ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 126 – 128 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 111 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 126

Frank has been pleading with
Sabur, Sandra’s gateman for almost
an hour, but the man seemed to be
enjoying the show. Frank
persuaded the man with all manner of things,
when he realised
that he wouldn’t be allowed to
enter, he walked up to his car and
sat on the bonnet.
The scorching sun was burning
through his skin such that, even if he were at
the beach or pool
tanning, he’d have to dive into the
water or walked to the shed. The
only option he had was to enter his
car and rest his aching body, his
stomach gave a violent lurch that shook his
whole body. He knew
what it was, hunger.
His ringing phone brought him
back to life, he clambered to the
ground from the bonnet and
walked towards the passenger side on the sit
where his phone lay.
It was his girlfriend calling. She has
been calling him since he left home
just to know how he was faring,
but her concern seemed to be
getting out of hand. He has been ignoring the
call since and this
certainly won’t be an exception.
From inside the car, he could hear
the sound of the gate opening
once again and Sabur peeked his
head out to confirm if he had gone or was still
waiting. In one swift
run, he pushed the skinny
gateman out of the way and they
both crashed against the
gateman’s post.
Sabur felt the most pain because, as skinny
as he was, Frank rested
his weight on him coupled with the
fact that he hit his back on the wall.
He pushed Frank off his body while
Sandra stood afar off having a
good laugh. He approached his cousin with a
pleading eyes.
“Yes? How may I help you?” She
asked with total indifference.
“Sandy, it is me.” He replied
emphatically. “Who are you?” she asked.
He knew better not to reply her
question. He just moved closer to
“How dare you?” Sandra asked.
He wanted to ask her what he did that was
wrong but he knew that
could fetch him a slap or being
bounced out.
“Sandy, believe me. I know
nothing about Janet’s game on
you.” “And you expect me to believe
that, don’t you?”
“I know it is hard to believe, but
believe me, my emotions
beclouded my thinking.”
“You went on to celebrate my downfall by
going shopping right?
You had no idea that you are being
“Sandra, I went shopping with
Isabella and coincidentally, I met
Janet shopping for her new apartment.” Frank
“Apartment you said?”
“You have to take me there.” She
said beating him on the chest.
“I have no idea where it is. But she gave me
her number.” Frank said.
Sandra gave her phone to him and
ordered the input of Janet’s
“Let me go and pick my phone
from the car outside.” He hurriedly went out of
compound and returned quickly
with his phone.
“Thanks.” He said.
“I am still not convinced that you
know nothing about the whole game.” Sandra
said emphasizing
each word.
“Believe me…” he was saying when
Sandra ordered him to shut his
mouth and get out.
“I’ll call you.” She said to him before
disappearing behind her
It was worth it afterall. The
pleading and the sun tan.
“See you later.” He said to Sabur
mockingly dipping his hand into his pocket
and giving him a one
thousand naira note.
Clement and his team entered the
St Battaihas hospital and after
necessary sign ins, they were allowed to
proceed to the waiting
room. He was in close contact with
Sylvester led team in Benin city and
Edgar led team of computer analyst
at the police station. The lates news
he recieved from the Benin team was
discouraging and
disheartning. Sylvester is currently
in the hospital after being hit in the
head by a suspected terrorist. He
felt a surge of excitement within
him when he got a message from Edgar telling
him the room from
which Danger-kelv was making his
call. He wanted to shoot Edgar
through the phone because the
ward in which Danger-kelv was
the same as the ward where Ngozi was
Maybe, he sneaked in during the
night to make the call. He led his
boys towards the ward, on getting
there, Ngozi was sleeping and
checking the toilet, under the bed, the roof and
neighbouring rooms,
there was no sign of anybody
close by.
He wanted to wake Ngozi and ask
her series of question but then, his
eyes darted toward the window, it was opened
and it seemed
someone just escaped through it.
Then a blarring sound came from
every corner of the hospital, the
security alarm just went off.
A criminal was seen breaking away.

At the end of the day, Akpan
returned from wherever he went
to and walked into the hospital.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
“Where have you been?” She asked in return.
“I was out chilling with my
friends.” He replied sitting down on
one of the empty chairs.
She was almost the only one in the
room except a youg lady who claimed to be
the other girl in ICU’s
sister. And she was fast asleep
meaning Dolapo is as good as
being alone in the waiting room.
