MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 15 – 16 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 15 by Jackie

We all echoed at the same time round the dinner table.
We were having dinner at Alex and Jake’s garden tonight. They decided to give us our victory meal even when we tried to oppose the idea.
Actually, we were having the meal together.

They were almost like family now. we even decided that both families would be having dinner together from now on.
I helped Alex prepare the meal and damn, she is such a great cook. I overheard Jake saying that she once attended a chef programme in LA before they got married so it’s pretty obvious that she’ll be this good.
“To Brian and Ciara for winning the piggy race” Jake said causing us to laugh as, we clinked our glasses together.
“Damn. you guys were pretty good today. like a, pro” Alex said giving Jake a soothing massage on his shoulders with her hands.
“Yeah. we make a pretty good team” Brian said I smiled sheepishly
Jake poured more wine into our glasses. I was about to take a sip when Brian stopped me, grabbing it from my hands.
“What’s wrong” I ask

“No alcohol remember? have you forgotten what happened the last time?” He said staring intently at me.
“What happened last time” Alex asked tilting her head to one side as she tucked her hair behind her ears “Did you get drunk Ciara?” she asked waiting for an answer.
“Worse” Brian said as he narrated the entire ordeal to both of them. They ended up giggling.
“Wow who knew Ciara could be such a super woman” Jake teased
“Yeah yeah laugh it out. pretend I’m not even here” I say raising both hands in the air
“We’re only Messing with you. don’t take it too personal” Alex said nudging my elbow and I let out a low laugh.
“Yeah I know”
“but please let her off the hook for today Brian. I mean you’re here to help her if she gets out of control right” Jake said
“And what if we both get wasted?” Brian asked a logical question
“you’re man and wife so I’m sure you’ll both be able to handle it” Jake said putting a forkful of chicken into Alex’s mouth.
She kissed him in return.
So nice!
“It’s really nice to be here with all of you. today was a good day” Jake said and we shrugged.
“I guess it was” Brian said and we both took a sip.
God! this is such a good wine. I’ve never tasted anything like this in my entire life.
It’s made of natural grapes but tastes so divine.
I couldn’t help it so I kept on having more and so did everyone. The next thing I knew was that I started acting all silly and laughing at the silliest things whether funny or not.
I knew I was drunk but I didn’t want to admit it.
“What’s the time Jake?” I overheard Brian asking Jake who looks completely wasted.
I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation but the next thing I heard was “I better take Ciara home. she’s not feeling too good”.

I felt Brian hands holding me tight. He pulled me up and carried me in his arms inside the house. He closed the door once we were in.
” Brian let’s drink some more ” I tell him but he looks at me in disbelief. I knew he was drunk too.
“No Ciara. let’s go to bed.”
“But I want to have a talk and with my husband over some bottles please” I begged leading him to the couch.
We sat down and I poured some wine into the glass.
“Ciara you have to stop. you can’t control yourself if you keep on drinking like this” he warns but I only smile.
“Then maybe you should try to control me don’t you think?” I asked biting my lower lip seductively.
“Brian. do you think I’m pretty?” I ask. What was I even thinking now.
“Yeah a lot”
“And if you don’t love me then why’d you get married to me?” I said in almost a whisper
“I wanted to make you pay for what you did to me. you humiliated me Ciara. I had to get back at you somehow” he explains
“By marrying me?”
“you insulted my parents and made me look like a fool”
“Yeah” I giggled “I can’t believe I did it for people who never considered me part of their family.” I sighed.
“What are you trying to say?”
“I found out that I wasn’t their daughter. I did everything for them. including getting married to save their sorry asses. I worked my butt off to provide for them only to be tossed away like trash one day” I say as a tear slide down my cheek “It was painful. to realize that I was only being used. that I never had a right to call them my parents.” I wiped my tears with the back of my palm.
He wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me close to him.
I loved the warmth of his skin. everything felt so right.
“I’m sorry”
I heard Brian say.
“For what?” I ask clueless of what he was apologizing for.
“For everything you went through Ciara.”
“I know I’m not supposed to but I miss them. Believe it or not but they raised me. I owe them that much” I say resting on his shoulder.
“Don’t think about it too much. so you can let go later” he whispered to my ears.
it felt like a soothing massage to my skin.
I nod and he kissed my hair.
I raised my head to look at him. He gave me an intense look.
I was already feeling shy all of a sudden.
I mean he just kissed me.
This honeymoon is doing things to the both of us.
“Get up Ciara. let’s go to bed.” he ordered but in a low voice.
I got up from the couch, holding onto my head.
I was beginning to feel the wrath of the alcohol.
He pulled me closer to him and tried to take me to our bedroom.
He opened the door and led me inside.
The room was dim except from the light that shone from the lamp on the desk making it a possible for us to go all the way in.

