one can be better for him than me but still you’ll try” she said in a weird Tone, she’s jealous..

“you sound jealous.” I tell her

“why would I be” she said nervously trying to hide the fact that she jealous.

“cause your breathing’s heavy, you talk a little bit too quickly, your face is a little bit red, and you’re trying to put me up in a competition with you of who’s better for Leo” I stated and she opened her mouth to say something but she couldn’t.

“well I am not jealous” she huffed.

“try telling yourself that. And PS.. Leo and I aren’t dating, we just got to know each other a few days ago” I said and she looked at me surprisingly before walking away.

I signed and turned to my drink in front of me and took a big sip, I squeezed my face suddenly remembering how awful this tastes. And yet I still took another sip,

“so finally she’s gone.” I heard Leo’s voice and my eyes followed him till he sat down back at the stool.

“yeah” i replied finishing my drink. I hate it but yet I love it, I told the bartender to fill my glass again with the same drink and he did.

“so I know it’s stupid that I’m asking this but did Harmony said anything about me.” Leo asked leaning closer to me

“you were our topic of the day” I replied and he smiled.


“I think Harmony really likes you, just about the way you do like her, I don’t know anything about her or why she broke up with you but she does misses you and is afraid to admit it. She thought we were dating and started to say hurtful things to me thinking I would be jealous like she is, ’cause of her idea of me and you being together, but I just told her to go back to you if she really loves and misses you and I told her we’re not dating” I tell Leo and he smiled.

“thanks” he said

“for what?”

“for being really nice”

“nice Is my middle name” I said and he laughed. I raised my glass of who knows whatever is inside there and swallowed the whole thing within a blink of an eye and it hurt and hot my chest but it was worth it.

“gimme another one” I smiled at the bartender

“you sure?” the bartender asked and I nod, and I turned and smiled at Leo.. After taking four more glasses my body becomes hot. “wow it’s hot in here” I said fanning my self with my hand.

“hot? The temperature in here is pretty fine” Leo said and I shrugged.. “gosh I feel sleepy” I complained and looked around to see if I could see Kirana anywhere but my vision was kind of blurry so I just stopped looking. “I want another drink,” I tell the bartender but he shook his head negatively.

“I’m sorry miss but I’m afraid I can’t give you more, it’s liquor and it’s kind of dangerous” the bartender said. “what? Are you crazy or what? I’ve seen dangerous and nothing’s dangerous to me, so pour me bigger glass” I said and moved my glass forward but Leo snatched it from my hand,

“you seem kind of drunk” he said. And sniffed my cup drinking the last drop of the liquor inside the cup.

“hey I was gonna drink that.” I said angrily.

“do you even know what you’ve been drinking?” he asked looking back and forth between me and the glass cup.

“well it’s liquor I guess” I said like I had any idea of what I just drank.

“this is brennivín, an alcoholic drink made in Iceland, it’s similar to vodka, and you’re asking for more do you know what that could do to you?” he asked and I rolled my eyes.

“what can it do to me” I asked like it can’t actually do anything to me. I suddenly stood up proudly but unfortunately my legs became weak and I fell on Leo’s body, “see?” he said and held me tightly preventing me from falling.

“I need to call Kirana” he said sliding his hand in his pocket and brought out his phone, I rest my head on his chest and held him tightly so I wouldn’t fall down cause I feel like so weak right now.

Leo started talking to maybe Kirana on the phone but I couldn’t understand what he was saying or even listening cause I was too busy trying to sober up from my emotions which were mixed with the club’s blasting music and the alcohol inside of me.

I think I’m gonna throw up any minute from now.

“okay you told me there’s an emergency and I see you hugging my bestfriend, you could have told me you were enjoying yourself instead of ruining my enjoyment” I heard Kirana’s Voice said.

“stop babbling she’s drunk” Leo said and I turned swiftly so I could hug Kirana, and I did and we both stumbled almost crashing to the ground.

“oh, god Penelope how can you be so careless and get this drunk” Kirana said holding me..

I wanted to talk but all I could do was cover my mouth lazily with my hand cause it feels like I’m about to throw up.

“if you accidentally throw up on me. I will not only behead you, I will ruin all your clothes and your dead body will be my laundry lady for a whole year” Kirana threatened and I giggled.

