MORENIKEJI Episode 6 – 7 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 6 by Amah’s Heart

When I finally got to Phil’s resident, the security opened the gate after i told them the reason why I came.

I was informed that Philip and his parents were out. He wasn’t home and they couldn’t give me access or hand any item to me until he approves.

I told the security that I was going to wait for his return.

I waited for more than an hour, no sign of them coming back.

I was willing to wait even till the next day but the security came to remind me that is over two hours that I have been waiting.
That I should call his phone number so that he will be aware that I was waiting for him.

I couldn’t even tell them that I don’t have his phone number even though I claimed that he was a friend.

I quickly stood and told them that I will come back next time.

I took transport back home.
Seeing Philip now is like seeing the president of my country but I’m still not giving up.
Getting to the house, I quietly opened the gate and sneak into my apartment to avoid evening boring lecture from my landlady.

Dammi called me the following day that she will be needing a favor from me. She asked me to come down to Chike’s house, that is where she was.

I went down to know what she needed my help for.

Chike was home and he was the one that asked me my drink brand and what I will like to take.

He was very entertaining and cracks me up with his jokes.

I never mention anything about Philip to him neither did he asked.
Dammi will probably tell him of my interest whenever they think of having a little gossip with my name.
But I was only thinking of a way to apologise to Philip and move on with my life.

It has proven difficult in speaking to him. Probably ones I happen to get hold of my ID card then I will refocus my attention to full engagement of job search.

Chike later stepped out after asking me what he will be buying for me and Dammi on his way back because he wasn’t going far.
Dammi told him not to buy anything that we’re fine.

“I’m not fine.
I said after Dammi
“…..maybe Dammi is fine because she has a houseful of goodies. Pizza or even shawarma will be nice with soft drink”

I said to Chike.

“Your wish is my command, don’t leave, I will be right back Keji.

He drove off

After Chike left that morning, Dammi came and said.

” I don’t really like the way Chike spends money unnecessary. I have talked non stop yet he won’t listen.

“Chike has a different mentality concerning money unlike you. I guess you should just let him express himself through giving and care. Dammi he’s your man…I wouldn’t impose my own ideas over him but I see no big deal with him wanting to buy stuffs for me… for your friend. stop taking everything serious.

“Every penny count for me. That money he wants to use for pizza or shawarma could have been put into better use. Atleast he has already served you drink with fried chicken laps that he prepared down and store in the fridge. If I calculate the amount alone is upto five thousand and now he still wants to get more things. At the end of the day you will be consuming something more than ten thousand Naira. Keji money is not easily gotten, i hope you know? I know what it felt like to be poor… and I won’t let anyone squander my husband to be money…

I wasn’t offended with Dammi because I know what she was capable off but I was even more determined to take home whatever Chike brings. That will serve as my lunch.

I asked her what she needed my help for.

She went inside and came out with a fat envelope.

“Eehee! Keji… please I need you to help me take this money to the bank. This envelope in my hand is filled with money. Is all from the results of unnecessary spending which i collected from Chike just to avoid him spending money on things that I don’t need. Is two hundred and fifty thousand Naira and I need you to go to bank and deposit the money in my account. I will give you transport to and fro and small money as stipend for yourself because I know you need money.

“Are you mistaking me for your errand girls? You called me out of my house just to send me irrelevant message. I know I’m very broke o Dammi but I’m not selling my birthright for a stipend.

She smiled mischievously before saying.

“What are we friends for if you can’t help me with little things Keji. I could have gone by myself but I don’t want Chike to know, secondly I’m a very busy person…especially with my upcoming wedding. Chike may have a different opinion if he knows that I have been saving every dime that I was either meant to spend. I will surprise him when the money gets to 1 million… right now is just six hundred and fifty thousand if you deposit this. I can’t entrust this huge amount to any errand girl or boy… what if they dupe me? I said i was going to give you some money for your time. I will give you 3 thousand Naira for the stress and 1k for the transportation. You will still have some balance from the 1k TF. Money doesn’t easily come by and offering you 3thousand naira is huge Keji because I’m a friend indeed and also helping you for those times you accommodated me.

