MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 10 – 12 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 10 by Jackie

we pulled away from the kiss and that’s when I realized what I was doing.
I Kissed Brian again?
what is wrong with me? why couldn’t I resist?
But damn I guess I kinda liked it. I put my clothes in order. I couldn’t even look at him.
We were both avoiding eye contact.
I sighed and wiped my lips with my hands.
He adjusted his tie and tried to walk away.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I ask, feeling a lot irritated by what happened
“To finish dinner. that’s what we came here for, right?” he asked, sarcasm down his throat.
He just kissed me and pretended as if nothing happened.
I mean I wasn’t expecting to act like something happened but still
“You just kissed me Brian, forcefully” I said pointing at him
“And what part of it didn’t you enjoy?” he asked feeling a bit amused. I know he was mocking me.
“Enjoy? seriously? are you for real” I asked him but he laughed it off

Am I for real? I mentally slapped myself.
you were not at fault Ciara. You didn’t kiss him, he did.
“I mean normally, you would yell or hit me but you didn’t. so who’s to blame” he asked folding his arms across his chest.
“and besides, I only did that to prove a, point. you can’t get me upset without my permission” he said and winked at me.
I felt like strangling the life out of him. he’s an asshole and a big one at that.
He turned around and tried walking away again.
“Curse you Brian. curse you and everything that has, to do with you” I yelled at out loud but he didn’t seem affected, he just turned around and started walking up to me. I tried moving back till I hit the wall. he pulled his face down to mine as if he was gonna kiss me again.
“Curse everything that has, to do with me? including you right? cause you are literally my wife so curse you too” he smiled and walked away.
“I hate him, I hate him, I hate him so much.” I said to myself and angrily walked out to join the others.
“Are you feeling better now?” his mom asked and he threw me a look before taking another bite into his mouth.
“I’m… I’m fine” I said taking my seat next to Brian.
He dished some salad into my plate, trying to act like an ideal husband which he clearly was not, I gave him a deadly stare but he smiled and winked at me.
“I can manage” I say
“Yes I know that Mrs Salter but let me help” he said and I sneered.
“Awwn, they look so cute together” his mom cooed making me barf.
He pulled close to me and whispered into my ear “don’t forget, we’re acting like a couple tonight so don’t try something silly” he tells me and takes a forkful of salad, placing it on my lip.
“I’m not eating that.” I said in almost a whisper.
“eat or I’ll kiss you again in front of mom and dad” he tells me and I knew that he meant it.
“You won’t dare” I threatened
“I will cause you actually did that to me last night. you screamed because I refused to take a fucking burger off your hand” he said and the whole scenario flashed before my eyes making me a whole lot embarrassed
“So are you eating or should I kiss you?” he added
I reluctantly opened my mouth and he put the salad into my mouth.
“now that’s a good girl” he said and I chewed on the salad. I just pray this night ends pretty soon or I’m gonna loose it.
His parents were staring at us as if they were watching a movie.
I gave a fake smile and they returned it with a cheerful one.
“so where would love to go for your honeymoon?” his dad asked us, I didn’t bother to reply so I focused on my food. he agreed to their plans so he should face whatever that comes with it alone.
“I was thinking Hawaii. they have a good beach over there.” His dad suggested
“How about Vegas or LA? if you love sight seeing”
“We’ll think of where we would like to go and tell you all about it,” Brian said picking on his food.
“You have to leave like this week or next. I want you out of here as soon as possible so you both could make kids” she said with pleading eyes
I coughed.
“Please mom. maybe next cause I have to finalize everything work related before I leave. so you won’t have a hard time running the company when I’m gone” he said and after a while they nodded yes.
“well played” I tell him and he glared at me.