He gently laid me on the bed. Took off my heels and my jewelry, then placed it on the desk.
“What is happening to me?” I ask no one in particular
he only smiles “you’ll be fine. you’re not used to alcohol that’s why I never wanted you to have some in the first place”
He reached for my blouse and unbuttoned it taking it off and throwing it on the floor.
It was his habit alright. he reached for my skirt and pulled it down my legs.
I had no time to feel self conscious so I didn’t put a fight with him.
He covered the blankets and then turned to join me on the bed.
My eyes were feeling heavy and I really wanted to sleep.
“Brian” I muttered
“Yes. what is it?”
“Come closer” I whispered hitting the spot I wanted him to sleep lightly.
He smiled “No”
“No?” I gave him a quizzical look “Why no?” I ask not sure why I did.

I was under the influence of alcohol so don’t blame me for this.
“You’re drunk Ciara so you don’t expect me to sleep next to you and plus, the Ciara I know would strangle me to death the next morning if she found me that close to her.” he explained
“You don’t like me do you?”
“I’m not answering that. just fall asleep already” he tells me but I stood up and walked to the direction of the bathroom. I wasn’t aware that I was just in my bra and panties.
I got to the bathroom and started making Puking sounds.
Just then, I felt a hand on my hair pulling it up, and the other rubbing my back softly.
It was Brian, no doubt.
When I was done, I washed my face stood up.
He carried me and walked back to the bedroom then placed me on the bed.
He joined me and I closed my eyes to sleep but it wasn’t possible so I just shut my eyes.
I pushed forward and placed my head on Brian’s chest.
He responded by pulling me closer to him and placing his hand on my Hips.
I loved his scent.
He turned his head to look at me. I felt his hand on my lips and the next thing I knew, he leaned forward and kissed me on my lips before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 16 by Jackie

“Good morning sleeping beauty” I heard Brian’s voice in my sleep.
I opened my eyes to adjust the rays of sun passing through them.
i sat upright on the bed as the blanket fell to the bed.
I had forgotten that I was half naked until I heard Brian Cough
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
he didn’t say anything but pointed at my chest.

I looked down only to realize that I was just in my bra which exposed my cleavages. I quickly pulled up the sheets to cover my body.
I looked at Brian, he turned his head to the other side.
why is he acting like he’s never seen a naked woman before? I’m pretty sure Janelle Walks round the house in nudes giving him a chance to wander his eyes over her body and here he was pretending.
“Good morning” I greeted Brian who placed a tray containing tea and muffins.
“Rise and shine sleeping head”
I grinned, holding my head.
“Are you okay?”

I look up to meet his eyes “yeah I’m fine. I’m just having a migraine that’s all” I explained
“I guess it was the alcohol. you had a lot to drink yesterday” he said placing his Palm on my forehead.
I raised my head to look at him. his eyes were fixed on my head so I stared down.
“Do you want to see a doctor?”
I shook my head no.
he’s acting different. not a bad different but a good one.
I could get used to this side of Brian.
I mean I couldn’t forget the kiss he gave me last night.
damn! it’s all so complicated
Does he like me?
or a more important question, Am I starting to like Brian?
What if he’s doing all this cause he’s missing Janelle?
or what if he changes when he sees Janelle?
no, I can’t risk it.
I can’t love him
it’s not going to be possible.
I’m sure he’s doing all this cause he feels as if it’s a responsibility and especially cause we’re alone together and that I have no where to go.
But that doesn’t explain the kiss kiss does it?
I scanned my brain for answers
“You need to rest. you’ll be fine I promise” he tells me and I smile.
Fuck Ciara, don’t smile.
you hate Brian okay.
He’s not really your husband. maybe he is but it’s just on paper.
I reached for the tray to eat breakfast.
“you made this for me?” I asked a little bit surprised. I wasn’t expecting this at all.
“I did. you’ve been doing all the house chores so I thought I’d do something nice for you. I picked up my clothes from the floor—” he paused and looked up to meet my eyes cause he kinda noticed that I was staring at him.
I looked at the floor to confirm the truth and he was right. there was nothing on the floor.
What is going on?
“You really picked them up? why?”
“I realized that you were the one who normally pick them up every morning” he said with a smile.
I blinked twice, no thrice,
“Brian are you okay? are you sick perhaps? Are you having a fever?” I ask
“You better eat up before it gets cold and don’t get used to it. i might change my mind later so enjoy it while it lasts” he said and walked to the door leaving me completely astonished.
“Is this happening right now?” I whispered to myself “What kind of angel visited Brian Last night” I questioned myself as I picked up the glass to take a sip.
“He even brought me breakfast in bed”
the thought of it made me smile.
I slapped myself countless times to stop myself from blushing.
I woke up from bed and walked into the bathroom to bathe.