“come-on let me have her, I brought my car” I heard Leo’s voice said and before I knew it I was lifted up the ground. A strong arm was placed around my neck and another strong arm was placed at the back of my knee, I think I’m being carried in the bridal position.

Everything suddenly happened so fast and before I knew it, I was climbing the stairs to my room with the aid of Leo who held me and Kirana who held my shoes.

I got to my room and the first thing I did was ran into the bathroom to throw up.

I threw up like six in a role that night before taking tea which Kirana made for me and it stopped a bit. I heard Kirana’ thanking Leo before he left

I changed Into my pajamas, thanks to Kirana and managed to climb the bed before taking a ride to sleep town.


I woke up the next morning with my head pounding like never before, the Sunlight from my window almost blinded my eyes, making me turn away quickly,

I turned to my side and found Kirana looking at me strangely.. I kept quiet when my head started hitting hard, I rubbed my forehead praying the pain should disappear when I do that but I was wrong it kept getting worst.

“stop that! It won’t take the pain away” Kirana said and removed my hand from my head

“what’s wrong with me?” I asked lowly

“you’re having what’s called a hangover”

“a hangover?” I asked

“yep an illness caused by drinking too much” she said and I gasped.

“wait. Last night did I drink at the club yesterday?” I asked not remembering anything but remembering I went to a club Kirana forced me too.

“you drank like never before, you couldn’t even walk but thankfully Leo was there, he carried you to his car and brought you home he even walked you to your room” Kirana explained and I sighed and closed my eyes.

“okay, well can you close the window?” I asked.

“no. The morning sun is perfect for everyone’s body, and here take this it’ll help” Kira said and slipped two unknown pills in my hand making me sit up.

“what’s this?” I asked as she handed me a glass of water.

“it’s hangovers medicine, now take them.” she said pushing my hand to my mouth .. I took the medicine and rested my back on the wall sighing softly.

“I will not go to a club with you ever again” I said and Kirana looked at me.

“look I’m sorry you’re like this, but it wasn’t my fault you’re the careless one” she said making me glare at her

“but still I’m sorry?” she said with an apologetic smile before giving me a hug but pulled away immediately.

“wow! You are burning hot” she said.

“tell me about it” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes, but winced, okay I won’t roll my eyes until this stupid hungover or hangover whatever Kirana calls it is gone cause the stupid headache is affecting my eyes too.

“no I’m serious” Kirana said touching my neck but I pushed her hand away.

“I need to take a shower” I said standing up slowly.. “can you walk?” Kirana asked me like I’m some kind of cripple freak.

“I can dance” I replied Her and walked perfectly to the bathroom.

“take a cold shower” I heard her yelled from the room and I sighed, my headache was slipping away slowly and I was glad. I took of my clothes and got under the shower, I turned on the cold water like Kirana said and it felt good actually.

After taking my bath, I went back to my room and Kirana wasn’t there, since there was no surprise there, I changed into something comfortable, none other than a baggy sweatshirt and a jean shorts. I didn’t have the strength to dry my hair, so I just wrapped it in a towel and went downstairs to check if Kirana was there and like I expected, she was and also noticed an unexpected company.


“hey.. Mason what are you doing here?” I asked as I walked down the stairs carefully .

“oh I just came to hang out since my sister’s taking over my place at work today ” he replied and i nod..

“wow what’s that smell” I asked as I perseved a sweet smell.

“That’s chicken soup, I’m making it for you” Kirana replied with a smile.

“wow that’s the nicest thing you’ve done to me all year” I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.

“so… Penny, I heard you drank a lot last night in club zero-zix and you couldn’t even walk” mason said holding the urge to laugh.

“you heard? Or Kirana told you” I beckoned and he laughs.

“yeah she did.. Oh I wish I was there to see the drunk Penelope” he said and I rolled my eyes and thankfully it didn’t hurt this time cause my headache was gone.

“here!” Kirana said and handed me a small bowl of the chicken soup and a spoon.. I started to drink it and it was good.

“can I have some?” mason asked.

“no!” Kirana blasted

“it’s perfect for her hangover that’s why I made it for her” Kirana added and Mason sighed.

