HER BABYs SECRET Episode 5 – 6 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 5 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: The career woman

        Arike's POV

“Are you guys together now?” She asked.

“No! We are not together.” I responded in a way that won’t make her ask anymore questions but I was wrong.

“Why? Don’t you like him? Is he not nice?” She questioned frantically.

“Bamidele is a nice guy but I don’t think I want to be with him like -” I paused.

“Like what?” She sounded annoyed.

“The feeling is not just there like it’s supposed to be.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

“Do you intend to remain single forever?”

“Of course not.” I laughed.

“Listen to me, I haven’t seen you with any man in years except Dayo. You keep turning every man down as if your body is made of steel. Don’t you want to be happy like Adedayo?”

“I am happy sister Busayomi. I am doing well at work.” I answered.

My career comes first before anything else.

“Pele o career woman. Listen to me! I can’t let you continue living like this..and if you are not going to be serious with a relationship,I will start hooking you up on dating sites.” She said

I bursted into a laughter. “Ahh no! Sister mi there’s no need for that.”

“Then give a man a chance to love you.” She persuaded.

“Okay I have heard you.” I sighed.

“You have heard me or you’ll do it?”


“Bamidele is there o.” She added

“I know….sister mi please…”

“I should shut up right?”

“I didn’t say that now.” I rubbed my temples.

“So when are we meeting?”

“For now I am not too busy at work. So you can come around any time you want.”

“Okay I’ll visit you this weekend.” She said.

“I’ll be expecting you.”

“Take care of yourself.”

She disconnected the call. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Some minutes later the office line rang.

“Yes Chioma,”

“Ma’am someone is out here to see you.” My secretary informed me.

“Who is the person?”

“He is not a client but claimed to be your friend.” She answered.

“Doesn’t he have a name?”

“Barrister Bamidele.” She added.

“Oh! Let him in.”

“Okay ma.”

A knock sounded on the door after some seconds.

“Come in,”

Bamidele walked in. “Hello Damsel.”

“How are you Bamidele?”

“I am okay and you?”

“I am fine too. So to what do I own this visit?”

“Well I just came around to check on you.” He replied.

“That’s so nice.”

“Can we go out for dinner?” He asked. It wasn’t the first time Bamidele was asking me out for dinner but I have always turned him down.

“Ahm..ahm..Bamidele..I -“

“Please don’t say no again. We already won our case.” His eyes pleaded with me. The case had been an excuse to not have dinner with Bamidele.

“Arike, I know you already made it clear that we can’t be more than friends and I respect your decision. But having dinner with me as a friend is not a bad idea.” He said calmly.

Bamidele was indeed a gentleman, any woman’s choice but something isn’t right between us. The spark you feel when you love someone isn’t there in me. And I am still yet to figure out why Adedayo doesn’t want me to have anything to do with Bamidele. I should turn him down but then I remembered Busayomi words.

“Well it’s alright if you don’t -“

I cut him off. “Yes! I mean…I’ll have dinner with you.”

His face lit up in sheer surprise. “Seriously?”

“I just said yes Bamidele.” I smiled.

“Okay…so what time should I come pick you up?” He asked, excitement in his tone.

“Let’s meet up by 7 and you don’t have to come and pick me up just send me the address.”

“Okay..if that’s what you want.”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“So what case are you handling now?”

“A rape case, a young girl was gang raped at a birthday party. The boys involved are sons of notable men in the country.”

“So they are likely to get away?” he asked.

“Not when I am involved. They claimed that they girl gave her consent.”

“Is that true?” He asked feeling furious.

“No! My client is minor and she never gave consent to such terrible act!” I seeth my teeth in anger.

“This is really bad.”

“I have evidences that she was raped.”

“Let me see.”

I gave him some paper files. “Medical reports and a recording of one of the boys apologizing to her.”

“This is enough evidence to put them in jail.” He said.

“I will get more and make sure those bastards are put behind bars!” I spat angrily.


Theme: Hidden feelings

      Arike's POV

I rushed out of the kitchen at the jingling sound of the bell attached to my door. I was surprised to see who was at the door.

“Shalewa.” I said.

“Good day Arike.” She greeted with her shoulder high up in the air.

“Yeah…good afternoon.” I managed to smile still wondering why she was here without Adedayo.

“Won’t you invite me in? It’s not polite to keep me waiting out here.” She said.

“Oh! I am sorry…please come in.” I stepped aside and opened the door wide for her to come in.

“Are you expecting someone?” She asked.


She interrupted my statement. “Dayo is coming over?”

“No, I am not expecting Dayo.”

“So who are you expecting?’

“My big sister is coming over to spend some time with me.”

“Big sister?” She raised her eyebrows. “But Dayo told me that you are the only child of your mother.”

“Yes, he’s right.”

“So who is this big sister?”

“A friend turned sister.” I responded.


“What should I get for you?”

“I didn’t come here for merriment.” She replied.

“So why are you here?” I asked.

“Did Dayo tell you anything about me?” She asked.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“Did Dayo say anything bad about me to you?” She repeated.

“I am not sure but Dayo loves you.” I said not knowing what exactly to say to her.

“I am beginning to doubt our love and relationship.” She said with a sad face.

“Why? What’s going on Shalewa?”