We talked about other stuff but Brian’s mom was bent on us having kids, it’s not like you can just stuff them in a, sack and bring them to her. it would’ve been a, lot easier.
She’s one hell of a, kid lover.
Brian was right all along.
After dinner, Brian’s mom served us desert.
Brian went upstairs to talk to his dad and I was stuck with his mom.
We had a really long conversation which was mostly about Brian, when he was a kid, his favourite meal, blah blah blah. I really didn’t care to know but it’s not like I could tell her so I just nodded and smiled when necessary.
Next she brought a photo album showing their lives even since they got married till the birth of Brian.
“This was the time Brian won the tennis tournament at a country Club back in Hong Kong” she said to me.
“I never knew Brian plays tennis”
“he’s really great at it.”
“Wow. the pictures are amazing” I comment
“Yeah” she said, her smile turning into a frown
“What’s wrong mom?” I ask, a little confused about her sudden mood swing.
“Well I really wish we had a picture of you in the album” she said feeling really down
“it’s really OK mom. I don’t mind” I say but she takes my hand in hers making me face her. I was totally lost. what could be wrong now?
“Ciara” she trailed off looking at me “promise me that you’re going to make a baby with Brian?”
I swallowed hard.
“But mom.. ”

“I know Brian May not be the perfect husband. he’s my son so believe me I know. But no guy in his right state of mind won’t be happy especially when he has a child to call his. the baby could be the bridge between your marriage. It may bring Brian closer to you and no man won’t be able to love the mother of his child. You should really try to make the most out of your honeymoon. if you wait for Brian to make a move, you’re gonna wait forever. he acts all tough now but he’s really shy” she says and we both giggle.
“Alright Mom. I will try” I lied.
I don’t have any intention to make out with Brian.
Not in his life. or mine, or never mind.
“Thanks Ciara” she said hugging me.
wait until Brian breaks the news about how we got married.
“Can we go now!?” he asked and we pulled away from the hug.
I stood up and they walked us to the door.
“Bye mom. thanks for dinner” I called as he opened the door for me.
“Take care of her”
“will do” he says and hopped in.
he started the engine and we drove home in silence. no one speaking to the other.

I opened the door and walked inside, Brian trailed after me. I was about to pull the door knob when he said
“Ciara we need to talk”
I turned around and saw him standing there, hands akimbo
“whatever about?”
“The honeymoon” he said through gritted teeth
“Oh you mean the honeymoon you totally agreed on?” I ask, sarcasm down my throat.
“Yes and we’re going”
“Geez Brian. I told you before that I don’t want to go on a fucking honeymoon.”
“If we don’t go, mom and dad will think we played them don’t you see?” he said with a serious face
“no I don’t see cause if we go, you’re actually giving your parents something to believe on. to hold on to” I say and pushed the door open

I looked at him and he looked somewhat confused.
“they’ll think that we love each other and made out so they’ll be expecting kids. and I don’t want to have kids with a guy like you” I say “just tell Janelle. I’m sure she won’t mind”
“you think I’m bad don’t you Ciara” he asked
“yes you are. you don’t know the value of relationship. you don’t believe in love. you think it’s just a game. you have no desire whatsoever to have a committed relationship. you love everything in skirts. and do you know the worse part?” I ask walking up to him. “No girl in her right state of mind would ever love you. cause you will never be able to love them back. have you asked yourself the reason why you think your parents don’t love you? well it’s because you don’t deserve it. believe me, you’re wasted” I said. I didn’t know I could say all those things to Brian.
His eyes were bloodshot. red and fierce but I wasn’t scared.
I turned to go but stopped immediately like I’ve forgotten something
“By the way, you’ll only be able to get the likes of Janelle and not me Brian and if you don’t think I’m right then prove me wrong” I said before making my way inside my room. .
Somehow I don’t know why I’m still stuck in this useless marriage.
And now kids?

Not gonna work. we would go to the honeymoon alright but Brian would have any close contact with me cause I won’t let it happen…
I got on my bed and tried to have a shut eye. I didn’t bother to shower cause I was damn tired so I just threw the idea away. I didn’t bother about Brian. he’s not a baby so I’m sure he can handle himself.
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep…

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 11 by Jackie

I woke up the next morning and had a cold shower.
last night was a wild one and I’m glad it’s over.
I slipped into a pair of leather pants and a white top. then I rolled my hair into a messy bun. I walked out from the bedroom and went straight to the kitchen.
After thinking of the perfect breakfast. I settled for tuna casserole.
I quickly prepared breakfast and set up the table.
I served breakfast and sat down to eat mine.
“Why is he not here? he’s never late for breakfast” I thought to myself and shrugged.
I pushed the thoughts of Brian aside and sat down on the couch. I went through a, magazine I saw on the table to pass time.
20 minutes
30 minutes
An hour???