Tokunbo and the others left a few
hours agao shortly after Tolani’s mum left to
go and prepare lunch
for her husband.
Dolapo has a lot on her mind, on
her plate. She wanted to just go
and drown herself in the Lagoon.
The latest development was enough to kill her.
She recently
called her forster parents(Dayo’s
parents) and what she heard from
them was shocking. They informed
her of their intended travel to
South Africa and living the rest of their lives
there, therefore, the only
house has been put for sale
meaning she has nowhere else to
go after her exams. She knew their
decision to travel out was triggered
by something which she couldn’t fathom. But
after a series of
questioning, they opened up and
told her they are not ready to die.
“Why was it that our own Dayo has
to die and not you? Remember she
was an only child and we only took you in on
her insistence, and
our decision is justifiable, you’ve
been with us for about seven years
now, we feed you, cloth you and
above all pay your school fees.”
They had said when she called them.
She was finding it hard to believe
until she recieved an alert from her
bank, notifying her of a credit
transaction on her account. A sum
of two hundred thousand naira was sent to
The journey back home was
uneventful and silent. She badly
needed to talk to someone but
there is no one to talk to. Her mind
flashed back to that night, that faithful night
that she became a
member of Dayo’s family. FLASHBACK She
was in ss2 and her parents just
died in a ghastly motor accident.
Her paternal uncle, a youth corper
was staying with them as at the
time her parents died, he didn’t
leave after their death, it was two weeks now.
She was slowly moving on from
their deaths, she could now eat,
sleep and do some other things,
but occassional thoughts of not
seeing them again was a majo heartbreak for
her. She just
finished taking her bath and still
had her towel tied around her
young teenage body.
She could hear voices from the
living room discussing in low tones. She
recognised those voices
at once, her paternal relatives were
the ones discussing. She wasn’t
interested in whatever they were
discussing until she heard
something about herself. “Let the poor girl
continue living in
her father’s house, someone can
move in with her.” Her aunt said.
“No way, the girl doesn’t belong to
my brother. She is a girl and can
amount to nothing except to cook for her
husband and serve her
husband’s family members. Very
soon she will drop our own name
and you want us to waste our
money on her.” The family head
said. She shivered from where she stood
in her room. Are they planning to
throw her out?
“So what do you suggest?”
Another of her paternal uncle
asked. “We’ll send her out of this house
and this house shall be sold.”
suprisingly, everyone present at
the gathering consented to it
except one of her paternal sister.
The lady came to her room but couldn’t find
her, she left after two
minutes before she came out of her
hiding place, she quickly put on
her her cloth and took some of her
clothes and books into two of her
school bags, and off she left the house in the
dead of the night.
That fateful night, she called her
best friend, late Dayo that same
evening, and since she was no
stranger in their house, they
accepted her to be Dayo’s sister which she so
much crave for.
She became conscious of her
environment when Akpan alighted
from the car and went to open the
gate to drive in. What she saw
caused cold shiver down her spine, a pregnant
woman and another
young lady were standing in front
of the house waiting for them.
There was a stark resemblance
between the two women. She
knew at once that one of them was Clement’s
Fearfully, she opened the car door
and alighted.

Clement has been thinking of what
could have been the matter for
about twenty minutes now. He was
so deep in thought that he didn’t
hear his phone ring. It beats his imagination
as to why to police
teams would loose out on two
suspected terrorist in the space of
twenty minutes. Based on
Sylvester’s report, he knew he lost
his guard and allowed hiself to be fooled.
Which kind of passing out involves
bleeding from the nose? He should
have tried to examine the woman
very well before trying to make a
call. But all is in the past now, they shouldn’t
reel in past failures, the
way forward should be on their
Then it hit him, he is yet to get the
questioning report from Habeeb,
he hasn’t heard from Mike and most
importantly, he hasn’t
returned his wife’s call or that of
her sister. He made a mental note
to call them later after speaking
with Habeeb and Mike. He picked
up his phone and tried calling Mike’s phone.
At least by now he
ought to have finished his hearing
and gotten the panel’s verdict.
