FARIDA Episode 53 by Oge’s Stories

FARIDA Episode 20 by Oge's Stories

FARIDA Episode 53 by Oge’s Stories

Wale was not perturbed by Sam arrogance while in court. He knew what the results of the test would be but as long as Farida remained in the UK, Sam couldn’t have the children. Apart from that, he still had the case of the restraining order so he couldn’t badge into the apartment whenever he desired. He had also thought of moving them. Monica had mentioned it too. They both decided to get a house at the outskirts so they could move there and Farida can use the bus to school and back. Monica hardly went out so it was convenient for her. They had started scouting.

Farida was conserving money, they didn’t understand. She also didn’t want to take money from anyone. The cost of maintaining two babies was high. What they didn’t know was that Farida had planned ahead. She had bought diapers, wipes, creams, milk, cereal and other baby necessities in bulk and stored away in the friend’s storage for free. She had bought baby clothes that would last for the next six months. Lucky, she got a mix of both sexes. She wanted to live independently. She moved the money Sam’s father sent to her when she put to bed into a deposit account for the children in future. She also would be glad to return it if he tries any rubbish with her in future.

The results of the Paternity test was read to them at another court sitting. It was confirmed Sam was the father of the twins. He was very excited. He had a son now. When did Farida take in? Why did it take seven years to get to this point? He went immediately for the babies but he was stopped. There was a counter application. Farida stated she had filed for divorce which was still in process in Nigeria, she also had a restraining order against which she filed evidence of his threat to kill her and kill himself, and she was not willing to share custody with him as he had committed bigamy by marrying another woman who had given him two children with one on the way and she was scared he could run away with the children to Nigeria to force her to come back.

The judge agreed that the restraining order should remain in place as Farida was still scared for her life. Custody will remain with Farida but supervised visit at the child care office could be arranged for Sam to see the children at a pre-arranged time. This was all Farida wanted; she wanted Sam to stay away from her completely.

Sam didn’t find it funny. How can he be stopped from seeing his children meanwhile Farida’s lover can be with them anytime he liked? It was unfair and very unreasonable. He mentioned It to his lawyer who told her to forget about that for now.

After the hearing, the lawyer appealed to Farida’s lawyer to allowed Sam speak with Farida and also see the children. He asked Farida, she wanted to decline but Wale asked her to allow him see his children and give him audience to hear what he has to say.

When Sam saw the kids closely, he was super excited. They were more beautiful than when he saw them the last time.

“We made beautiful babies Farida” Sam said. She didn’t respond. “I have hurt you and I have come to apologize to you. Please forgive me all I have done to you. I want to right all my wrongs. Come back to Nigeria let us start over again. We have been blessed with two children and I have a son. Let’s work things out, please”

“You want me back in Nigeria so you will take my children away from me and using your wealth and political might? I am not coming back. Once the divorce is final, I will have full custody and you won’t have visiting rights”

“Why do you hate be? You were not like this until Wale entered your life. I miss you so much and I still love you. Wale cannot make you feel the way I make you feel. I will divorce Idara and send her away so you can come and have your exalted position”

“Do you remember when you refused us doing IVF because you already had kids with Idara. You were selfish and now I have to be. Sam, I don’t love you anymore. I never want to be with you again. My children will remain with me until they are old enough to make their decisions. If you want to be seeing them, you have pay child support. Knowing you, it will be difficult for you to do. I will not force you either. Can I leave now?”

“I should pay child support so you can support your boyfriend? He has left the filling station he was managing to live here with you. I will have custody of these children when the time is right. I actually thought your mother was not smart but I just discovered she might just be smarter than I thought. She knows what is right. Why would you leave your husband because he married another woman? You were pregnant for me and hid it. You were planning to give my pregnancy to one nonentity. Aren’t you a Muslim? Don’t your people marry more than one woman? You didn’t give me a child, I tried outside and got children. Is it my fault you couldn’t bear children then? You are being unreasonable and you know it. Anyway, I have the full backing of your mother so I have nothing to fear”

Farida looked at him with pity and walked away. What response was she expecting? There was no way in this world she would have anything to do with this egoistic creature. He was so sure of himself. Probably he was thinking maami had a hold on her. So maami was his informant. Since she has decided to join the camp of her enemies, Farida decided to cut her off. She had to protect herself and her children.