“oh this is so good..” I groaned,

“don’t rub it in my face” Mason said making me laugh a bit,

We all suddenly heard the doorbell and looked at each other and I sighed cause I was the one close to the door and I angrily dropped my soup.

I opened the door and found Leo standing outside my door.

“Leo?” I said surprisingly

“hi” he breathed out

“c-come c-c-come in” I stutter and he smiled and walked in, and I closed the door.

Why Is he here?

“Leo! My man. How you doing” mason yelled. Earning a glare from Kirana.

“never been better” Leo said and Kirana smiled and waved at him, making him wave back.

“what are you doing here?” I asked,

“oh.. Yeah.. Kirana forgot your purse in my car last night” Leo replied and shoved his hand in his pocket bringing my only expensive and fancy purse..

“oh my gosh, thanks” I said taking it from his hand.

“no problem, looks like you’re okay too, last night wasn’t so good for you” he stated and I grimaced. “yeah I heard, from the scale of one to ten how crazy did I get?” I asked

“just two,” he said with a shrugged

“oh.. That’s good to hear, anyway thanks” I said sincerely

“no problem I’ll take my leave now.” he said but Kirana stopped him.

“before you leave, how about a plate of chicken soup” she offered and Leo smiled

“why not”.

“oh so he get to tastes your soup, but I can’t” mason whined

“if you stop complaining I’ll give you two bowls” Kirana tells him and he quietly nod.

The four of us sat down quietly with only the sound of our air sulking out the soup from our spoon to inside our mouth could be heard. And it was extremely awkward.

“okay this is awkward” mason breathed out my thought and we all nodded at his statement.

“so any good news about the restaurant?” I asked,

“not really, Boris said he doesn’t feel like rebuilding it, so I don’t think the restaurant’s ever coming back” Leo replied

“well looks like you have to get a job sooner or later, or else you’ll just be like the girl who got heart broken with no job” Kirana said and I threw her a look. “I’m just saying” she added.

“well you’re right cause I do need a job, I’ll be renting my own apartment soon” I blurted out and everyone suddenly turned to me surprisingly.

“what?” I asked taking the last bite out of my soup and dropping my plate.

“you’re going to leave on your own?” mason asked

“yeah what’s wrong with that” I threw back the question.

“nothing..” he smiled, and turned back to his food and I know something’s up.

“okay if you want to say something, spill it!” I deadpanned and Mason flinched. “okay look you’re, young, innocent, cute and well.. Young and it’s kind of not your thing to leave alone” Manson said slowly and I huffed.

“seriously!! Kirana lives alone and I’m older than her” I yelled angrily,

“with seven months red hair” Kirana tells me but I rolled my eyes at her and turned to Mason, who’s still seeing as a girl, but not a lady.

“look Kirana’s like an elephant or let’s say a rhino, and you’re like a little lost puppy” Mason said with a smile, “that is not funny!” I warned, giving him a stern look.

“what he’s trying to say is.. It might be difficult for you to live on your own” Kirana blasted making me more angrier.

“you all see me as this weak girl who can’t do anything for herself, well you’re all wrong cause you haven’t seen the other side of me” I said, feeling brave for my bold speech.

“Penn. I’ve known you all your life and you have no other side” Kirana said and I sighed.

“you know what? I don’t care, whatever you all say won’t change my decision, I’m getting my own apartment sooner or later, whether you all like it or not” I tell them, Kirana just shrugged while Leo, I didn’t think he was listening cause he’s too busy enjoying his chicken soup. “or you can come live with me at my place for free no paying of rent, and you and I can share my bed” mason stupidity suggested and Kirana laughed.

“no thanks, I don’t want to wake up with your foot on my face, and I don’t want to do ‘your laundry” I said and he nods angrily as Kirana’s laughter increased.

“so Leo how’s the soup, looks like you’re really enjoying yourself” Kirana asked taking the plate from Mason cause he was done with his.

“yeah, you’re a really great cook” Leo tells Kirana

“thanks, learned everything I know from Pen” Kirana said, making Leo glance at me then back at his food.

“so Leo, ever planing of dating another girl aside from Penelope” Mason suddenly asked making everyone look back and forth between him and Leo including me.

“no I don’t” Leo plainly replied

“why?” Mason asked.