His could hear noises from afar,
probably in the waiting room. Are
they fighting again? He stood up and
proceeded to the
waiting room where he saw Mike
hitting Habeeb furiously and other
police officers including the ASP
and the SP stood and watched the
one sided fight in fascination. He knew no one
dare try to seperate
them for the fear of trasfer of
aggression. When Mike is angry, he
is mad.
Even though the fight was one
sided, Habeeb was not ready to give up. He
could only duck some
of Mike’s heavy punches while he
seemed paralyse anytime he had
the chance to punch Mike.
“That enough guys.” Clement said
stepping in between them. Habeeb wiped the
blood on his lips
and nose as he moved backwards.
“Get him locked up. He is a taitor,
he is the mole.” Mike screamed.
“Cool down man. What are you
talking about?” Clement asked. “He is the
mole. He has been selling
us out since the begining of Khal
corp activities. He was implanted
here by the power hungry
politicians to enable him work with
the Khal corp.” Mike continued. Everyone has
a question or two for
Mike about the autenticity of his
claims but they left everything to
Clement whom they knew, Mike
would never go against, even if he
was under acoholic influence. “How did you
come about this
conclusion?” Clement asked.
Some people nodded their heads, it
seemed their question has been
Mike explained how he had visited Ngozi at
the hospital and she
informed him that she sent so files
from Khal corp computer to the
computers here. How she claimed
to have called Habeeb, asking him
to accept the files and convert it, but it was
Amakah, level three
clearance analyst that saw Habeeb
come in and carry out the criminal
“My question now is, why will
Ngozi call Habeeb and not any of the
computer analyst?” The ASP
“Everyone knows that Ngozi is not
on good terms with any of the
analyst.” Sylvester chipped in.
“What do you have to say?” The ASP asked
Habeeb who opened his
mouth, but to his suprise, no
words came out.
“You see, he is gulty. I bet you’ll
pay for this.” Mike said angrily and
made to walk away. “What was decided about
Sylvester asked him, hoping to
hear him get fired or suspended.
“Here it is.” Mike replied stuffing a
paper in his hands before
bouncing off. The SP ordered Habeeb’s lockup
before dismissing everybody. After
which a meeting was called,
summoning every top officials in
the station. The SP presided in the
absence of the Commissioner and certain
decisions were made.
Ngozi’s suspension was called off
and Mike was barred from coming
to work, he was to serve his
suspension in the undercover.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 127

Dolapo looked at Akpan for
assurance, but his blank
expression said it all. She was on
her own.
“Good afternoon ma.” Dolapo
greeted. She was twenty two and the lady
before her was twenty
eight. Six years difference, she
deserved some respect and she
was ready to give her.
Rachel ignored her and continued
starring at her, if looks could kill, she’d have
died five time within the
space of ninety seconds.
Dolapo looked from the pregnant
lady before her to the second lady,
then to Akpan who was trying to
hide his anxiety and fears. “Good afternoon.”
Rachel replied
breadthing so hard like she wants
to pass out.
Out of reflex, Dolapo went on her
knees to greet her for the upteenth
time. “What’s your name?” Rachel asked
trying to keep her cool. Even
though, she wanted to vent her
anger on her, she didn’t know
how to go about it. She knew her
approach was giving the girl before her a little
confidence and
time to cook up lies. Assuming she
took it all against her and started
by shouting and raining abuses on
her, she’ll know she meant
business. “My name is Dolapo.”
“What are you doing here?”
Chidinma asked moving towards
her. Dolapo moved backwards a
Talk of trouble, Chidinma has the strength and
ability to start trouble,
even though it may get out of her
control and she would be unable
to control it. Countless times when
they were much younger,
Chidinma being an asmathic patient was
always a victim of
stigmatization from their peers in
their street. While Rachel was loved
and very beautiful, Chidinma cared
less about looking beautiful and
she dresses like a boy. Everytime a guy
accosts Rachel in school, in
church, on their way back from
school, in the neighbourhood,
Chidinma will always fight with
them. She did this fro many years
until a fateful day when the boys in the
neighbourhood ganged up
against her and made attempt To
Molest her. All thanks to her health
status, the moment she started
gasping for breathe, the boys took
to their heels and since then, she had turn a
new leaf. But the saying
“once a soldier is always a soldier”
is very applicable here.
Rachel held Chidinma’s hand
preventing her from moving
further. “I think I asked you a question.”
Chidinma said.
Just then Rachel’s phone buzzed.