Wale had shown her so much love and care. He hadn’t pressured her about sex and he treated her and the kids like they were his. Farida promised herself not to ever do anything to hurt Wale. He was her support system. He had made too many sacrifices for her and she knew she owed him her loyalty.

Monica too was heaven sent. She was so considerate and loving to the children. She spent most nights on the couch so Wale can sleep with Farida although for some weeks now he had taken the couch so he could do night duty effectively.

The twins were growing up strong and healthy. They were getting bigger by the day. Farida didn’t allow anyone buy things for the babies. She brought things in cartons and always replaces them when they are almost depleted. The day Farida took them to the storage where she had the things she bought for the children, Monica and Wale marveled at her.

Wale was to leave soon. He was worried about them coping without him. The house he sought to get them had been found but convincing Farida to move was another problem. Since Sam refused to pay child support, he could not determine to her who stays with her and who doesn’t. So, Wale contacted his father and asked him for help in buying a flat or house in London. The father said a house of the magnitude he wanted will be extremely expensive. He suggested he goes outside London. His father had a house in Northampton which he bought some years back. They agreed would transfer the title to Wale and he would pay him back the amount he paid for the house. It was a four bedroom detached house. Wale was happy about it. His father bought the house for £200,000 which was about N50m. Luckily, it was vacate. He asked his father to transfer the property to Farida’s name; he never wanted her to be stranded. The father insisted it should be in both their names.

Wale took Monica first to see the house. Monica loved it. It was a very peaceful environment but needed some work done on it. Commuting to London was another issue. They agreed they didn’t need to be in London everyday. Farida only needed to be in school three times a week, other times she could meet with her group online like most of them did. The house was big enough for her to study. Also, the house needed some renovation. Monica asked him not to worry.

Monica contacted her father and asked for the money for renovation. He sent it to her. So, it was settled. The only outstanding was getting Farida to agree to the move.

Farida fell in love with the environment. It reminded her of Sam’s village which she loved so much. The house obviously needed some renovation so they got a building contractor to do the renovations. The cost estimate he brought was reasonable. Farida wanted to handle it and so did Wale but Monica insisted and paid the guy an advance payment to start. Farida couldn’t believe how blessed she was to have these two in her life.

The contractor finished up the house in less than a month. The furniture was delivered to the house. Farida wasn’t allowed to see the house until they were to move in. The got a moving van to move all their personal effect and the items in storage to the new house. The next day, they left the children to come with Monica in a cab, took the train and then a cab to the house.

Farida couldn’t believe her eyes. The house was better than she dreamed of. It had bricks on the outside which kept the inside warm. The sitting room was painted white. The babies’ room was painted blue and pint which was cute. Farida’s room was painted mint green while Monica had her room painted cream. The spare room was also painted white. They did up the babies room with their cots, dressing tabled, cupboard and shelves. There was a bed there too for a new nanny Wale intended to get.

The furniture was set and all their things put away by late afternoon. Farida warmed soup she brought from London and made amala for them to eat. They deserved the feast. They all agreed Sam was not to know where they stayed right now. The bills in Northampton were cheaper than London and so where the stores.

That night, the babies were laid in their bed in their bedroom. A monitor was placed in each of the cots so they could hear them when they cried to eat. Farida went to bed earlier. She took a bath and changed into her night wear. Wale had his bath too and they all sat together upstairs watching a movie before Monica left to talk to Hugh on video call.