After having my shower, I scanned the wardrobe for clothes.
I don’t know why but somehow something in me decided to put on something smashing.
not that its for Brian but a lady has to look good once in a while.
I settled for a flair gown.
then styled my hair and applied some makeup.
“All done” I say staring at the mirror.
“What if he doesn’t like this?” I thought again “he doesn’t have to. it’s not like I’m wearing it for him”
who am I kidding?
“I won’t change it. i don’t care if he likes it or not. I didn’t wear it for him. I wore it cause I like it. that’s right Ciara. he doesn’t love you so it shouldn’t matter to you whether he likes it or not” my mental self slapped me.

I turned to go when I noticed Brian standing there. he looked at me like he’s seen a ghost or someone who’s having a brain disorder.
I cleared my throat “Have you… have you been standing here for a long time?”
he shook his head no.
I nodded “so you didn’t hear anything?
“is there something you wanted me to hear?” he asked giving me the look
“No. nothing at all” I said nervously
“Why are you wearing that” he asked and I became self conscious all of a sudden.
“You mean this?” I said pointing at the dress
“you’ve never worn something like this before. do you have a date with someone?”
“No I—”
“its okay. you don’t have to explain anything to me. you look actually different but in a good way. you’re pretty. whoever you wore this for, the guy must be very lucky” he said before walking out the door.
I should’ve known. I was such a fool for thinking that he’d actually like it.
I better change. I don’t want to look like an idiot in front of him again.
I can’t believe he doesn’t like it.
oh Ciara. how could you be so stupid?
I was about taking it off when the door flew open again. it was Brian I know so I didn’t bother to look.
“why are you taking it off?”
“I don’t like it” I simply replied
“But you looked good in it”
“no. don’t flatter me. I look terrible in it. which is why, I’m never wearing it again” I remark
“what if I say you should wear it?” he asked and I turned to look at him.
“Not that I’m stopping you. I wanted us to go out and explore this place and it looks suitable for the occasion.” he said running his hands through his hair
“You want us to go out? like on a date?”
“Um… yes if you call it that but if you don’t want to then its completely fine”

I smiled “I would love to go”
“Then don’t change. I wasn’t lying when I said you looked really pretty in this. I’ll wait for you in the living room” he said before closing the door.
Brian actually called me pretty? he thinks I’m pretty?
I decided not to take it off and went out to meet him.
“So are you ready?”
“Yeah but what about Alex and Jake? won’t they be joining us?”
“Maybe next time. they’re sleeping in today so they said it’s fine if we go on without them” he said and I nod
“Here. wear this” he said putting a sun hat on my head and a shawl round my neck.
“So where are we going?” I ask
“I don’t know. wherever the road takes us” he said with a grin on his face.
“okay” I say and we both head out the door.
We took a cab to a restaurant and got inside.
we sat down and Brian took the menu card while I just stared at him.
“Aren’t you going to order something?” he asked
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was supposed to” in said picking up the card. he only smiles.
“Haven’t gone out on a date before?” he asks
“This is my first date.” I say staring at the menu.
“Your first date?”
“you mean you’ve never been asked out before? so you never had a boyfriend?” he gave me a puzzled look
“I have been asked out before. I just wasn’t ready. I had to work for my family so I never really gave it a thought” I said
“so you mean I took your first kiss? you never even kissed in high school?” he asked
“I guess some people has other things in their lives which are more important than a romantic relationship don’t you think Mr Salter?” I ask still not looking at him
he didn’t respond.
“You never really had anyone to care about your needs so you took it all on yourself didn’t you?” he asked and I couldn’t respond “don’t worry I’ll take care of you from now on okay?”
“you’re not serious”
“I am. let’s start by knowing the things you love. so what’s your favorite color?”.
” yellow?” I respond
“Favorite ice cream?”
“Vanilla” I reply
“favorite song?”
“I don’t really know”
“okay” he reply.
he called the Waiter and whispered something to her ears. is he flirting with her?
She smiled and walked away.
I guess people don’t really change.

She returned later with a huge glass containing vanilla ice cream.
I smiled trying to take it in.
“Is this what you were whispering to her?” I asked still smiling
“Yeah. you thought I was asking her out?”
“No I didn’t”
“thank you” I say and he nods.
We finished eating and bought some for home.
“Thank you for today” I say but he didn’t say anything.
I walked up him.
“Brian?” I called and he turned to look at me
I kissed him on his cheeks.
I don’t know why I did but I just felt it was right.
He walked towards me and I took a step back till I hit the wall.
He caged me in still staring at me.
he tucked a strand of hair behind my ears and brought his face down to mine.
I closed my eyes as I felt his breathe on my face.
He was about to kiss me when suddenly the door flew open…


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3 years ago

Ghen Ghen…e done happen. Ciara Smith…. sorry…Ciara Salter is in love oooo. But what oo…Who opened the door…can’t neighbors know when to not wreck the mood?

Last edited 3 years ago by DiArSi
3 years ago

In the end, humans are indeed capable of much more beyond what they think. See Ciara… See Brian…okay ooo