“Hello, I have seen her, beautiful,
radiant and sexy.” Rachel said on
picking the call. Maybe a charm was used on
through the phone, she kept quiet
and gradually, she started wearing
a sober look like she wanted to
“I think you should have told me everything. I
almost over-reacted,
thank God you called.” Rachel said.
She hung up a few minutes later
and faced Dolapo who still had that
frightened look on her face.
“Am very sorry darling.” Rachel said closing
up on her.
Dolapo wanted to back away but
her legs failed her. She knew she
had a problem with handling
difficult situation on her own. She
has always had the lat Dayo’s backing and
protection all through
secondary school. The majority of
her university life was spent in the
midst of four girls, three of whom
were always protective of her,
while the other one is always watching her
back. But now, she
seemed to be all alone, how will
she cope? If not for Clement’s call,
she would have recieved the
beating of her life, because the
moment Chidinma closed in on her, she
wanted to say she was sorry,
after which she intended to walk
into the house, no matter what and
change to her night gown, then
Rachel hugged her tight that she could feel
the movement of the
baby inside her bulging stomach.
“Am sorry about your friends,
everything will be fine.” Rachel said
as she held her hand and led her
into the house. Akpan wanted to clap his
but he knew he could miss lunch
and dinner if care is not taken. As
far as he was concerned, he had
missed lunch, he can only hope.
Clapping his hands would have disrupted
God’s plan. He hurriedly
carried a black travelling bag from
inside the car booth and took it
after them.
“Am very sorry about the mug. It
mistakenly fell from my hand.” Dolap said
sincerly a few minutes
later when she joined them in the
“Its nothing. Hope you did not get
hurt?” Rachel asked with concern.
Dolapo nodded her head in the negative.
“Everything will be fine.” Rachel
said patting her on the back.
Chidinma who seemed to have
been sidelined voiced out.
“I am still here o. And you can carry me along
in your discussion.”
Rachel bursted into laughter as
well as Chidi. As much as she
wanted to laugh, she wasn’t sure
of what laughter means, she knew
tears will spill out if she laughed. How she
wished she was just
happy like these lot before her.

Clement has been driving around
town for almost and hour with
Mike and two other policemen with
his inside his car.
“I think we have one last stop now.” Mike
“Which is?” Clement asked.
“His elder cousin’s place.” He
“Yeah.I believe he possibly can’t
be in Minna as we speak, and he can’t be in
Ibadan considering the
fact that school is in session and
showing up at either cities will raise
suspicion, an you know his cousin
will gladly accept him. Moreso, he
was shot in the arm, going home will alarm
his parents. But the
police in the two cities are working
hard to help us.” Clement
“But from the informations
gathered, we learnt his cousin is a notorios
drug dealer and a
hoodlum.” One of the two
policemen seated at the backseat
chipped in.
“Which is where you two are
needed. Your detective skills should be on the
red and ready to
act.” Clement continued as he
pulled up at the entrance of the
deserted street. No one was
moving around, no cars, and the
recent ban on motorcycle within the state is
having great effect on
the calmness in the street. From the
spot where their car was parked,
one could only see a dog having
fun chasing a fowl and its chicks
up and down the road. “That’t his house over
there.” The
second detective said pointing to a
house inside a compound, a car
was parked outside the gate.
“Did you do you assignmen very
well?” Clement asked. The two men nodded
Just then a young man came out of
the house, wiped his face with a
hankie and entered his car, he
drove off in the opposite. His
backview resemble Doctor Rapheal of St
Battaihas but what can a man
with a respectable job be doing in
a criminal’s house? Clement
concluded that he wasn’t the one,
but on a second throught, he
remembered Doctor Rapheal was not on seat
by the time he visited
the hospital an hour ago. The
thought of what happened at the
hospital made him curse within his
breathe. All his life as a police
officer, he hasn’t lost a criminal on the run
but today seemed a lot
different, there is always a first
time. He concluded.
He would have concluded that it
was Rapheal assuming he knew
the kind of car he uses. He’d have confirmed
without thinking twice.
“Over to you guys, what suprise
did you say you have for me?”
Clement asked.
The two detective exchanged
looks. “Move forward sir.” They said.
Clement ignited the car and drove
into the street slowly. He came to a
halt two houses aways from Don’s
The two detectives scrambled out of the car
and ran towards a
shopping complex that stood
opposite the Don’s apartment.