Farida turned to Wale and said, “I am not very good with expressing myself or how I really feel. I see you more like my brother than a lover. I know I have always told you this. The difference now is that truly I am attracted to you. My biggest fear is you changing. Sam changed. He made me feel I was everything but I know the real him now. I know he was using me. I’ve learnt my lesson. I can’t trust anyone except you. I pray I am not making a mistake. I love you; from the bottom of my heart I do. I want us to be together forever. I don’t know what you want. I am a mother with two children. Sam said things that he shouldn’t have to you; it is one of the reasons I will never forgive him. Do you really want to be with me? If you just want us to have an affair and then you decide to move on with your life; as long as we agree now, I will agree to it. But if you want to row this boat with me with all the challenges it brings, let me know now so I won’t have high expectations. Right now, I feel more like a wife than a girlfriend and I don’t want this to ever end”

“Farida, I will give up everything to be with you. You make loving you so easy. You give without expecting something in return. You help people shape their destinies without taking the glory. All that Sam is today is because of you but you never rub it in his face. I want you to know that all I am now is because of you. All I am going to be will also be because of you. I will never take you for granted. You are my wife; you have always been and you will always be. Pressure will come, we have to handle it together. When troubles come, we must stand strong together. Our yes is our yes and our no is our no. I love you and I love the babies. I am going to be father again soon. I want your support too. I know I can count on it. I have gotten ideas on how to manage the responsibility. It is only you Farida that will buy things in bulk months ahead of when they are needed. You plan ahead and work with a budget. It is quite impressive. Our children are blessed to have a mother like you. I have loved you since the day before we wrote Jamb and it hasn’t changed. Hopefully, it will never change”

Farida looked at him. She believed him. Wale had always been consistent but she got carried away by Sam’s superficial nature. She never felt her heart skip a beat with Wale as it did with Sam. With Wale she had always felt extremely comfortable and relaxed. She could be herself. Looking back, it was the Aisha’s incident that separated them initially before Sam came along. She owed Wale so much. He had been patient with her. She was also ready to be with him. She knew if she didn’t make the move, Wale will never make it.

Farida leaned closer to Wale and planted a kiss on his lips. He thought it was the normal kiss they shared until it became demanding. He couldn’t believe Farida initiated it. He gladly pulled her closed to him as the kiss became more intense. Wale took over, he kissed her neck then her shoulders and then back to her mouth. Her eyes wee closed but her breathing had changed. He knew she wanted this as much as he wanted it. He avoided her breasts because she was breast feeding but he caressed them. As she got aroused so did the breast fill in. He lifted her nightie up while Farida covered her face with her two hands. He kissed her tummy her lap and finally rested at her panties. He stopped and whispered to her “We can’t do this here. Let’s go inside”. He stood up and helped Farida up. He kissed her as they went into the bedroom. He led her to the bed. As she laid down, he lifted her left leg and kissed it from the toe until he got to the division. He helped her remove her panties. He could not really see as the room was dark. He switched on the head lamp so he could have a clear view of what he was about to do.

Farida couldn’t believe Wale was taking his time. He didn’t seem in a hurry and didn’t give her instructions. She decided to sit back and enjoy it for now. She wondered what he was doing kissing her allover. It tickled as he planted the kisses. He kissed her two legs before descending on the divide. It took her breath away. She couldn’t believe the sensation she was receiving that she pushed Wale’s head away from her. Wale could see it was her first time receiving it and he smiled to himself. He would release his skills in trickles so she never gets bored. He forced her to kiss him.

He was ready for her. Then it dawned on him, he didn’t have condoms. She just had babies and could easily get pregnant. He didn’t want to risk a withdrawal that could end up like Tomiwa’s. In as much as he desired to have a steamy session with her, without condoms he can only make her have fun and they sleep.

“What wrong” Farida asked.

“No condoms. I don’t want you to get pregnant anytime soon”

“I have condoms” Wale looked at her strangely. “I was given at the family planning clinic. They asked if I had them. I knew they would come into some use soon” she stood up to get them.

Wale could see that Farida was obviously prepared for this. He never saw her as an initiator. To him, she was a shy and innocent but the girl he was experiencing was different. She knew exactly what she wanted and wasn’t shy about getting it. He put the condom on and they had a bit of romance before he found his way in. Farida allowed him thrust in her severally while kissing her in between and telling her how she made him feel. She experienced lovemaking with so much involvement from the man. She knew he was trying to please her and please her he did. She didn’t know when the moans were released or how loud they were until Wale had to cover her mouth as he turned her over on her tummy. His joy was that she was enjoying it and her reaction to his thrust caused him to climax quicker than he intended. As he was coming, he did what he always did with other girls. He called out Farida’s name.