I glanced at my watch for the umpteenth time. No sight of Brian. where could he have gone.
I stood up and walked to his bedroom.
I hesitated to knock but I finally knocked after standing there for close to ten minutes practising a dumb ninja skill if in case Brian would attack which is completely insane.
I kept on knocking but there was no response.
“Brian” I call slightly opening up the door and taking a peek before walking inside.
His bed was neatly dressed like he never slept on it.
The wardrobe and everything was where it should be. did an angel visit Brian last night? he’s not the type to clean or Quick question? Did he sleep at home last night? I really don’t know cause after giving him a full lecture, I didn’t care whether he slept here or not.
What if he went to work early today?
I slapped myself mentally

I really shouldn’t be bothered if he sleeps in or not. it’s his life. too bad it’s been wasted in this manner.
I sighed and left the room gently closing the door.
I proceeded to the dinning area to clean up since he wasn’t here to eat his meal when I heard a knock on the door followed by an opening.
“Hi penny” I called and rushed to meet her.
I’ve missed her
“Ciara. how are you”
“I’m good. come in” I moved aside so she could enter and trailed after her.
“What’s cooking cause I am starved” she said trying to mimic a British accent which sounded funny.
“Is this yours cause I’m about to munch on it” she said causing me to laugh.
“it’s Brian’s but you can have it. he’s not at home” I say before taking a step into the kitchen
“Oh he’s gone to work already?” she asked
I shrugged “I don’t know. I woke up and didn’t see him.”
“You had a fight?” she asked knowingly
“Maybe. maybe not. just told him what he wouldn’t like to hear. I guess” I added
“so he’s mad?”
“Kinda. not really sure. I didn’t see his face to confirm if he was”
“what happened Ciara” she said giving me a quizzical look
“His parents wants us to have kids. I mean doesn’t that sound absurd to you?” I said placing my hands on my hips with widened eyes.
“So that’s the problem?”
“That’s half of it. I gave him a chance to look at the mirror but he didn’t like what he saw. I told him who he really was and why he’s so stuck like an helpless child” I say and threw the rag on the counter.
“Ciara you shouldn’t have done that”
“There’s a lot of things he shouldn’t have done too like marrying me. now look, they want kids and you don’t expect me to make out with Brian, he’s so not my type” I say and walk to the living room. i sat down and fixed my eyes on the ceiling.
“I’m really messed up penny” I say bowing my head as the thoughts were flooding through my head.
Will I ever enjoy my marriage with Brian.
when will this nightmare come to an end.
“You and Brian have something in the future and I know it. only time will tell what fate has in store for both of you” she said before walking away to the kitchen area.
Someone speak English please
my life is being ruined and they keep telling me it’ll be fine when clearly it’s not.
I rested my head and closed my eyes to rethink.

He opened the door and walked in with his brief case.
it was 7:00pm at night and I didn’t care to ask why he’s so late.
His eyes landed on me but he quickly pretended like he didn’t see me.
Am I invincible?
“Brian about what i said last night—” I trailed off but he only walked past me into his room slamming his door shut.
i almost jumped out of my body. I’ve never seen him like this.
I was already becoming scared.
He didn’t come for like 30 minutes and when he did, his eyes were bloodshot.

I guess he has been working or drinking.
cause Brian doesn’t smoke. I would bet my life on that.
“are you hungry” I ask but no response “should I get you some aspirin?” I added but nothing.
He only stared at me before throwing a paper at me. more like a memo
“That’s where we’re
going for our honeymoon so get packed by tomorrow” he tells me, he wasn’t in his right mood so I don’t want to upset him further
“T-Tomorrow? isn’t that too early?”
“we’re taking Penny. mom’s order” he, say completely ignoring my question
“Brian we can’t just leave. what happened to next week. you said you have a, lot of things to take care of”
“I just took care of them today so we don’t have any reason to stay. it’s a house outside of town in Hawaii.” he, said turning to leave
“Brian please” I beg
“Don’t worry, we won’t touch each other. I’ll stay as far as I can away from you. I can never get the likes of Ciara Smith so it’s pointless if I try” he growled.
I can’t believe he remembers my last name.
“You’re getting it wrong Brian” I say. he’s making me feel bad. I’m starting to regret everything I said to him
“Get ready Ciara.”
was all he said before leaving me there all alone
What have I done, I hope I haven’t unleashed a monster instead of a human.