They opened the doors of one of
the shops and behold was a well
equiped barber shop. Clement wanted to run
away and
get psychiatric officials to take the
two officers with them. Everything
in the shop looked new, except
the chairs, the mirror and some
othe assets in the shop. “What do you intend
doing here?”
Clement asked.
Confirming that they are well out of
earshot from the occupants of the
other shops. One of the two
detectives spoke. “We got this from a friend.
travelled out of the country a few
weeks ago, he handed the key to
us. We felt this would be a perfect
place to monitor the movement
within the house.” Clement was not only
suprised by
their intelligence he out of reflex
saluted the two officers who were
teo clearances his junior. The
future of the Nigerian police force
is bright if we could get intelligent officers
such as these two.
They later concluded that the two
detectives disguise as a barber,
since they had an idea of how to
use the quipments. Mike would
work in the undercover since he was currently
under suspension.
He was to show up every morning
as a jobless Nigerian youth, stay
with the two barbers all day and
discuss politics, sports, cars,
fashion and women. An idle hand they said is
the devil’s workshop.
They hoped he’ll get an offer to
join Don’s group provided Deoye
didn’t see him first or couldn’t
recognise him.

Monday came rather too quickly
for Dolapo.
“Wake up! Its morning.” She heard
someone say to her. She opened
her eyes and saw Rachel on her bed.
“Good morning.” She greeted
sitting up.
Rachel smiled in return before
climbing down from the bed. As
the days rolled by, she was getting heavier
and weaker. She’ll be due
to deliver in two weeks, but in her
recent meeting with Doctor
Raphael, they had reached a
conclusion that she’ll be induced to
speed up her delivery date. Dolapo’s eyes
darted towards the
clock that stood on the bedside
table, 8:45am. And she has her first
paper by eleven o’clock.
“I have exams today.” She
announced. “I know, go take your bath and
join us for breakfast.” Racheal said
as she exited the room.
Now she knew the essence of
family in every individual’s
happiness. When you have happy family, it is
no rocket science that
you’ll live a happy life. Now shw
was begining to grow over the
issues surrounding her, she was
gradually moving on, she had
found a friend and a sister in Rachel. In the
space of two days,
they have both established a
strong relationship, much to
Clement’s relief and happiness.
She slipped out of her nightie and
walked into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes
later, she was all dressed.
“Good morning Chidi.” She greeted
Chidinma for the first time this
She wanted to ask Chidinma some
questions because seeing her dressed in her
white National
youth service corps vest has a
“Are you going bakc today?”
Dolapo asked.
She had formed an understanding friendship
with Chidinma, they
both seemed to understand each
other. They shared so many things
in common, their love for shoes,
their love for big sized cars, their
love for tall guys and so many other things.
“O yes! I am going back to Ibadan
today. Weekend is over, work
starts on monday.” She replied
helping herself with another loaf of
bread and jam. While Rachel made her toasts,
helped herself with the tea.
“Where is Uncle Clement?” She
She had learnt to call him Clement
with the title ‘uncle.’ They now see her as a
member of their small
family. Her presence in the house
prompted Rachel to return to her
husband’s house and putting her
visit to her father-in-law’s house to
an abrupt end in a bid to keep Dolapo’s
“Clement leaves home before
seven on monday morning.”
Rachel replied smiling.
“So when next am I seeing you?”
Dolapo asked. “Very soon. I’ll be back next
weekend.” Chidinma replied.
“Then you’ll be suprised to meet
your baby in the house.” Rachel
Chidinma’s face lit up in happiness. “My
baby? Tell me.. Is it?”
“Yes. I’ll be releasing her by
wednesday.” Rachel replied.
“Oh my God! I am so happy for
you. I’ll fly in on thursday by God’s
grace.” Chidinma said and they all bursted
into laughter.
There was a sharp knock on the
“Yes? Who is that?” Chidinma
asked as she made to stand up.
“No, I’ll get it.” Dolapo raced out of the dining
accross the living room
towards the front door.
She yanked the door opened and
came face to face with three people
who umistakably are police
officers. Two uniformed men and a lady who
wore a t-shirt with the
inscription ‘POLICE.’
“Good morning.”Dolapo greeted.