I laughed out my embarrassment. Dammi have brought my whole worth to nothing because of my present predicament.
Not having money is a big problem.

A girl that I accommodated, fed and took care off for almost two years before she met Chike called me out of my house just to send me an errand with an offer of three thousand Naira…
Dammi is a friend in disguise not indeed.

I’m not expecting a medal or a thank you gift for helping a friend in need but I wish she has a little conscience whenever she reminds me of poverty.
Well, even though I’m in serious need of money but I will still not sell my worth for Dammi’s stupid stipend.

I thought of my rent and decided to asked her for help hoping she will be considerate for old times sake.

“Dammi, please borrow me 200 thousand Naira let me use it for my rent…my landlady is on my neck. I have mastered the act of sneaking out and in to avoid running into her. I will pay back… I’m presently searching for job and I will pay up gradually. Trust me…I will bring back your money for you and…

She interrupted.

“Keji…ejooo(please) I can’t possibly borrow you such a huge amount of money. You don’t even have a job or even a boyfriend. Is a very huge risk Keji that I’m not willing to take. Infact don’t worry about paying the money in the bank for me again… I don’t want to hear stories that touches the heart.

I didn’t bother to leave despite that’s what she will expect.
I wasn’t even offended.
I can only be offended if I’m quick to temper and if I don’t know Dammi enough.
I sat watching television and waiting for Chike.
I know Dammi will want me to leave but I’m not going anywhere untill Chike retuns back.

I sat watching television until Chike finally came back.
He smiled cheerfully when he saw that i was still around.
He bought many goodies and I had mine well packaged.
I thanked him before standing to leave.

Dammi walked me to the gate before saying that she will give me the money on one condition.
I asked her what the condition is and she said if she gives me 200k I will pay back 300k. Meaning she will be making extra 100k.
I was in real need of money but I can’t possibly agreed with Dammi terms.
I told her I will pay back 50k extra instead of 100.
She refused at first but later agreed.

Dammi gave me 200k wrapped in an envelope.

I left and without wasting time went straight and paid my landlady.

It was remaining twenty thousand for electricity bill which I told her I will bring later.

My mind was at rest, I felt a huge burden lifted after paying the rent.
I know I still have Dammi to face but hopefully I will get a Job soon and start paying her little by little until I pay off everything.

I stayed home searching for job online for days.
I even applied in some and was waiting for an interview.

In one of my application letter which I was supposed to fill online my ID card identification number was needed.
I had to skip that particular one because my iD wasn’t available at the moment.

I still thought of Philip, how to get back there and retrieve my card and also see him and apologies.

After some days, I made up my mind and went over to see him again.

I was ushered to wait at the reception.

Philip was later informed, he didn’t bother coming down to see me instead he asked the people in charge of cleaning the guest quarters to give me what I came for while I wait at the downstairs reception.

After sometime the cleaner retuned and said she didn’t find it.
But I should wait for her second who was out. She will soon return.

I gladly waited and even started praying that they will delay in finding it maybe I will get to see Philip.
I sat like the good girl that I was while sipping the orange juice that I was offered.

It was while I was waiting that Philip finally came down with his mother.
His mother was on a phone call.

The woman was all elegant. Seeing her clearly unlike the other night made me start regretting my whole drunk night actions towards Philip.

Philip was very handsome, after seeing him during the day.
he took after his Mother and was simply dressed.
I guess they were going out.

He looked at me coldly and said with a smile

“I don’t need to ask you how you are doing because you obviously look good”.

I laughed out at his dry jokes before saying

“I’m sorry for the other night Phil. I said alot of stupid things that I didn’t mean and I regret every bit of it…

“Come off it…I can’t possibly hold whatever you said when you were highly drunk against you. Is fine…and if you are certain that your item fell in the guest room where you passed the night then it will be brought to you…

I nooded with a smiled before saying…

“Does it mean that you aren’t angry with me?

” No… I’m not angry. But be careful with your alcohol intakes, too much of everything is bad…”miss adult”…I didn’t get your name…

He said the last part laughing. I joined him laughing before telling him my name.

He nodded and walked out.