All through the night, I couldn’t sleep,
Brian has been on my mind. Hope I did the right thing.
I’m not used to seeing him like this.
I quickly packed my things inside a bag.
I was confused of what to do at such short notice.
I heard noises and bottles from my room.
I walked out to see who it was. only to find Janelle and Brian in the bar. I guess he called her.
“I wish I could go with you” she whined taking a lock of hair in her hand and twirling it.
“I wish you could too but I don’t want mom to find out. how about you come visit” he tells her and she smiles.
I hid in a corner looking at them
I knew that Brian would never change but why does it hurt?
maybe it’s because he has somehow kissed me.
don’t be affected Ciara. don’t get attached. I mentally slapped myself.
“I’ll definitely come visit bad boy” she teased kissing him hungrily.
Brian caught me and I quickly hid myself.
“Let’s go in Janelle” he tells her and she stood up and followed him.
They caught me when I tried to go inside my room.
“Have you been spying on us?” Janelle ask but I didn’t respond
“Are you done packing” he ask
I nod “Almost done”
“Good. I can only get the likes of Janelle cause she’s not as boring as you are and I think I love it that way” he said resuming the kiss
“I know. that’s cause she’s a cheap whore. she sells herself for any price but can you actually get married to her Brian. you wouldn’t, you couldn’t. I’ll assume you’re in your bad mood Brian so I’ll let you cool off with Janelle” I say and open my door
“Have fun. it never lasts anyway.” I added before shutting the door on their amused and slightly confused faces.

I heaved and returned to what I was doing
After we’re back from the honeymoon, I’ll put my plan into action so that Brian Would finally divorce me so I can leave this marriage for good.

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 12 by Jackie

“are you fully packed?” Brian asked me stuffing my luggage inside the car.
I nod “Yes that’s all”
“Have you called penny?” he asked again
“Yes I have. she’ll be here in a while” I say not looking at him.
My eyes were fixed somewhere else. I’m leaving the country and i couldn’t say one “Goodbye” to my parents and Brian doesn’t seem concerned about it. he just acts like he doesn’t care.
part of me feels like murdering him right here and now.
I notice him glance at his watch. I guess he was getting pissed off with penny running late.
I hope she doesn’t come so we can cancel.

We waited for about half an hour before penny came running to us. but surprisingly, she didn’t come prepared. just a clutch hanging on her shoulders.
“What took you so long penny, we’ve been worried sick and we’re running late” Brian stresses out.
“I had to take care of a lot of things and the bad news is that I won’t be coming with you” she said
“W-What?” I asked stuttering.
“But Mom said—” Brian trailed off
“Yeah she did but I can’t come. I’ve already told her and she agreed to it.”
I quickly held Penny’s hand and walked her to a corner.
“Penny you have to come” I say but she didn’t seem interested
“No Ciara. it’s your honeymoon. you have to spend time with Brian alone” she said stressing the “Alone”
“I don’t want to go alone with Brian. He’ll always be around till we get back.” I say panicking
“It’s just for a couple of weeks. I’m sure you can handle it”
“No it’s actually for a month and no, I can’t handle it. penny you promised you’d go” I say like a little child begging for candy. and for the record, I am begging for candy which is actually penny.
“Come on Ciara. I don’t want to get in your way and besides you’re good at everything, cooking, cleaning so my presence won’t be actually needed there” she said taking my hand “I know you’re scared but I trust you. everything would be fine alright” she added.
“I don’t want to go”
“You actually promised Brian’s parents that you’d be there so you have to be there” she smoothed my hair with her hands and kissed my head.
“I’ll miss you” I blurt out, extending my hands for a hug.
“I’ll miss you too child” she said before pulling away from the embrace.
“Now be a good girl over there” she cautioned
“can’t make any promises” I say before walking up to Brian.
“Are you done with your little meeting” Brian asked immediately he saw us.
“Yes we are” penny replies. I just remained silent.
He made out with a girl on my matrimonial bed and has the guts to ask me questions? fuck the nerve of this guy.
I scoff.