Farida went to have a shower. Wale joined her in the bathroom. She didn’t know he was there. He admired his Farida. She was beautiful. She still had her physique as she worked hard to lose her tummy fat. From behind, the view was seductive; her hips and ass were curvy and shapely which preceded her long straight beautiful legs. Farida should have been a model. The curve of her small waist was still intact; she only had a small bulge on her tummy, you will never believe she just had a baby talk less of twins. Her dark skin shone against the flow of the water. When she turned around. She still hadn’t observed him. It gave him time to look at her beautiful breast he craved for. They were still standing and engorged. He wished he could suckle on them to give them both pleasure but he had to tread slowly with her.

Farida raised her head up while taking a bath and was startled when she saw Wale standing stark naked watching her with a suggestive look on his face. She turned away quickly and asked him to cover himself as she tried to cover herself.

‘Why? Why should I cover myself?” he asked her as he joined her in the shower.

Farida wished the ground would open and swallow her. Sam never insisted on sharing the bathroom with her. Why was Wale insisting? He was naked; she could see everything which made her uncomfortable. He helped her bath her back while Farida hid her face. He cupped her breasts as he extended to washing the front. Farida couldn’t say anything. Somehow, she liked what was happening but at the same time she was uncomfortable.

“It’s you turn. Bath me” Wale said to Farida. Farida couldn’t move. Wale had to guide her hands to the bath gel and then help her apply it to his body. She avoided his manhood but Wale eventually led her hands to his now erect manhood. It was like she was in a trance. She bathed him. He didn’t care anymore. The feel of her hands on his manhood made him take a deep breath. Immediately she removed he rinsed it, turned her over placed her hands on the wall and took her from behind while the shower still poured on them. Farida had never had such an experience before and she released involuntary moans as the sensation built up.

Was sex this good? Farida thought to herself after they had cuddled up together to sleep. She felt every experience she just had was a dream. Wale was good. No wonder Tomiwa was bent on having him. She was scared she too won’t be able to let go. He didn’t look the part but he knew how to pleasure a woman. Farida knew she had to show some of the skills she was forced to learn while trying to convince Sam she was good sexually. But she was still shy with Wale. He won’t believe he was the second person she willingly gave her body to. She thought about all she would do to him as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Farida woke up alone in bed. She was naked. She looked for her nighties. Her breasts were engorged and leaking milk. She remembered she didn’t feed her babies last night. She threw on her nighties and rushed out. She could smell some cooking going on downstairs. She ignored the aroma and rushed into the babies’ room. Her babies were being tendered to by Monica. She was feeding them both at once.

“Thank you, Monica. Let me have one of them”

“No need. Express milk for them instead”

She sat down backing Monica to express the milk.

“How was last night?” Monica asked.

“Last night? It was fine. And yours?”

“How was Wale? Did you enjoy yourselves?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I am talking about what both of you did last night that you forgot you had babies; hungry babies for that matter”

“I am sorry Monica”

“I didn’t want to disturb. I knew it was your first time with Wale and I allowed you have fun. Please make sure the babies are fed before you start because they rejected the milk, they wanted your breasts. Dayo had to suck mine with the nipple of the bottle attached to it before he agreed to eat”

“I’m so ashamed. I’m such an irresponsible mother”

“When the sex is good you lose your senses. I hope it was worthwhile. It should be for you to starve your children”

Farida placed a finger on her lips and said to Monica, “Not so loud, he will hear you”

“And so? I will still tease him about it. Now both of you are having the action around here, we have to review the duties here. I need to also get me some good loving. I am going to London this weekend to get some”

“You’re having sex with Hugh?”

“Since when. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice”

“I honestly didn’t. How is it with a white guy?”