“dude? Have you ever fallen in love or dated a girl once?” Leo asked but mason shook his head negatively..

“well if you have you’ll know exactly how I feel” Leo said and Mason smiled. “it’s sad though” mason breathed out.. While Kirana rolled her eyes.


Soon enough they all left including Kirana, who promised to call everyday, just because I drank one stupid alcohol, she’s treating me like a sixteen years old lost teenager, I should be the one acting all tough and adult-y, I use to think having a cute young face was amazing, well I still think it’s amazing it’s just that people are not seeing me the way I want them to, the Lady in me..

I went back upstairs to room later that afternoon, and started looking at some old pictures and albums from highschool, college and few months ago, and Richard were in a lot of them and I as I looked some of the pictures and remembered the day, I just cried cause i missed it. But before I know it, I fell asleep.

I woke up to see myself on my bed, and a blanket over my body.. I heard voices from downstairs and I knew my parents were home, I got down from the bed and realised it was nighttime,my face felt strong and tight, and I remembered it was my tears from earlier.

After washing that off, and wiping it with a towel, I tucked my hair behind my ears and walked downstairs .

I told my mom i will begin a job hunt the next day and about having my own apartment here in Breek, she wasn’t so happy about it but sees that I’m a grown lady and I can live on my own, and that’s why she’s my mom. She told my dad about it and well since he’s a good man, he clearly said.

“I won’t make decisions for you sweetie, you make them yourself and I know you’re doing the right one, I’ll help you look for one if you like”.

I went to bed again that night but it seems like I wouldn’t get any sleep so I stayed up all night listening to one of my mom’s favorite oldies song. ‘she could be you’

And strangely it helped me fall asleep again.



The next morning, I woke up late as usual since there was no alarm waking me up again. I got dressed, ate and got ready for my job hunt which I thought it would be easy..

Well it wasn’t easy, after going here and there asking for different jobs from different restaurants to be a cook, cause I’m a cook. And its what am good at.. I don’t think I can do anything right aside from cooking.

Anyways after going here and there, I finally settled down in a coffee shop cause I couldn’t take the heat anymore, I needed something to drink so I could continue my hurtful job hunt journey.

Just as I placed my order on getting a coffee with extra foam, I heard my name and looked up to see Leo, smiling and sitting down opposite me.

“Leo! Hi” I said cheerfully

“wow, I thought after the fire outbreak in the restaurant we wouldn’t see each other so much, but I think the universe has it own way of working things out, we meet each with other like everywhere we go” he said happily.

“so, what are you doing here?” he asked calmly,

“remember when I mentioned about searching for a job yesterday?” I asked and he nods.

“yeah that’s what I’m doing, I’m on break now”

“well how is it going” he asked.

“not good at all, I’ve been to like fifteen restaurant, asking to be a cook but apparently none of needed more of cooks.. And gosh it’s tiring” I complained and sighed after it.

“wait! I do have a lot of companies, and I could get you a job there” he said with a smile.

“no thanks, I don’t do companies, cooking is my thing, it’s like I’ve got gifted hands for cooking and I love doing it” I said looking at my hands, and not knowing why..

“okay then how about you be my private chef” he said making me look up at him.

“private what?” I asked blinking rapidly.

“my private chef, like my own cook in my house” he replied,

“uhm.. How can I be your private chef when you don’t even stay at home, who’ll get to eat what I cook, rats?, so I’m passing this one” I said and he laughed.

“well, strangely and lately I’ve been staying home since the restaurant got burnt, and I learned that living without harmony is not bad as I thought” he explained and I smiled,

“good for you”


“so what?”

“will you still be my private chef?” he asked.

“how much will I be earning a month” I returned the question

“name your price and I’ll pay you” he said making me me smile. Okay this is a good start, I can start working and get my own apartment!! This is so nice..

“well Leo, you’ve got yourself a chef” I said and a waiter walked up to me and placed my coffee in front of me.

What took him so long.

“so deal?” Leo said bringing his hand forward.

“oh it’s a deal!” I said and shook his hand happily.

“so when do I start working?” I asked

“whenever you want” he replied

“how about tomorrow” I grimaced

“tomorrow’s perfect” he smiled


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