“Good morning. I am detective
Ngozi, from the police headquarter.
Please, can I see Mrs Patrick Jnr?” “Come on
in.” Dolapo said opening
the door wider for the three
visitors to enter.
The female officer who introduced
herself as Ngozi seemed to know
her way around the house, she walked straight
into the living
“Ngozi.” Rachel said on the seat
while Ngozi ran up to her to save
her the stress of coming into the
living room. The two of them exchanged
pleasantries and chatted for a
“Actually, Clement sent me to fetch
Dolapo. Drive her to school and
bring her back home after the exams.” Ngozi
Rachel looked at Dolapo for her
view or opinion, even though it
doesn’t really count. She nodded
her head in affirmation.
Three minutes later, Ngozi drove out of the
compound with Dolapo
seated on the passenger seat while
the two officers sat at the backseat.

Students were gradually dispersing
the hall in the manner in which
they had come. The exam which
was computer based lasted for an
hour and the computer has been shutdown
immediately the time
elapsed and everyone exiting the
hall. Dolapo was walking outside
like every other students when
someone grabbed her hand from
behind. “Dolapo, please we need to talk.”
Darasimi said.
She wanted to slap her that minute
but going physical with a tall
Darasimi was sucidal. She just
stood rooted to the spot. “Abeg comot for
road jor.” One of
Dolapo’s coursemate said.
“You dey craze. Simple courtsey
you no get.” Darasimi said to him,
this time Dolapo had stepped out
of his way. “Na your father own this place
Bi.tch.” He said and walked away.
Darasimi hissed.
“Please, I won’t take your time. One
minute and we are done.” Darasimi
pleaded. Dolapo looked to the parking
space opposite the ICT complex.
“They are waiting for me.” She said
to Darasimi who also looked at the
black Nissan parked with a lady
leaning against it and two uniformed
policemen were either
reading something on a phone or
were watching a movie.
“I have been here since morning,
even before you came just to talk
to you.” Darasimi said. “You should have
called me then. I
am in a hurry to leave the school
premises.” Dolapo said.
Darasimi gave up, there was no
way she would be talking to
Dolapo this morning. “If you insist. I just want
to further
clarify myself that I know nothing
about our friend’s death.”
“Like you have always said. Just
put it at the back of your mind that
nothing must happen to Tolani.” Dolapo said.
A guy came to view before them,
took a picture of them talking.
“Get out of here Desmond.”
Darasimi shouted.
The guy, Desmond was a popular blogger, he
owned a gossip
website which deals mainly with
the activities within the school. He
post pictures, leaked sex videos
involving students, pictures of the
newest couples, exam time table, lecturer
profile, all manners of
news, both good and bad can be
found on Desmond’s blog. Most of
such news were lies, but his videos
are always a hot cake.
Desmond taking their picture, the two girls
knows what it meant and
they won’t want to be on
Desmond’s blog of immoral things.
Darasimi has never appeared on
the blog and she has vowed not to
be mentioned, not to talk of appearing on the
blog. Dolapo has
appeared twice on the blog. The
first time was when her friend
Tokunbo won the Miss Fresher
award in their 100level and Miss
LASU a year ago. A picture she took with the
beauty queen was posted
on the blog.
Desmond took a few more
captions and walked away a
fufilled man.
“I have to go.” Dolapo said walking away.
Darasimi stood transfixed to the
spot, a part of her wanted to run
after Dolapo while another part
nudged her to get out of the
complex. Her first paper starts in twenty
Clement has been discussing with
Habeeb for almost twenty minutes
now. He was trying to sound cool
with him and he handled him with all liniency.
“Habeeb, you want peace right?”
Clement asked.
Habeeb kept mute and continued
staring into space.
“You religion is a religion of peace. I bet you’ll
be willing to help us
stop insurgence in this country.
You’ve given me the names of the
top officials, tell me how we can get
Abdul Maleek.”
Habeeb who has been cooperative with
Clement so far wanted to help
them end Khal corp even though it
wasn’t from the depth of his heart
that he wished such. If he wasn’t
arrested, he’ll continue to wax
stronger as a policeman serving as an
informant to an insurgent
group. Habeeb had mentioned
names of the pillars of the Khal
corp, from Abdul Maleek, the ceo,
to the members of Maleek’s council,
Hakym, the head of stategies, the Doctor Koln,
a german medical
doctor who worked in the Khal
corp, to other top officials, who
function in other government
agencies, those at the federal level,
the state level and local level. And the last
but not the least, the man
who is filled with danger, the man
who perpetrate evil without
battling an eye lid, the man,
Danger-kelv himself.