“Not much difference except that he is very willing to please and he puts the fore in the foreplay to good use. You haven’t told me about Wale”

“It was good. Very good”

Monica had a surprised look on her face and then she said, “Coming from you, then it must have really been good”

Farida had expressed enough milk and placed in the fridge in the room. She brought out what they would wear and then gave them a bath. They were fast asleep while she bathed them with warm water. They were placed back in the cots to sleep while Farida went in to take a shower too and get dressed for breakfast.

“There you are’ Wale said as he circled his hands around her waist, “where did you go? I was waiting for you here”

“I went to check on the babies”

“Monica was tending to them” he kissed her neck an asked her, “did you sleep well?”

“Yes, I did” she was uncomfortable with all this affection.

“Relax. I had a swell time especially in the bathroom. I enjoyed every moment of …..”

“Please can we not discuss this’

“Are you shy?”

“Not exactly but please”

He turned her to face him and looked her in the face. “You are shy. You can’t be shy with me. I’m all yours and you can have me when you want me. All you need to do is ask or make a move and I am all yours”

“Can we not talk about this”

“You became fully mine last night. I want to talk about it. I want to be with you always”

“Do you realise we forgot the children? Monica had tended to them while we were having sex here”

“So? She tended to them. We won’t forget the monitor next time. Come and eat, you need your strength”

“You are impossible. I need to take a bath before eating”

‘I will join you”

“No, you won’t. We will end up being irresponsible again” with that she went in to take her bath while Wale went to serve Monica her food.

They all ate in the sitting room upstairs while they discussed other things. Wale wanted to organize their movement before leaving as they were yet to get a nanny in their new location. Monica suggested bringing someone she knows from Nigeria. The woman worked with her stepmother when she was having kids before she got married. She did not have children and her husband married a second wife. The man died recently and the kinsmen didn’t treat her nicely because she didn’t have children. Monica suggested they bring her to help with the children and house chores as she is a trusted hand. Farida can focus on her studies while Monica can work to contribute to the running of the house.

Wale bought the idea. He began to make arrangements immediately. Monica had to mention to Farida that Wale deals with issues that concerns her promptly.

“See what you have missed for many years. A man makes you priority. My dear, do not lose this guy o. Even if you catch him on top of another woman, forgive him and move on. He is too good to be true but he has been consistent”

“I know, right? I am not letting him go”

“It’s your body talking”

“Please don’t start”

After dinner, Monica mentioned she would be going to London for the weekend. She begged Wale to take it easy with Farida so she can remember she has babies. Wale had a good laugh. He looked at an embarrassed Farida before he said,

“Monica you are still on night duty tonight. We are going to get busy. Farida, am I right?”

Monica and Wale bursted into laughter when they saw Farida’s face. It was like the ground should open and swallow her.

He insisted they had a shower again together. There was no resistance from Farida as she allowed him bath her. She loved her experience last night and she hoped this would equally be good. It was way better. Where did Wale get his skills from? Now she understood why Tomiwa was screaming that night in Abuja. He was really good. Monica didn’t know how good he was; she just can’t share him with anyone. Not after these experiences.

The day before Wale was to go back, Farida was teary and easily irritable. She was sad. She didn’t want him to go but she knew he needed to go. They had discussed the way forward for both of them. He would be visiting quarterly for two weeks.

Wale talked about his brothers’ interest in the arm of business he was managing which was why he was considering branching out on his own. He considered the Construction business which he had built three estates successfully. He could achieve this with the help of her brother.

Farida suggested he could branch out but only after he had spoken with his father and gotten his blessings. Also, she felt he also had experience in the Oil and gas retail business so he should also consider having his own business in that too.

Wale mentioned a meeting he had with a business man who needed help to build and manage mega filling stations in some states up North. Alhaji has been on his case to handle the project and tell him how much it would cost. He could obviously afford to finance it. Wale wanted to discuss with Farida before accepting to do the contract. Farida gave her go ahead. It was a big opportunity for him to work independently but he must have his father’s blessings.

Wale had contacted the nanny Monica spoke about. They discussed terms of her employment. He asked her to see an agent he knew so he could prepare arrange her international passport. The passport took a few days before they gathered enough documents to apply for her. She was coming in as someone who was getting a job. Monica used her father’s influence to ensure she gets the visa so she would not need to travel to Nigeria every six months.