His mother was done with her call and came forward as Philip walks out.

Philip’s mother was very friendly as she replied my greetings warmly.
She asked me if I needed something else while I wait for the other cleaner.
I told her that I was fine.

I openly admired her beautiful Ankara gown that was decorated with flowers she was very pleased.

She asked me what I do for a living, and without wasting time and not having any reason to be ashamed I told her that I was searching for job.

She asked me what kind of job, I quickly replied

“Anyone ma’am…I mean any legal job that will pay off my bills.

She smiled before asking if I can cook because extra hand is needed in the kitchen and also they plan to throw a big party for Philips father’s sixtieth birthday so help will be needed.
But her focus was if I know how to cook different delicacies very well.

She also said that I will be giving an accommodation and fed too. She mentioned the amount of money that will be my weekly payment.
That’s most big companies monthly staff salary which will be my weekly pay.

I felt like lying facedown on the floor and prostrating for this woman.

I wanted to jump on her to show how grateful I was.

I was moved to tears the way things was working out.
She promised to discuss it with Philip first before I resume.

The job was only a month and the pay is weekly and if after the one month and my performance is good then I will be retained.

I couldn’t sit still as I began working up and down the reception.
I wanted to scream excitedly, I wanted to jump and dance.
at the same time I hope Philip will not feel indifference.
His mother mentioned that he has to approve first.

While I was still walking up and down in excitement mixed with worries, she returned back to inform me that her son doesn’t mind.
Philip was okay with it which places me on one month probation.
I was very happy.

But I have a big problem, I’m not much of a cook.
I only cook food that I can eat or with my friends.
I know nothing much about cooking and my staying in this big mansion depends on my cooking performance.

My heart beat started racing when I remembered that cooking is not my calling but I seriously needed this job.

MORENIKEJI Episode 7 by Amah’s Heart

Philip’s Mother whom I learnt that her name was Mrs Kanu, said she will inform me on when to resume. Which will either be next week or in two weeks time.

After my identification card was given to me I went home.
I decided to start reading cookery books online and watching YouTube which didn’t give me the real practical that I needed because I finished my internet subscription just for one night when I haven’t even gone half of what I needed to know.

I subscribed again with 2k hoping this time I will learn all I needed to know.

I couldn’t sleep all through the night till the following day.
I downloaded how to prepare continental dish and how to make correct native food I was still downloading when my subscription ended again.
It finished up.

5k went down in two nights on only data.

Not having money has thought me how to manage things but not like Dammi who will win an overall manager when it comes to managing money and things generally.
I will gladly give her the award. Yes, she deserves it.

I watched the video that I downloaded over and over again until the video began to beg for freedom.

Even with the whole internet I wasted my money on I wasn’t still satisfied with what I learnt but I understand how to prepare some of the food better than before.

After a week, Uzo my friend called me that she delivered a baby girl.

Wow, I was really happy for her and Tobi her dear husband.

I wanted to go and see her but my pocket couldn’t afford much because I needed to buy somethings for the baby atleast.
But not having money wouldn’t stop me from going over to see her and the baby instead I will promise to come back again with some goodies for her.

I went and she was happy to see me.
Her mother was around for omugwo.
Her husband was quiet entertaining just like Chike.
My friends are very lucky to have good men in their lives.
Dammi has Chike, a sweet loving man while Uzo has Tobi, very jovial and quiet entertaining.
My sincere prayers is that I will also end up with a nice man.
Uzo asked me if I will eat one of the local delicacies that her mother prepared, I gladly told her that I will.
even though I didn’t come with anything I won’t miss whatever local delicacies that Uzo’s mother prepared.

I also pleaded with her not to be angry that I came empty handed but promise to come again with a gift for her and the baby.

She laughed and said.

“Keji, your presence is enough for us. I know if you have you will bring lots of present for us. I know you Keji and I totally understand. The last time we chat you mentioned you were searching for job… any luck yet…?

I told her about the latest job offer and how I’m deeply troubled because I don’t know how to cook big food and I don’t have money to be throwing into buying of data.
Uzo asked me which food I was finding difficult to prepare.
I mentioned all the foods and she promised to get me a physical cook book.