As much as Clement enjoyed these revelations,
he wasn’t all that
convinced that they are on the
path to success. One, none of the
terrorists mentioned bears their
original names, they all lived in the
Khal headquaters with Maleek, their chances
are very slim.
He walked out of the cell three
minutes later but Habeeb’s last
sentence kept ringing in his head.
“Of all the top officials, the pillars of
Khal corp so to say. Only Danger- kelv lived
outside the corporation.”
As far as he was concerned, only
Danger-kelv could lead them the
Finding Danger-kelv is the number
on priority for now. He had concluded.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 128

After their close escape from the
police, Jay has been extra careful
in his dealing and public displays,
most especially the calls he
recieved. He was seated inside a fast food
joint with Kelvin and the disguised
business woman from Dubai,
“Jay, what do you suggest we do?”
Kelvin asked. Jay kept quiet for a while,
thinking of the way out of his
present predicament, he was now
a wanted man all over the country,
his pictures were all over the
places, on newspapers, on television and
“Personally, I don’t know what to
do, but I think joing the
corporation will do a lot.” Becky
chirped in. If there was one thing
Kelvin hated about Becky, it was her jumpy-
attitude to issues of
personal security.
“I am not talking to you but him.”
Kelvin said obviously irritated.
Jay who was wearing a hooded
cardigan and a sunglass in a bid to disguise
his face.
“I can’t join the corp.” Jay said.
Jay was once a member of the Khal
corp but his exposure to certain
amount of things made him grow
wings and he pulled out of the corporation.
Maleek would have
ordered his death if it were to be
someone else withing the
corporation, but the fact that it was
Jay, another highly placed member
just on the same level with Danger- kelv. But
since he was a protegee
to Kelvin he was always there to
work for him(Kelvin)
After his exit from Khal corp, he
formed a three man team who
worked for a highly placed politician in the
country where he
made his money and lived in
“I am not in support of Jay coming
back, it will be disastrous for him.”
Kelvin said filling his glass with his drink.
Becky raised a eyebrow and
wanted to talk, but a look from
Kelvin said it all. She kept her
mouth shut and watched as the
two expert killers discuss even though she was
many years older
than them, age is nothing but
numbers, power and money
“What do you think we should do
now?” Becky finally asked. “Its up to you.”
Kelvin said
Kelvin nodded affirmatively.
“Get close to either of Ngozi,
Sylvester or Mike. Get them on your side, I’ll
try and manipulate
Clement, all we needed is for them
to drop this case.” Kelvin
Jay knew getting close to the
afforementioned policemen doesn’t change a
thing or assure
him of freedom. As long as he was
still alive, he will always be on the
wanted list. The best thing is to get
the afforementioned police officers
out of the way or demoralise them, but Kelvin
won’t buy such idea
because he’ll be a victim of such
Kelvin who had a different plan for
Jay was looking at his reaction.
From where he sat backing the other diners in
the restaurant, he
could see eyes staring at Jay from
behind him and almost everybody
whispering at the same time. This
was what he wanted, he want Jay
out of the way, even though his greatest
downfall would have
been the arrest of Jay and with
Clement still in the force, he knew it
won’t take time before Jay was
nabbed. This was the reason why
he didn’t want Jay in the corp, he knew he’d
become powerful like
he was before he left eight months
ago. He wanted him dead, because
he knew Jay was the only living
individual who knew so much
about him including his personal life, one way
or the other, if Jay
was caught, he was dead too.
“Guy, they are begining to stare at
you. Lets get out of here. You go
first.” Kelvin said.
Jay stood up and made for the door carefully.
“That’s it, you can go to Dubai like
you have always wanted.” Kelvin
said when Jay was almost at the
door as he slipped an envelope of
what was supposed to be a travelling passport
and a cheque.
“Its nice doing business with you.”
She said shaking hands with him.
Kelvin led the way as they made to
walk out of the eatery, Jay fell to
the ground clutching his chest as he battled to
hold unto his
precious life.