In the meantime, Monica had to be with the babies during the days Farida went to school while Farida takes over night duty. Wale had to step back and allow the strategy work for a week before he left. Wale had applied for a two weeks’ leave extension to ensure the nanny comes before he leaves but it didn’t work out. They had to settle for the strategy. The nanny arrived two weeks after he had left.

Wale was set to leave. Farida held him all night. He knew she would miss him and he would miss them too. The problem was her cuddling him so tightly was making his body react. But he knew that was not what she needed now.

Wale kissed the babies goodbye. They had grown so much under his care and he would miss them. He hugged Monica. Farida went with him to the airport. He checked in his luggage. They sat together at a café. Wale had to be careful not to have a repeat of the drama that erupted from their last airport experience. They talked at length. Wale promised they would speak everyday and if there was an issue, he will be right back. They both knew he needed to make this bold step to be great.

When his flight was announced. Farida hugged him at their corner. They shared an intimate kiss and then she walked him to the check in before she left. She cried all the way to the train station. She would miss him. He was her rock.

Immediately Wale turned on his Nigerian number, his phone began to ring. He knew whom it was without evenchecking.

“Omo mi, wat ave I done to you that you ran away for more dan tiri months? Is it because I said you cannot be with that girl? As a mother, you ave to see reason. If it were your sister a boy denied er and de pregnancy would you be appy?”

“What do you want mum?”

“I missed you. Come and see me”

“You mean I should come and see Tomiwa?”

“Dat’s not wat I’m saying. Come and visit me”

“I just came in. I have some crucial meetings to attend. Daddy said there will be a family meeting soon so I will come to Lagos then. Do me a favour, don’t send Tomiwa to me because it won’t work”

“Were did you travel to?”

“I went to be with my wife”

“Which wife? Never you call dat usband snatcher your wife. She is not your wife. Tomiwa is the one bearing shildren for you so she is the one we know”

“Suit yourself. I have things to do as I just came in. When I am in Lagos, I will see you” he ended the call. He didn’t need her drama right now.

He let his father know he was back and asked for a private meeting in Abuja. Before he could meet with the Alhaji that wants to build the mega filling stations, he wanted to discuss with his father first as Farida had insisted. Luckily, the father was flying in the next day for a meeting.

They met and had lunch together at his hotel restaurant. Wale always admired his father. He was so calm and calculated at all times. Whenever he was upset, he never called anyone names, rather he would he address the issue. Wale learnt that from him. He also enjoyed he good things of life without being obvious. Looking at him, you will never know he is a billionaire. He told Wale living a quiet and fulfilled life was better than exhibiting your financial accomplishment; it could lead you to either losing your fortunes or an early grave. Be good and kind to people. Never accept to be rewarded for good; you will receive nothing in heaven and heavenly reward is the ultimate reward. It was these words that made Wale claim he is the manager of the Mega filling station and not the owner’s son. He was not under any pressure and could relate with all levels of people. Even the staff of the filling station are not aware who he is. Another thing his father once told him, follow your heart. If your heart is pushing you to do something, do it. Whether it is right or wrong, do it. Your heart can never lead you wrong. Once there is doubt, don’t ever do it. But if your mind compels you to do something then know you are not wrong.

Sitting with his father and pouring his heart out was therapeutic. His father listened to Wale talk about Farida and her children. He could see the spark in his eyes. Then he told him about leaving the family business and starting on his own. He told his father about the two opportunities he was considering. His father listened to him quietly without interrupting him. When Wale had finished talking, his father said,

“You my son, you are so much like me. You can see what the future holds before it comes which my other sons can’t see. I support you branching out on you own but you will work for us on a consultancy work. Your brothers cannot handle this business and I will prove it to them. Let’s keep leave business aside. How is Farida? How was your break?”

Wale was all smiles at the mention of Farida. “We just talked about her. She is fine. And the babies too”

“I can see you are smiling. Now you have done it, are you still in love with her?”