She also said I shouldn’t fail to chat her up whenever I’m confused in the kitchen.

It was a great relief and I thanked her for her care and understanding.

When I was leaving she gave me 6k for transportation.
I couldn’t accept it. I know I’m in serious need of money but I was meant to give her and not the other way round.

Uzo insisted, she mentioned all the monetry and materials gifts that she has received from me back then when I had enough. And giving me 6k was nothing compared to our friendship.

I reluctantly took the money and thank her again before leaving.

Dammi called to tell me that Chike insisted that she must have bridal shower so she’s inviting me by weekend for the event and other friends will also be around.
She also mentioned that the costume will be 10k. It supposed to be almost 20k but she will be helping us to pay the balance so we only have 10k to pay.

I told her straight that I don’t have money so, she should remove my name from the list.

She wasn’t happy but at this point I can’t because of Dammi’s bridal shower and starve.
She made it sound like she was doing me a favor with the whole thing.

I’m grateful for the money that I got from Uzo, even though she wasn’t supposed to give me money but it will go a long way for me and I promise to make it up to her and the baby.

Dammi should do whatever that makes her and Chike happy and leave me alone.

I’m worried sick waiting for Mrs Kanu to call me for resumption.
Today is the 4th day of the new month.
My probation was supposed to start last week but I’m still here waiting for their call, wondering if they forgot me or maybe I should go over to their house and remind them.

My birthday is in about a week.
Still have no money, job or a man to call mine

I began to pray in a way that I understand best because I’m not much of a prayer person.
I asked God if he’s truly the one that made way for this job then he should kindly go and remind them that i was still waiting.

Maybe I didn’t pray well, or communicate with the right words to God because after two days nothing was heard.

It was on the third day that a message was sent to me to resume the following day.

I was very happy that finally I’m starting work.
I don’t know if it was a mere coincidence or God’s hand work
But I still didn’t fail to thank God for hearing and answering my prayers.

That night Dammi called again to tell me that God has buttered my bread because Chike paid for the whole bridal shower costume, I should come and take it for free.

Did God butter my bread because I will be taking pictures, wearing a nighty with crown flowers and cakes for the bride?
How exactly did her shower add money to my account?

As much as I wanted to be there, atleast Chike has paid for the almighty costume that Dammi wanted me to pay 10k. I could have gone to eat free food, take pictures and have fun but baby girl needs to go and make some money. I need to resume my prayer answered job.

Every other thing will have to wait which includes Dammi and her shenanigans.

I told her that I won’t be able to come because I will be resuming at my new work place.
She thought I was joking but she never knew that I was damn serious.

I started my new job and was introduced around
My first day at work was only introduction.
I was introduced to everyone and shown places that I needed to know.

It was on the third day that I resumed work in the kitchen.
One of the cooks was friendly except one that they call Ijeoma.

She looks at me and in a very annoying way and said something to Stella in her dialect. Stella is the second girl in the kitchen, she is older and smile often. She was also friendly unlike Ijeoma.

I wish I understand what they said but it was obvious that Stella cautioned her.

“They said you are a good cook?
Ijeoma asked me one evening while we were alone in the kitchen.

“Not really but I’m trying…
I replied smiling thinking she wants to be friendly.

“There’s nothing like trying here. Is either you can cook or you can’t cook. Tell me how you make your Bolognese spaghetti…

This Ijeoma must be sent from the pit of h’ll to tempt me so that I can fall out of this beautiful Job that I just started.

I won’t reply her because I haven’t prepare it before and wouldn’t have ever thought of such until now.

“…Why are you wasting time? You don’t know what is Bolognese or you don’t know how to cook…. which one?

I smiled inwardly because this Ijeoma doesn’t know me, if she knows what I’m capable of she will leave me the hell alone.