Kelvin pretended he didn’t know
him, he slipped into his own car
thinking Becky had driven off as
planned but unknown to him, Becky was a die
hard loyalist of Jay
and she stood with him. The
moment the policemen came, she
drove off, but not after slipping a
piece of paper inside his blood
soaked pocket.

Clement was seated in his office
chatting with Ngozi who has the
day off becasue Dolapo had no
exam scheduled for that day.
“Ngozi, did you say Kelvin visited you on
saturday?” Clement asked.
Ngozi nodded her head as she
continued playing game on her
“Don’t you think it connects?
Clement asked. Ngozi’s countenance changed
she paused the game she was
playing and dropped her phone.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I mean, someone making a call
inside your ward, with the name Danger-kelv
which may simply
mean Kelvin. And my brother
Kelvin in ther with you
coincidentally. You know he may
be the Danger-kelv we are looking
for.” Clement explained. “Are you for real?
Clement! You
mean you think your brother is a
terrorist?” She asked.
“From my own perspective, I think
he is.” Clement replied opening the
drawer attached to his table. He removed a
blank sheet of paper
and began scribbling something
down on it.
“I think this job is getting into your
head. Go ahead and get him
arrested, I believe its just a coincidence.
Kelvin told me when
he was leaving, I saw him walk out
through the door. And the
supposed Danger whatever exited
through the window.”
“But you were asleep then.” “I fell asleep when
Kelvin left.” she
“Look at it from this perspective,
what about if he returns to your
ward when you think he had left
and broke the window to aid his escape.”
“And why would he do that?”
Ngozi asked.
Clement kept quiet, there is no
point argueing with her, he knew
she’ll not just reason with him. “Tell me you
are defending him
because you know he can’t be a
terrorist or because you feel
something for him.”
Ngozi wanted to talk but no words
came out. “Tobiloba called me and he has
explained everything to me. I think
you are taking his gentility for
granted. Marriage doesn’t happen
like that.” Clement added.
“Can we talk about something else please?”
Just then Clement’s phone rang
and he picked it.
“He is awake?” Clement asked.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He
replied as he grabbed his car keys and
without another word walked
out of the office. Ngozi knew she
had made him angry and friends
like Clement are hard to find. She
hurried after him, but on getting to
the parking lot outside, his car was still there.
“Sly, am off to the hospital. The Jay
of a guy is awake. I think this is our
only chance.” Clement said to
Sylvester closed his laptop and stood up.
“Maybe I should come with you.”
He said.
“No. Get more informations out of
Habeeb. He should be able to lead
us into Khal corp.” Clement said. Sylvester
nodded his head
affirmatively and Clement walked
He saw Ngozi leaning against his
car, he ignored her and unlocked
the car door and hopped behind the wheel.
Ngozi slipped into the
passenger seat. Without another
word, he drove off towards St
Battaihas private hospital where
Jay was admitted.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chief Obi
Patrick has been out of
Lagos state for three days now. He
has been meeting with party
chieftains all over the Nothern part
of the country. And on the last day
of his five days travel, he arrived at the
presidential villa in Abuja
where he was to have a behind
closed door meeting with the
President of the Federal republic of
“Chief, what’s wrong with Maleek?” The
president asked.
“How do you mean?” Chief Patrick
“He keeps procastinating the
contract before him. After his failed
attempt at killing the vice president, he has
been silent and no one is
talking. What could be wrong?”
The President asked.
“Your Excellency sir, I think the
fault is from your office. The
minister for defence is a very tactical
individual who knew so
much about terrorism as a weapon
of insurgence, being a retired
millitary man. I think he should be
axed, then the security agencies
becomes powerless like they were three
months ago.” Chief Patrick
“So what do you suggest I do?”
“Reshuffle your cabinet. Bring
someone else as the Defence
minister, someone who will dance to our
tunes.” Chief Patrick replied.
“I’ll do just that.”
The two politicians dicussed more
about their selfish interest at the
expence of the citizens of the
country. Chief Patrick was a man of power
who has been there and
always want to be there, while the
president was a very young man,
at forty-nine. He was power
hungry and want to establish his
name in the books where the like of Chief
Patrick has their names

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 124

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Atitebi Oluwakemi
2 years ago

Nawa o
The end of danger Kelv and Chief Patrick is near