HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 2 – Olowojesiku Deborah

HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 1 - Olowojesiku Deborah

HE CALLED ME A CHEAT Episode 2 – Olowojesiku Deborah

My education came to an end when my father died and I practically resumed the position of a housemaid. One day, I asked my stepmother what my offense was for the maltreatment that was meted out to me. After slapping me for asking her a dumb question, she made me realize that I was being punished for my mother’s sin.

After hearing the reason for my maltreatment, I kept quiet and silently bear all the pains. When I turned eighteen, my stepmother gave my hand out in marriage. When her sons tried to stop her claiming I was too young to be married off, she simply said I would become a whore if I wasn’t married off at eighteen. She further said that since my mother was a whore then there was a tendency that I would end up being one.

Mrs. Adejumo my stepmother’s friend was really in need of a wife for her first son who was wallowing in drunkenness as a result of heartbreak. When my stepmother heard her plight, she then asked her if she would like me to be her son’s wife, something Mrs. Adejumo gladly accepted. Mrs. Adejumo was given a list of things that served as my dowry and it was given to my stepmother including some amount of money.

After the dowry has been made, a vehicle was sent to convey me to the Adejumo’s residence. That day, I refused to go with the driver. I pleaded and pleaded with my stepmother not to marry me off as I saw my dream crumbling. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and I have been doing everything possible to make sure that my plan of mine come to manifestation before my father died.

My stepmother turned a deaf ear to my cry and instructed that I should be dragged to the Adejumo’s residence if I refused to go with the driver. True to her word, i was dragged into the car and was driven away to the house of my in-laws. Getting to the Adejumo’s resident, Mrs. Adejumo instructed me to wipe my tears if I don’t want to see the other side of her.

That night, I was treated like a princess, something that greatly surprised me. The following day, Mrs. Adejumo sat me down and gave me a list of rules and regulations that would guide me while living in her son’s house.

Exactly 6 pm that day, I was driven to John’s house. Getting to his resident, we met his absence but the driver who seems to have access to his house, opened the door for me to go in with my things. After the driver left, I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for him just as his mother instructed me. Done with dinner, I tidy the house and made it look good. When I was done with the chores, I sat in the living awaiting his arrival.

John drove in exactly 7:30 pm looking worn out. He was so surprised to see a young girl sitting in his living room.

‘Hello, please what are you doing in my house?’ He asked with a serious tone

‘Go..od evening sir, the term actually I am your new wife’ i replied with my face bowed to the ground

‘New wife? I don’t remember having a wife. Wait! Is my mother behind this?’

‘Yes sir’ I replied innocently wishing he could say he is not interested so that I would be sent back to my stepmother

‘I need to speak to my mother, things aren’t done this way’

John went into his room to make a call, I heard him raising his voice on whosoever he was speaking with. I was expecting him to come to send me back when he ended the call but he didn’t rather he told me to stay in a room till things were sorted out.

John did everything possible to say no to the union but it was already late because my dowry has been paid. He suggested divorce but his mother threatened to disown and disinherit him if he ever tried it. When John saw that there was nothing he could do, he let me stay in his house but he said I was just nothing but a housemate. Things were going on smoothly between us, he was being a nice person till one terrible night.

One thing I hate about John is his drunkenness, his mother mentioned it to me that his ex-girlfriend left him for his best friend. That night, he didn’t come home at 7:30 pm which was his usual arriving time. I kept waiting and waiting until he finally arrives at 10 pm. The moment he entered the living room, he vomited messing up the floor. I cleaned the living room and also cleaned him up before assisting him in his room.

Getting to his room, I made him lie on the bed and covered him with a duvet. As I made to leave his side, he suddenly drags me to himself. I tried to free myself from his grip but before I could do that, he dragged me to his bed and forcefully lie on me while muttering some words.

‘After all, I did, you deem it fit to abscond with my best friend. Today, I am going to show you what it means to be ruthless ‘ he said while trying to tear my nightie

‘Uncle John please don’t do this to me, I am not your ex-girlfriend. I am Precious’ I tried pleading with him but my pleas fell on deaf ears.


To be continued.

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