She met another silent reply from me and was pissed.
she then said

“…is not by fine girl and looking like you don’t visit the toilet o, the main thing is “Ima kwa nri esi? (Do you know how to cook) can you cook because very soon you will be exposed o. Stella gave you practical yesterday to make fried rice and pepper chicken for dinner after you claim that you can cook but you end up cooking rubbish…food without taste. Stella saved you yesterday and she won’t be around to save you always. If you can’t cook this place isn’t for you…

If my eyes has bullet I would have shot her down right there.
She continued talking

“…. okay, let’s go local. Can you prepare oha soup or bitter leaf soup with ede (cocoyam) and goat meat? Can you do ofe akwu… what of ofe nsala (white soup) with pounded yam? You still don’t know…? Fine girl claiming posh that can’t cook…is only to boil water that you know…

Okay now I have had enough of this insults. I know I need this job but ijeoma can’t be my tormentor.
I won’t allow that.
I decided to reply her in my own dialect.

“Mo ma se e je ni ojo kan Ijeoma. (I will cook you one day Ijeoma)

She looked at me like I have spoken in tongues before saying

“O si obu gini na aria ya…onye ofe mmanu ( what is this one’s problem…oily soup eater)

I didn’t even understand anything she said but I know it was an insult and it will be childish exchanging words with her in our different dialect. I will be turning 30 years tomorrow so I should learn to ignore somethings, especially trouble makers like Ijeoma.

She left the dishes for me to wash and I washed, clean up the kitchen before retiring to my quarters that night.

I used to watch Stella cook and i know that Ijeoma can cook too and she is very proud to paint it to my face.
But funny enough I still watch her to learn one or two things despite her insult.

No man is an island and this saying applies to Ijeoma who doesn’t know everything and still takes correction from Stella.

Ijeoma continue to pest me, she was a pain in my neck.
After a week I got my first pay, I was very happy as I hide it away in my locker.

“Hey Kaji…? The boss is asking of you. He’s outside by the pool and asked me to inform you. If you like go and try to seduce him. He’s not even your type so you better hang your clothes where your hand will reach…

I turned to her and said.

“First, my name is not Kaji…is Keji. Secondly, you know nothing about me. If you go about $educing men… please don’t include me in your list. I have self value. Byee!

I cat walk out of her sight. She said something in her dialect but I didn’t care.

I got to the pool and saw Philip sitting with a sun shade, a beach designed short and water dripping from his body.

I guess he just finished swimming.

“How are you finding the job… hope you are adapting well…

He asked after I greeted him.

I smiled and nodded.
He’s very handsome and nice too although he was my push to getting this job I still won’t mix work with pleasure.
As far as I work here now, Philip has become my boss too.

People like Ijeoma will be looking out for my downfall, I will make sure they waits in vain.

I’m putting all my efforts into learning.
I can make some food effortlessly all thanks to Stella.

“Is something bothering you…are you alright?

He asked, concerned.

“Yes, I’m fine boss…

He began to laugh.

“I’m not a boss Keji. I don’t know that you can be this humble… which is actually good. Please address me as Philip. I wanted to ask you if you are getting ready for your friend’s wedding. I’m part of Chike’s groom’s men. The wedding is next weekend… hope you are going?

“Yes, I will be there. I will take permission from mummy (we address Mrs Kanu as mummy) and from you of course and if is not approved then I will have to stay back because this job means too much to me and I can’t trade it…

He removed his eye glass and said.

“True Friendship is priceless Keji. If Chike’s wife is your bossom friend then is very proper, much required for you to be there. Mum will approve and I have already given you a go ahead. We can go together to the wedding…if you don’t mind.

I thanked him and told him I will be returning back to work he nooded.

As I was going, I thought of looking back at him.
I felt the hair on the back of my head stood, was he looking at me?
What if he was looking at me. Yes, he’s probably looking at me.
I will turn and our eyes will gaze at each other and I will feel the butterflies in my stomach and I will smile at him.

That is what all this people in movies do whenever they sees their crush or when their crush is also crushing on them.

I quickly turned, hoping for every action that I have already created in my head

I frowned immediately I turned to look back at him.
He was back into the water swimming.

Is my mindset, he wasn’t even looking at me, he was swimming inside the pool.

What a shameful thought.

I carried my shame and went back to the kitchen to face Ijeoma my tormentor with her flat nose like “Kaji”.


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