“More than before”

“This is for real?”

‘Yes it is”

“What do we do about Tomiwa?”

“I am not marrying her dad. I will never do that to Farida”

“You may have to if you want to be with Farida”


“She will go to any length to marry you and you are not the diabolic type. Once she has your mother’s buy in (which she does) you will be manipulated back to her. I know your mother and what she can do”

“I can’t marry her because I don’t love her. There is no amount of manipulation that will make me love her”

“There is something we can do but not right now. When she has the baby then we will sort it out. In the meantime, avoid your mother’s house. Don’t sleep there, don’t eat or drink from there”

“I won’t dad”

“Go about your new business while you prepare to hand over. Bring your target sheet for the meeting so they would know it is serious business. I want them to be the ones to call you back. I know my sons’ strengths before I give them responsibilities. I don’t want them to believe I am favouring you because of your mother so I will allow them mess themselves up”

Wale told Farida he now had his father’s blessing to leave the family business. He still wanted him to handle the construction arm on a contract basis because he knows others won’t be able to handle.

He held the meeting with the Alhaji. He showed him his designs ideas for the mega filling stations. The man was very impressed. They signed an agreement. Everything Wale asked for, the man agreed to. He also told the man that his family was in the UK. He would be travelling for a forthnight every quarter. Alhaji agreed.

He had brainstormed about a company name he would use for the registration of his company. He had decided on Thrillwood Construction Company. He had only four directors in the company, himself, Farida, Akram and his father. Himself and Fa”rida had equal shares of 40% each while her brother and his father had 10% each. When Farida saw it, she was happy. Wale was doing everything possible to keep them together. She was grateful for it.

The family meeting was called. Wale came from Abuja to attend and also tender his files. He had requested his father employ the services of an external and independent auditor to audit the books before he leaves which was done and there was no evidence of foul play.

His father announced to the family Wale’s decision to resign his appointment and face his own business. Everyone was shocked. They never expected it from him. He added,

The company had been audited from the date Wale took over until last month when he gave his notice, and we all have to thank Wale for he has grown the company from revenue of N15m to N3.5b as at today. This revenue doesn’t include the three estates he has built over the years. This is why I will retain him on contract basis for the construction of other estates we had discussed before he took this decision. Also, I will be giving him 5% of the amount he has generated over the years as his severance pay. That said, I know his brothers are interested in taking over from Wale. I want to let you know how we were able to achieve this growth. Wale was given quarterly targets as shown here (he asked Wale to share the papers with him). He met and surpassed them each time. The issue of theft reduced drastically under his watch and the morale of staff skyrocketed. From three filling stations we have over twenty -five filling stations all strategically located thanks to Wale. If you are interested in filling these big shoes, come up with a strategy on how you intend to achieve this. I give you two weeks to submit your proposals”

Wale’s mother cried at the meeting. She kept saying Wale had killed her. Wale completely ignored her and her wails and left for Abuja. He wasn’t ready for any games.

His mother called him later for him to see her but he told her he was already in Abuja.

“You couldn’t come to see your pregnant wife? What kind of behavior is that?”

“I told you my wife is not pregnant, she has had her babies. Tomiwa is the mother of my child and nothing more. You will estrange this relationship if you continue like this. I will be moving to the UK permanently if you try anything funny with me. I have said it before, I am saying it again, I have promised Tomiwa I will take the child and take care of it”

“It is not it. Obirin ni. It is a girl. You are having a daughter. When you sent those things to me to me from London, I was happy thinking you were coming around but now, I don’t know again”

“Once the baby is born, I will take her. If you can’t care for her my wife will”

“Which wife? When did you marry? Someone else’s wife. No problem. At the end you shall come for both your wife and child”

“If you do anything against me, it shall backfire. Try it and see” He ended the call.

#OpraDre FARIDA 53

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2 years ago

Interested games

2 years ago

I’m scared for Wale’s life🥺

2 years ago

Wale’s mother is a serious case. He should just be careful, forcing Tomiwa on Wale diabolically can result to him being an imbecile. Nice story