She stood up from the couch picking her bag along the way. “I still can’t figure out why Dayo got so mad after seeing you with that guy at dinner.” She stared into my eyes.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

When I went to dinner with Bamidele during the week, we bumped into Dayo and Shalewa at the same restaurant. With the look on Dayo’s face I knew he wasn’t happy to see me with Bamidele because he already warned me to stay away from him. Shalewa suggested that we all have dinner together but Dayo said no,grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and left with pure anger in his expression. I didn’t like his annoying attitude at dinner because this is my life. And Shalewa showing up here unexpectedly and her strange questions really baffles me.

“I find it hard to believe that you’re just friends with Dayo.”

“You need to stop making assumptions. There’s nothing going on between Dayo and I. We’re just friends,that’s all.”

“I don’t believe you.” She said with a serious face.

“What do I need to do to make you believe me?”

How do you expect me to believe you when Dayo never stops talking about how awesome is female bestie is!”

“You should deal with that with Dayo and not me.”

“How do you expect me to believe you when your eyes says entirely different things. I have watched you, I can tell you feel something for Dayo but you don’t want to admit it.”

I moved away from her. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Shalewa.”

“Stop pretending, Arike!”

This girl is really crazy! How dare she come into my house and talk nonsense to me. I am just keeping calm for Dayo’s sake.

I sighed,trying to hide the anger stirring within me. “Listen, if you are here to find out if I am in love with your man then I’ll tell you that you’ve got the wrong notion. Dayo loves you and that’s why he has made the decision to marry you.”

I felt her relaxing at my words. “Are you sure Arike?”

“Yes I am very sure. Moreover I have Bamidele so I don’t need to go after another man.”

“Well I just wanted to be sure if there’s nothing going on between the both of you.”

“You need to stop feeling insecure. Dayo is your husband and no one is going to come in between both of you.” I added calmly.

“I hope so too.” She mumbled.

I shook my head. “I should get going now.” She said.


“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” She apologized.

“It’s alright.” I managed to smile.

I understand Shalewa was just trying to protect her territory.

“Take care.”

I heaved a sigh of relief after her departure.

I haven’t seen Dayo since we met at the restaurant. I sent him series of texts, explaining that Bamidele and I aren’t really a thing like he had claimed over the phone when I called him the same night. Dayo didn’t believe that there was nothing going on between Bamidele and I.

I face palmed myself for lying to Shalewa and making it seem like there was something serious between Bamidele and I. No doubt, she would tell it to Dayo except if she doesn’t want him to know that she visited me. Shalewa showing up at my doorstep just to find out if I love Dayo still sound strange to me.

Did she expect me to admit my feelings? At least she has Dayo and they would get married soon so why bother about a damn feelings?!

“Hey why the long face?” Sister Busayomi asked as she settled on the couch.

“What took you so long?” I frowned. I have been really expecting her.

“Don’t blame me o, you know Lagos traffic na. Wait is that why you are frowning as if someone fart in your mouth?” She joked but I didn’t laugh.

“It took you forever to get here. Ahn ahn since 9 that you’ve called that you’re on your way, but look at the time now 3:15pm.”

“Chai! Arike! Aren’t you a Lagosian?”

“Sister Mi that duration is too long, 9am to 3:15pm. So you spent six hours on the road, are you coming from ilorin?”

“Wait o miss judge,abeg before you pass on your judgement, I hope all is well with you?”

“Don’t I look fine to you?”

“I am asking a question too na.”

“I am fine o”

“But why take things personal?”

“What? I am just surprised you spent six hours in traffic on this same highland.”

Lemme be honest, it is not traffic matter that is doing me but Shalewa’s unexpected visit plus I received a text from Dayo earlier saying that we need to have a serious talk. I already a bit nervous about meeting him, I don’t know if Shalewa told him what I said about Bamidele or maybe something different.

“Oya let me say the truth, I dropped by at a friend’s place. Today is her daughter’s birthday so I just went to say Hi to the little girl.”

“I said it! I know you can’t really spend six hours for that short journey!”

“Madam please I am starving!”

“You didn’t eat at your friend’s place?”

“No I didn’t eat o, I just drank Chivita active.”

“There’s no food.” I lied.

Her smile faded Immediately. “Play play abi you’re joking?”

“I’m serious o. I was waiting for you to come around so we can cook together.”

“Ah! Arike! What sort of nonsense waiting is that now?!” She eyed me.

“But you -” I interrupted her before she kills me with words. I know Busayomi doesn’t joke with food. But this is my own way of getting back at her for keeping me waiting.

“Arike we’ll fight o!”

“There’s food o!”

“Ehn ehn so you were teasing me abi?” She hissed.

“I prepared your favorite.”

“For playing me I am no longer interested.” She folded her arms.

“Ah no vex…”

“I am serious.” She frowned.

“No..no..someone cannot play with you?”

“You can play with me with anything but not food.”

“I am sorry.” I laughed.

“I am going back to my home.”

“I have semo and efo elegusi.”

She looked at me. “And what?”

“I garnished it with assorted meat, pomo, dry smoked fish -“

Sister Busayomi was already on her way to the kitchen before I could even finish my statement.

“Make sure you have a good gist so I can hear it while eating.” She shouted from the kitchen.

I already made up my mind to tell her about the dinner, Shalewa’s visit and Dayo’s text. I am pretty sure she would have something to say and also give me good advice.


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3 years ago

Where’s episode 7to 12

3 years ago

Nice story so far

3 years ago

Busayomi and gist ehn!!?