She hugged Brian and waved at us as we got into the car. Brian started the engines and drove to the airport.
All through the drive, I remained silent not wanting to talk to Brian. he’s a jerk.
I just threw my face outside the window as the cool breeze blew across my face.
He played a song on the radio and I hummed to the tune.
The drive was smooth. but my mind kept on thinking.
Why didn’t penny want to come with us?
maybe Brian told her off. He’s capable of doing anything.
We arrived at the airport and checked in.
The PA system announced our flight after a few minutes.
“That’s our flight. we have to go” Brian said walking away and I stood up and trailed after him.
I was feeling a bit sad.
I’m going to another country far away from my parents and I’m a bit scared cause I’ve never really travelled by air. this was my first time.

We got into the plane and was given a place to sit. I sat next to Brian. The flight attendant gave a few lessons on how to put on a seat belt. blah blah.
The flight was to last for four hours.
so we’re gonna be sitting here for four hours.
I was really nervous and my Palm was already sweaty.
My heart kept on thudding against my chest.
And my breath came in pants. one after the other.
“Are you okay?” Brian asked staring at me. I guess he already noticed how scared I was.
“I’m fine” I say trying not to talk to him at all.
Some minutes later, the plane was ready for take off.
I shut my eyes tightly holding my seat together.
I was damn scared.
Just then I felt a hand on mine. I suddenly became calm. I took a peek only to see Brian’s hand on mine.
Why is he holding me? what’s going on?
“Relax. I could tell you were frightened. my parents held my hands like this on my first flight. it’s completely normal” he said not looking at me
“Thank you” I said.
He let go when we were perfectly flying on the air.
They served us some snacks two hours later.
Damn, I was nauseating. I felt like I was gonna puke in the next minute.
My stomach had already tied a knot.
I shut my eyes and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

“Hey wake up. we’re almost there” I heard someone calling out to me. I opened my eyes only to see Brian.
“Finally” I said sitting upright.
The plane landed at a airport in Hawaii and we all exited.
“Hi Ciara” A voice called and I turned to see Darren walking up to me.
“I almost didn’t recognize you” he added
“OMG Darren” I said giving him a hug. I noticed Brian’s face turn sour.
“What are you doing here?” I ask
“Well the article you wrote was a blast and the company’s going great now. I’m here to meet some investors.”
he said and just then I missed my old job back
“That’s great. so how’s my parents” I ask
“They’re OK. Maybe since you’re here, we could probably go out or spend some time together” he said. I guess he doesn’t know I’m married now.
Brian coughed and walked up to me wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me closer to him possessively.
Darren looked surprised as his eyes trailed to Brian’s hand on my waist.
what’s wrong with him.
I tried pulling away from his grip but he only tightens his hand.
“Don’t forget that we are married in the eyes of people” he, whispers to me.
does it really matter.

“Hi I’m Brian. Ciara’s husband. we’re here on our honeymoon” he tells Darren who gave me a surprised stare
“Are you married Ciara” he asked not believing in what he just heard from Brian.
“I just told you that we are. take a, look” he said raising my hands and flaunting it across Darren’s face so that he could actually see the ring.
“Yes. I’m married Darren” I finally managed to say “I’m sorry”
“Let’s go Ciara.” Brian said still not letting go.
I pushed him away when we’ve walked a bit farther from Darren.
“What did you do that for?” I ask
“He can’t just ask you out on a date when we’re both married” he tells me
“Really?” I ask placing my hand on my hip. “are we really married.”
“Say you want Ciara but we’re married”
“So you can flirt and have sex when you want to and I shouldn’t?” I scoff “Need I remind you that you said you’re gonna stay away from me so I’m free to do what I want”
“So what? you want to snuggle on a bed with him right here”
“excuse me. Have you forgotten that you snuggled up with Janelle last night!” I ask but he only runs his hand through his hair
“So what? you want to get back at me?”
“you’re lucky I’m not that kind of girl. I won’t mind kissing him in front of you” I yell
“Don’t start Ciara”
“oh please. see why I never wanted to come on this fucking honeymoon.”
“He was flirting with you”
“it’s not like it’s a bad thing. you flirt with girls don’t you and besides Darren is a friend of mine. you don’t have to act all possessive as if we’re really married OK” I say
“Fine you can do what you want”
“Thank you” I say and we threw our faces at the other direction not wanting to talk to the other.
We are married?
What a joke!!!


To be continued…….

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